Log 2948568

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #414283 - brkn vs BaD koth_ashville_rc2c Highlander 1 3 25:45 Jun 14, 2021, 2:06 AM


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red pills Scout 16 16 15 200 206 100 5163 5306 2579 4 0 26 0 0 2 25:45
Red PPpoopoo Soldier 26 27 4 341 268 41 8788 6906 1061 3 5 94 0 0 0 25:45
Red shawty (earl) Pyro 18 17 10 184 231 167 4759 5961 4317 3 1 16 0 0 3 25:45
Red ❤IDare Demo 32 20 8 590 382 275 15195 9838 7089 6 0 18 0 0 4 25:45
Red goblin Engineer 16 24 14 206 244 62 5322 6288 1614 3 0 28 0 0 3 25:45
Red Confixil Heavy 23 16 20 302 553 359 7793 14240 9267 6 0 4 0 0 6 25:45
Red prime Medic 0 11 25 10 160 268 4138 0 0 0 10 0 0 4 25:45
Red earl Sniper 28 19 5 335 252 106 8641 6501 2738 6 0 12 0 18 3 25:45
Red eggu Spy 15 27 1 256 223 12 6597 5755 322 4 0 20 13 0 2 25:45
Blue bigblocksbarry52 Scout 29 23 11 299 260 100 7715 6715 2594 4 0 28 0 0 8 25:45
Blue pmn06 Soldier 23 27 6 329 285 43 8494 7340 1112 2 1 76 0 0 0 25:45
Blue Brandon_411 Pyro 23 14 24 255 236 191 6591 6097 4922 7 0 12 0 0 0 25:45
Blue TeatsMcghee #TruckNutsFan Demo 13 23 11 532 406 280 13713 10463 7217 3 1 24 0 0 2 25:45
Blue Morgoth714 Engineer 17 17 9 221 199 75 5707 5134 1953 3 0 28 0 0 7 25:45
Blue spoo_ Heavy 28 13 15 316 411 328 8144 10584 8470 9 0 2 0 0 6 25:45
Blue sunnyy Medic 0 13 19 8 188 220 4855 0 0 0 16 0 0 2 25:45
Blue effex 9 9 9 Sniper 32 21 4 372 273 116 9599 7042 2994 7 0 8 0 25 1 25:45
Blue Grunty Spy 12 24 3 184 166 10 4750 4296 260 2 0 14 7 0 1 25:45
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 174 177 102 2428 2521 1125 62526 64933 28987 6 6 228 13 18 27 12 25:45
Blue 177 175 102 2521 2428 1146 64933 62526 29522 9 2 208 7 25 27 13 25:45


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red prime Medic 100% 1125 28987 12 1 2 0:40 3 1 25:45
Blue sunnyy Medic 100% 1146 29522 13 0 3 0:49 5 0 25:45



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red ❤IDare 4 4 4 4 4 1 2 4 5 32
Blue effex 9 9 9 1 3 3 3 5 1 0 13 3 32
Blue bigblocksbarry52 3 8 2 5 2 5 0 0 4 29
Red earl 3 4 0 6 3 2 5 5 0 28
Blue spoo_ 3 7 4 3 2 4 2 0 3 28
Red PPpoopoo 4 4 1 2 0 6 2 5 2 26
Red Confixil 1 3 6 2 2 3 1 2 3 23
Blue Brandon_411 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 9 23
Blue pmn06 1 4 3 1 1 4 4 2 3 23
Red shawty (earl) 6 5 0 3 0 2 0 0 2 18
Blue Morgoth714 3 3 0 1 0 5 1 0 4 17
Red pills 3 4 0 2 0 1 1 0 5 16
Red goblin 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 6 16
Red eggu 1 0 1 2 3 1 1 5 1 15
Blue TeatsMcghee #TruckNutsFan 3 0 2 2 3 2 0 0 1 13
Blue Grunty 1 0 1 4 1 0 2 3 0 12


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red eggu 4 3 9 1 3 4 0 3 0 27
Red PPpoopoo 8 4 2 0 7 3 0 3 0 27
Blue pmn06 4 4 5 4 3 2 0 4 0 26
Red goblin 5 4 3 2 4 5 0 1 0 24
Blue Grunty 5 2 2 5 3 6 0 0 1 24
Blue bigblocksbarry52 3 4 6 4 1 1 0 3 1 23
Blue TeatsMcghee #TruckNutsFan 2 2 3 4 2 2 0 6 2 23
Blue effex 9 9 9 0 5 0 4 2 0 0 5 5 21
Red ❤IDare 5 1 1 2 3 1 0 3 4 20
Red earl 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 13 3 19
Blue Morgoth714 1 6 2 1 3 1 0 2 1 17
Red shawty (earl) 2 3 2 2 4 0 0 3 1 17
Red Confixil 2 1 2 3 2 0 0 5 1 16
Red pills 3 1 1 3 3 3 0 1 1 16
Blue Brandon_411 0 1 0 4 6 2 0 0 1 14
Blue sunnyy 1 2 0 2 1 1 0 5 1 13
Blue spoo_ 0 0 0 4 2 1 0 3 3 13
Red prime 0 4 2 0 2 1 0 0 2 11


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Brandon_411 2 5 5 5 5 5 3 1 16 47
Red Confixil 4 6 8 6 4 4 3 3 5 43
Blue spoo_ 4 10 5 6 5 4 3 1 5 43
Blue bigblocksbarry52 6 11 2 7 3 6 1 0 4 40
Red ❤IDare 6 5 5 6 5 1 2 5 5 40
Blue effex 9 9 9 1 4 3 4 5 2 0 13 4 36
Red earl 3 5 1 6 4 2 5 5 2 33
Red pills 7 8 0 6 1 1 2 0 6 31
Red goblin 4 3 4 4 1 2 3 0 9 30
Red PPpoopoo 5 4 2 2 1 7 2 5 2 30
Blue pmn06 3 4 4 1 1 7 4 2 3 29
Red shawty (earl) 6 8 1 5 0 4 1 0 3 28
Blue Morgoth714 4 7 1 1 2 5 1 1 4 26
Red prime 3 3 6 1 0 4 1 0 7 25
Blue TeatsMcghee #TruckNutsFan 3 1 2 4 6 2 2 2 2 24
Blue sunnyy 1 0 2 1 2 5 0 0 8 19
Red eggu 1 0 1 2 3 1 2 5 1 16
Blue Grunty 1 0 2 5 1 1 2 3 0 15


na.serveme.tf #414283 - brkn vs BaD

Time Team Player Kills
1:16 Red eggu 3
6:03 Red shawty (earl) 4
6:44 Red earl 3
6:54 Blue spoo_ 6
11:33 Blue Brandon_411 4
11:42 Blue effex 9 9 9 3
12:32 Red ❤IDare 3
13:02 Blue effex 9 9 9 3
14:46 Red earl 4
15:00 Red ❤IDare 3
15:03 Blue spoo_ 4
17:49 Blue spoo_ 4
18:22 Red ❤IDare 4
18:57 Red earl 3
22:23 Red Confixil 3
25:18 Red ❤IDare 4


na.serveme.tf #414283 - brkn vs BaD

Team Player Message
Red Confixil .ss
Red eggu .ss
Red Confixil No.
Red Confixil It's !log but it ain't working.
Red Confixil !Log
Red Confixil .ss
Red Confixil !logs
Red Confixil :(
Red goblin .ss
Red goblin fart
Red Confixil :(((((((((((((((((((((((((
Red Confixil *DEAD* Discount : UNKILLABLE*DEAD* Discount : MY LAG IS A BLESSING
Red eggu sunny! :D
Blue sunnyy elo
Red Confixil *Farts* >:)
Red eggu sunny weren't you gonna play heavy this season :o
Blue sunnyy medic jail
Red eggu NOOOOO
Red eggu #freesunny
Blue sunnyy our whole team swapped roles
Red eggu lolol my team did a bit of that
Blue sunnyy caban demo, spoo heavy, nick scout
Red eggu our old med is demo now and our solly is scout c:
Red goblin whos ur genji
Blue spoo_ B)
Red eggu and we got pppoopoo solly
Red eggu D:
Red PPpoopoo who?
Red Confixil No.
Red eggu nufungusa
Red Confixil M e G u s t a
Red prime oh, and im the med.
Red Confixil 9 9 9
Red goblin heal me
Red Confixil Noh
Blue effex 9 9 9 you guys should wait 5 mins so i can eat my burrito :)
Red eggu whats in ur burrito
Red goblin penis
Red Confixil Yeah, I drink Pepto. What of it?
Blue effex 9 9 9 beef
Blue effex 9 9 9 and bean
Red goblin and penis
Red eggu mmm bean
Red Confixil You drinkin' Peptobismol with that?
Blue Morgoth714 you gon eat that?
Red goblin you gon finish that
Red eggu PMG
Red eggu OPPMN
Red Confixil Mans gonna be brapping into the mic after that.
Red eggu PMN!!! howd ur official today go!
Red goblin btasil
Blue effex 9 9 9 balls
Blue pmn06 reinventing the meta
Blue pmn06 with phlog
Red Confixil So there's this girl
Red Confixil Annd
Red Confixil *Eats dirt*
Blue pmn06 uh oh
Blue effex 9 9 9 i am halfway done with burrito guys
Red eggu no worries
Blue sunnyy effex just said
Blue sunnyy whos earl
Blue sunnyy and the whole discord lit up yelling
Blue effex 9 9 9 sounds bald
Blue effex 9 9 9 sunny is being gay
Blue effex 9 9 9 dont ready
Red Confixil Damn shawty, you bust with those balls?
Blue spoo_ AND
Blue effex 9 9 9 let eat burrit
Blue spoo_ thats ok
Blue effex 9 9 9 ONW MORE BITE
Red goblin of penis
Red eggu hes FARMING
Blue pmn06 im boutta get racist
Blue effex 9 9 9 im beasting
Red eggu ???
Blue effex 9 9 9 this burrito getting shit on
Blue effex 9 9 9 OWNED IDIOT
Blue pmn06 goddamit
Red eggu D:
Red goblin thats what im saaying
Red eggu i though u were reformed
Blue Morgoth714 dont shit in burrio
Blue pmn06 i am
Blue effex 9 9 9 WHO IS EGG
Red prime nice effect med
Red eggu egg
Red eggu i am an egg :D
Blue effex 9 9 9 damn bro
Blue spoo_ bald?
Blue sunnyy i thought u were eggu
Blue sunnyy betrayed
Red eggu D:
Blue effex 9 9 9 how the fuck you play tf2
Red eggu wait
Red eggu :D
Blue TeatsMcghee #TruckNutsFan ready?
Blue sunnyy :D
Blue spoo_ L
Blue effex 9 9 9 BURRITO IS DONE
Blue Morgoth714 pog plant
Red eggu if effex done his burrito
Blue effex 9 9 9 CHEWING LAST BITE
Blue effex 9 9 9 MMMMMMMMMMMM\
Blue effex 9 9 9 YUMMY
Red goblin of penis
Blue effex 9 9 9 YUMMYYYYY
Blue effex 9 9 9 I FRAG ON BIG TUM TUM
Red Confixil *Roblox munching sounds*
Red eggu yessir
Blue effex 9 9 9 NOT FAIR
Blue effex 9 9 9 WAS STILL CHEWING
Blue effex 9 9 9 doesn't count
Blue effex 9 9 9 big tum frag
Red goblin u full from ur burrito big boy
Blue effex 9 9 9 yes
Red eggu lolol
Blue bigblocksbarry52 lol
Red eggu hi scout
Blue bigblocksbarry52 hi spyu
Red eggu :D
Red eggu gr
Blue pmn06 gr
Red eggu nice find
Blue sunnyy pyro were u stuck
Red eggu pmn
Blue pmn06 i was playing runescape
Red goblin playing deez nuts
Blue pmn06 fuck
Red eggu =^● ⋏ ●^=
Blue pmn06 LOLOLOL
Red goblin lmaooo
Blue effex 9 9 9 brandon just read you like a book
Red PPpoopoo why
Blue pmn06 i dunno
Blue effex 9 9 9 chimp