Log 2987197

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #1184321 - BLU vs 0-25 ctf_bball_eu_fix Ultiduo 0 1 18:23


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS IC Time Played
Red DRIFTA Soldier 46 38 13 526 300 9686 5530 0 5 32 0 18:23
Red zhern Soldier 61 74 8 492 564 9058 10378 0 3 18 24 18:23
Blue maxxy Soldier 101 113 0 865 1019 15908 18744 0 4 20 25 18:23
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS IC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS IC Duration
Red 107 112 21 1019 865 0 18744 15908 0 5 50 24 0 18:23
Blue 101 113 0 865 1019 0 15908 18744 0 4 20 25 0 18:23


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue maxxy 0 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101
Red zhern 0 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 61
Red DRIFTA 0 46 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 46


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue maxxy 0 107 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 107
Red zhern 0 68 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 68
Red DRIFTA 0 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue maxxy 0 101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 101
Red zhern 0 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 69
Red DRIFTA 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 59


serveme.tf #1184321 - BLU vs 0-25

Time Team Player Kills
0:04 Red DRIFTA 4
0:32 Blue maxxy 4
1:31 Red zhern 3
2:09 Blue maxxy 7
2:14 Red zhern 3
2:48 Red DRIFTA 3
4:03 Blue maxxy 14
5:26 Red zhern 4
6:30 Red zhern 3
6:56 Red DRIFTA 4
7:42 Red zhern 4
7:44 Blue maxxy 6
8:11 Red DRIFTA 3
8:47 Red zhern 5
8:53 Blue maxxy 3
9:51 Red zhern 3
10:31 Red zhern 4
10:46 Blue maxxy 8
11:17 Red zhern 3
12:12 Blue maxxy 5
12:53 Blue maxxy 12
13:28 Red zhern 3
13:50 Red DRIFTA 4
14:23 Blue maxxy 5
15:09 Blue maxxy 3
15:11 Red zhern 5
15:51 Blue maxxy 7
15:55 Red DRIFTA 4
16:48 Blue maxxy 5
16:56 Red zhern 3


serveme.tf #1184321 - BLU vs 0-25

Team Player Message
Red zhern bruh
Console LOL
Blue maxxy :D
Red zhern LMFAO
Console gg
Console we got 1
Red zhern 1200 dpm
Red zhern wtf
Red zhern wait no
Red zhern 1100
Red DRIFTA my sens feels so high
Red zhern what sens is it
Red zhern 1v1
Blue maxxy he cleaned his pad
Red zhern go
Red zhern ik
Red DRIFTA nah
Red DRIFTA 2v2
Red zhern fear...
Blue maxxy 2v2 or Die
Red zhern we dont have a nother
Red DRIFTA we already played 1v1 before
Red DRIFTA cba
Red DRIFTA its not fun
Blue maxxy im not built for 1v1
Blue maxxy drifta always wins
Red zhern get 1 more and we'll 2v2
Blue maxxy 1v1 is too dm heavy for me now lol
Red zhern ok well
Red zhern ggs
Red zhern imma go
Red DRIFTA wtfff
Red zhern what
Red zhern we dont have another
Red zhern get one more noobas...
Red DRIFTA not 1 person
Red zhern not on my friends list no
Red zhern maxxy why did u get clipped so hard
Red zhern wtf
Blue maxxy i cant strafe rn
Red zhern okay....
Blue maxxy worked too much lately
Blue maxxy lol
Red zhern grindset
Red zhern idek how to like
Red zhern record demo povs
Red zhern not record
Blue maxxy bruh
Red zhern but like
Red zhern look at
Blue maxxy use stv then
Red zhern no stv is cringe
Blue maxxy ?
Red zhern like
Blue maxxy you're Dumb
Red zhern Yeah
Red zhern no
Blue maxxy tell him Drifta He's Dumb
Red DRIFTA ns (nice shotgun)
Blue maxxy Thx
Red zhern how do people make frag movies
Red DRIFTA prec
Red zhern otherthan shadowplay
Blue maxxy i use shadowplay
Blue maxxy lol
Red DRIFTA p-rec.
Blue maxxy and prec
Blue maxxy and stvs
Red zhern yea what do they do w the bookmarks
Blue maxxy u play them back
Blue maxxy and record
Red DRIFTA shadowplay tgem
Red DRIFTA lol
Red zhern how tf do i view the bookmarks
Blue maxxy and i edit with sony vegas
Blue maxxy there's a file
Red zhern hmm
Blue maxxy in wherever u put prec in
Red zhern i might get to it then
Red zhern bball fragshow :D
Blue maxxy or some shit
Red zhern would i get bullied
Red zhern cause im bad
Blue maxxy yes
Blue maxxy if u put shit frags
Red zhern ok nvm then
Red DRIFTA like me
Blue maxxy no . .
Blue maxxy drifta Beast Vids
Blue maxxy i hate glidestep
Blue maxxy i hate this name
Red zhern when will they add ctf_bball_surf
Red zhern jurf map
Blue maxxy what's that
Red zhern but bball
Blue maxxy never
Red DRIFTA oh no
Blue maxxy jurf sucks
Red zhern that would be funny
Blue maxxy die jurf
Blue maxxy do u like jump_jurf
Red zhern not really
Blue maxxy goods
Red zhern its fun for a while
Blue maxxy good*
Red DRIFTA Guys ! I Think Im The Only One In THe world That has This opinion...but JumpJurf my favrit map
Blue maxxy as long as Jump_Jurf Isnt Your Fav Map
Red DRIFTA gus jump home and jurf are soogood
Red zhern lmfao
Red zhern beef >>>>
Blue maxxy Dont forget Jump_bomb
Blue maxxy and Jump_academy .
Blue maxxy i love Jump_academy Guys
Red zhern what is best jump map then
Red DRIFTA max
Red DRIFTA my tp bind is e
Red zhern luke
Red zhern why
Red zhern what
Red DRIFTA max = maxxy
Red DRIFTA sorry
Red zhern oh
Blue maxxy xD
Red zhern what am i then
Red zhern sm,h....
Blue maxxy im the superior one
Blue maxxy idiot
Red zhern :9
Red DRIFTA its just muscle memory
Red zhern :(
Red DRIFTA after knowing him for like
Red DRIFTA 7 yrs
Red zhern drifta we have known each other for like
Blue maxxy also why is it e
Red zhern 1 year
Blue maxxy no more Medic !
Red zhern i think
Red DRIFTA i dont need medic on tempus
Blue maxxy smh
Red DRIFTA i have tempusoff exec
Blue maxxy imagine not spamming it
Red DRIFTA to put it back
Blue maxxy drifta going back to a tempus main
Red DRIFTA i already am
Red zhern drifta when ebl invite winner
Red zhern you and me
Red zhern when
Red zhern im invite material
Red DRIFTA ive played 99% tempus for like 4 months now
Red DRIFTA rank 2020
Red DRIFTA 202
Red DRIFTA demo
Blue maxxy smh
Blue maxxy might grind rapture
Blue maxxy this week
Red DRIFTA guys watch my bot impression
Blue maxxy ik it Bitch
Red zhern watching
Red zhern drifta
Red zhern DRIFTA*
Red DRIFTA yes
Red zhern when do we go ebl invite together
Red zhern tell me
Blue maxxy ebl sucks
Blue maxxy +1 me
Red zhern +1
Red zhern /rep
Red DRIFTA maxxy vs max
Red DRIFTA im keeper
Red zhern i win always
Red zhern didnt we do this
Blue maxxy also i've been mapping so much this past weekj
Red zhern and i got rolled
Blue maxxy yes
Red zhern drifta
Red zhern keep for me
Red zhern im worse
Red DRIFTA taske intel
Red DRIFTA oops
Blue maxxy lol
Blue maxxy bruh
Red DRIFTA i direct only
Blue maxxy that went through
Blue maxxy Nice
Red zhern rude
Red DRIFTA lmao
Blue maxxy LOL
Red zhern ns
Red DRIFTA ns (nice shotgun)
Blue maxxy nice jump
Red zhern ty
Red zhern t6
Red zhern NO
Blue maxxy lmfao
Red zhern lol
Red zhern NS
Blue maxxy why do i randomly get 60 fps
Red zhern ddosed
Blue maxxy dude
Blue maxxy wtf
Blue maxxy one sec
Red zhern what
Red zhern im so bad
Blue maxxy fuick
Blue maxxy was gonna use that
Red zhern ns
Blue maxxy dude dirfta's doing everything
Red zhern yeah
Blue maxxy am i 1v1ing max or drifta
Red zhern both
Red DRIFTA im just assisting more
Red DRIFTA but not scoring
Red zhern dude
Red zhern dude
Red zhern t-1
Blue maxxy bruh my ctaps