Log 2987608

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
TF2Center Lobby #1165177 ctf_bball2 Ultiduo 0 1 19:59 2987607


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS IC Time Played
Red NinjaNorbert49 Soldier 99 99 30 799 884 15973 17667 0 4 18 11 19:59
Red ✪ Infinity Soldier 96 121 33 910 1199 18199 23973 0 3 10 4 19:59
Blue koreanbbq Soldier 137 87 36 1313 772 26251 15443 0 15 18 8 19:59
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl Soldier 80 111 56 770 937 15389 18729 0 3 6 8 19:59
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS IC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS IC Duration
Red 195 220 63 1710 2083 0 34172 41640 0 4 28 15 0 19:59
Blue 217 198 92 2083 1710 0 41640 34172 0 15 24 16 0 19:59


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue koreanbbq 0 137 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 137
Red NinjaNorbert49 0 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 99
Red ✪ Infinity 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 0 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red ✪ Infinity 0 121 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 121
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 0 109 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109
Red NinjaNorbert49 0 96 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 96
Blue koreanbbq 0 86 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 86


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue koreanbbq 0 173 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 173
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 0 136 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 136
Red NinjaNorbert49 0 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 129
Red ✪ Infinity 0 129 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 129


TF2Center Lobby #1165177

Time Team Player Kills
0:05 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 6
0:23 Red NinjaNorbert49 6
0:45 Blue koreanbbq 3
1:12 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 3
1:15 Red NinjaNorbert49 4
1:56 Red ✪ Infinity 6
2:16 Blue koreanbbq 4
2:57 Red ✪ Infinity 14
2:59 Blue koreanbbq 7
3:27 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 3
3:43 Blue koreanbbq 16
4:57 Red ✪ Infinity 4
5:08 Blue koreanbbq 7
5:16 Red NinjaNorbert49 5
5:46 Red ✪ Infinity 5
5:55 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 4
6:21 Red NinjaNorbert49 5
6:28 Blue koreanbbq 7
6:54 Red ✪ Infinity 4
7:24 Blue koreanbbq 15
7:45 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 4
7:57 Red NinjaNorbert49 6
8:50 Red NinjaNorbert49 3
9:05 Red ✪ Infinity 4
9:12 Blue koreanbbq 9
9:55 Red NinjaNorbert49 6
10:14 Red ✪ Infinity 5
10:20 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 7
10:34 Red NinjaNorbert49 7
11:02 Blue koreanbbq 23
11:51 Red NinjaNorbert49 4
11:53 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 3
12:08 Red ✪ Infinity 5
12:54 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 3
12:59 Red NinjaNorbert49 6
13:43 Blue koreanbbq 6
13:53 Red NinjaNorbert49 11
14:08 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 4
14:31 Blue koreanbbq 15
15:19 Red NinjaNorbert49 8
16:24 Red NinjaNorbert49 10
16:30 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 3
16:44 Red ✪ Infinity 3
17:00 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 7
17:07 Blue koreanbbq 6
17:23 Red ✪ Infinity 3
18:11 Red NinjaNorbert49 8
18:11 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 3
18:33 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 4
19:10 Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl 6


TF2Center Lobby #1165177

Team Player Message
Console change this shit map
Console to one with no skybox
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl how
Console ballin_sky
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl !rconmapch
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl idk how
Console !rcon changelevel
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl !rcon changelevel ballin_sky
Red ✪ Infinity dafuq
Red ✪ Infinity wow
Red ✪ Infinity it is light
Console server broken, just play on it
Red ✪ Infinity my eyes
Red ✪ Infinity i cant feel them
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl ok
Console !rep me
Red ✪ Infinity why?
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl valve comp ques so long smh
Red ✪ Infinity a99
Red ✪ Infinity ffs
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl he roamer?
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl or
Red ✪ Infinity yep roamer
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl !rep their roamer
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl oh
Blue koreanbbq can you do that jump in one go
Blue koreanbbq one rocket
Red ✪ Infinity idk
Red ✪ Infinity yes
Red ✪ Infinity x)
Blue koreanbbq its not even ctap I think
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl how?
Blue koreanbbq might be easier with original
Red ✪ Infinity it is ctap
Blue koreanbbq just shoot right under you
Blue koreanbbq when you crouch as close as possible on the floor
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl how to ctap
Red ✪ Infinity made it
Red ✪ Infinity ayy
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl how
Red ✪ Infinity u
Red ✪ Infinity as he said
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl to the slope?
Red ✪ Infinity under u
Red ✪ Infinity when u crouch
Blue koreanbbq ctap is a weird timing with crouching
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl i made it here look
Blue koreanbbq I dont even know how to ctap
Red ✪ Infinity lol
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl shadowburn
Red ✪ Infinity who?
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl shadowburn
Red ✪ Infinity ik him
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl mm
Red ✪ Infinity he left this game for overwatch
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl ye:C
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl /val
Red ✪ Infinity true russian legen
Red ✪ Infinity d
Red ✪ Infinity x)
Red ✪ Infinity x)
Blue koreanbbq its not going to happen is it
Red ✪ Infinity go 1vs1 bbal
Red ✪ Infinity he is afk anywasy
Red ✪ Infinity OH
Red ✪ Infinity he is coming
Red ✪ Infinity yesss
Red ✪ Infinity rup
Blue koreanbbq omfg
Blue koreanbbq is he afk now
Red ✪ Infinity WAKE UP
Red ✪ Infinity yasss
Red NinjaNorbert49 brb
Red ✪ Infinity awt
Red ✪ Infinity wt
Red ✪ Infinity NOOO
Blue koreanbbq u fking kidding
Red ✪ Infinity waittt
Red ✪ Infinity this is unfairr
Blue koreanbbq we wont cap
Red ✪ Infinity pussy
Red ✪ Infinity wtff
Red ✪ Infinity why capp
Red ✪ Infinity PUSSY
Red ✪ Infinity pussy
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl pussy
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl rekt
Red ✪ Infinity pussy
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl pussy
Red ✪ Infinity no balls
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl pussy
Red ✪ Infinity no ballsss
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl no balls
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl fat
Red ✪ Infinity NO BALLS
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl pussy
Blue koreanbbq back?
Red NinjaNorbert49 sorry
Red ✪ Infinity ok
Red ✪ Infinity go
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl noob down
Blue koreanbbq bro..
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl !extend
Blue koreanbbq sound gone
Blue thu4der lft 6s/hl gg