Logs 3053417, 3053327, 3053343, 3053366, 3053377, 3053401

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
ETF2L Highlander Season 25: Division 2 Playoffs None Semi-Finals Globo Gym Top G's 3.0 6.0 Add other logs

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
D2 Semis Pussy Patrol vs Taylor Swift steel + vigil + upward Highlander Top G's Globo Gym 3 9 1:27:00 3053327, 3053343, 3053346, 3053366, 3053377, 3053381, 3053401, 3053413, 3053415 Remove log
serveme.tf #1206523 - RED vs gaeta cp_steel_f6 Highlander Top G's Globo Gym 0 1 13:10 Remove log
serveme.tf #1206523 - gaeta vs RED cp_steel_f6 Highlander Globo Gym Top G's 1 0 13:58 Remove log
serveme.tf #1206523 - RED vs BLU pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Globo Gym Top G's 0 1 16:03 Remove log
serveme.tf #1206523 - BLU vs RED pl_vigil_rc7 Highlander Top G's Globo Gym 1 0 13:30 Remove log
serveme.tf #1206523 - fluff vs BLU pl_upward Highlander Globo Gym Top G's 0 1 18:58 Remove log
Totals 5 12 2:42:39


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Fluffy Kanga Scout 111 91 59 220 169 59 35797 27534 9639 7 0 260 0 0 25 2:42:39
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue hondjo Soldier 147 100 48 375 243 100 61138 39627 16405 7 6 344 0 0 8 2:42:39
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Rentoid Pyro 79 89 76 181 250 211 29545 40709 34371 4 2 106 0 0 8 2:42:39
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue muscleman3821 Demo 113 91 39 369 274 250 60091 44687 40663 8 7 83 0 0 10 2:42:39
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Mon_Monday Engineer 85 43 58 177 86 88 28810 14113 14414 10 0 51 0 0 22 2:42:39
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Mr. Waddle Heavy 99 96 78 239 397 273 38953 64699 44505 4 0 62 0 0 7 2:42:39
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Harry Medic 7 42 70 8 90 1430 14734 0 1 0 25 0 0 5 2:42:39
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Low income? Na, Low IN CUM Sniper 118 93 16 286 166 101 46622 27149 16465 8 0 30 0 72 10 2:42:39
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue fluffy wabmer Spy 112 88 13 262 142 24 42765 23137 3989 5 0 194 75 0 8 2:42:33
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 Scout 66 102 42 161 202 98 26255 32864 16074 5 0 231 0 0 38 2:41:53
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red tr_batman Soldier 116 98 31 299 230 110 48749 37421 17986 7 18 238 0 0 4 2:42:39
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red nebu4open Pyro 73 80 73 151 216 209 24615 35209 34043 8 2 202 0 0 10 2:42:39
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red numb Demo 93 114 38 324 337 283 52839 54960 46145 4 2 62 0 0 8 2:34:23
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red MimoWo Engineer Demo Pyro 52 92 37 116 172 70 18975 28097 11427 3 0 66 0 0 25 2:42:01
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red dantovich⌽ Heavy 104 91 62 261 407 284 42506 66278 46341 5 0 98 0 0 16 2:42:39
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red Hyzze Medic 2 56 107 4 108 704 17692 0 1 0 73 0 0 6 2:42:39
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red help! Timeless ƒ¤ Sniper 140 121 18 310 254 110 50446 41406 18003 9 0 26 0 102 12 2:42:39
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red hmmn. intereting. Spy 83 126 16 192 191 21 31300 31224 3430 4 0 310 51 0 6 2:42:37
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 465 391 243 2118 1815 1114 184336 157908 96920 10 8 603 41 39 55 42 1:27:00
Blue 389 470 222 1815 2118 1182 157908 184336 102913 9 11 681 28 56 65 42 1:27:00
Red 61 64 36 1979 1919 1032 26067 25268 13593 7 1 127 6 3 15 6 13:10
Blue 64 62 45 1919 1979 1082 25268 26067 14258 5 1 144 6 9 8 7 13:10
Red 65 62 39 1783 1813 1180 24913 25331 16485 9 1 151 4 8 18 8 13:58
Blue 59 67 22 1813 1783 964 25331 24913 13468 5 0 127 2 8 8 6 13:58
Red 58 94 31 1693 2275 1297 27177 36521 20828 3 3 110 5 8 14 8 16:03
Blue 94 58 56 2275 1693 1219 36521 27177 19569 8 4 80 9 8 10 9 16:03
Red 74 67 42 2140 1831 1137 28892 24727 15360 8 0 86 5 5 10 7 13:30
Blue 67 74 42 1831 2140 1213 24727 28892 16386 6 1 58 5 8 9 6 13:30
Red 86 118 45 1918 2320 1190 36396 44004 22579 5 5 162 3 13 11 8 18:58
Blue 118 86 58 2320 1918 1135 44004 36396 21541 8 2 132 12 9 5 9 18:58


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Harry Medic 100% 1109 180451 81 73 6 2 4 14 1:55 13 2 2:42:39
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red Hyzze Medic 100% 1189 193449 77 77 0 0 10 22 0:47 26 2 2:42:39



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue hondjo 15 14 8 13 11 27 9 27 23 147
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red help! Timeless ƒ¤ 21 9 20 19 12 14 4 38 3 140
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Low income? Na, Low IN CUM 13 10 6 10 16 12 15 31 5 118
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red tr_batman 22 21 10 9 20 0 2 13 19 116
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue muscleman3821 16 10 19 17 8 16 7 10 10 113
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue fluffy wabmer 8 7 6 14 16 18 5 30 8 112
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Fluffy Kanga 22 20 12 3 8 4 4 14 24 111
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red dantovich⌽ 10 10 18 18 29 4 1 0 14 104
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Mr. Waddle 6 11 10 31 22 2 2 4 11 99
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red numb 7 8 10 16 12 13 14 11 2 93
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Mon_Monday 8 13 11 12 2 3 9 2 25 85
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red hmmn. intereting. 8 8 2 10 16 8 9 15 7 83
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Rentoid 12 12 6 10 8 8 3 3 17 79
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red nebu4open 8 7 14 10 3 2 10 6 13 73
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 8 12 7 7 4 0 2 8 18 66
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red MimoWo 5 23 6 2 0 2 0 2 12 52
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Harry 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 7
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red Hyzze 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red hmmn. intereting. 24 23 17 10 11 25 3 5 8 126
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red help! Timeless ƒ¤ 14 27 3 10 4 2 0 31 30 121
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red numb 3 13 10 17 31 12 2 10 14 112
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 22 15 12 16 6 8 2 13 8 102
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue hondjo 12 21 7 8 10 23 0 9 8 98
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red tr_batman 20 14 12 10 11 13 0 10 7 97
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Mr. Waddle 4 20 3 12 29 0 0 12 16 96
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Low income? Na, Low IN CUM 8 13 6 11 0 2 0 38 15 93
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue muscleman3821 7 9 10 16 18 2 0 19 10 91
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red dantovich⌽ 8 11 8 8 22 2 0 16 16 91
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red MimoWo 4 27 8 16 2 3 0 12 18 90
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Fluffy Kanga 8 22 8 7 10 5 0 21 8 89
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Rentoid 7 10 14 10 18 6 2 20 2 89
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue fluffy wabmer 18 19 13 2 14 12 0 3 7 88
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red nebu4open 12 8 6 19 10 11 0 6 6 78
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red Hyzze 4 9 3 7 2 9 0 15 5 54
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Mon_Monday 0 0 2 13 4 2 0 14 8 43
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Harry 2 2 10 14 1 0 0 4 9 42


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue hondjo 21 20 11 21 13 35 9 36 29 195
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Mr. Waddle 16 20 20 46 30 10 8 8 19 177
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Fluffy Kanga 32 33 18 9 10 7 7 19 35 170
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red dantovich⌽ 18 14 29 35 39 8 3 2 18 166
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red help! Timeless ƒ¤ 23 11 22 24 17 14 4 40 3 158
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Rentoid 21 25 10 22 18 14 9 5 31 155
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue muscleman3821 20 16 21 22 18 20 9 14 12 152
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red tr_batman 30 28 10 11 22 0 6 15 25 147
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red nebu4open 15 19 28 15 17 6 12 9 25 146
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Mon_Monday 13 21 17 21 12 5 11 6 37 143
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Low income? Na, Low IN CUM 15 14 6 14 16 16 15 31 7 134
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red numb 11 16 18 21 18 17 16 12 2 131
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue fluffy wabmer 11 11 6 14 20 18 7 30 8 125
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red Hyzze 11 4 15 20 15 10 10 12 12 109
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 16 16 8 11 14 4 4 8 27 108
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red hmmn. intereting. 12 8 2 12 18 8 9 19 11 99
Blue Blue Red Red Blue Red MimoWo 11 35 16 2 2 4 0 2 17 89
Red Red Blue Blue Red Blue Harry 8 8 17 8 2 4 2 12 16 77


D2 Semis Pussy Patrol vs Taylor Swift

Time Team Player Kills
1:58 Blue dantovich⌽ 3
2:07 Red Mon_Monday 3
3:29 Blue numb 3
3:43 Red hondjo 4
6:42 Red fluffy wabmer 3
9:37 Red Mr. Waddle 3
9:42 Red hondjo 3
12:50 Blue hmmn. intereting. 3
20:14 Red Mr. Waddle 3
29:26 Blue nebu4open 3
30:19 Blue nebu4open 3
31:44 Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 3
48:32 Red Rentoid 3
50:31 Red Fluffy Kanga 4
50:39 Red fluffy wabmer 3
54:54 Red Low income? Na, Low IN CUM 4
55:26 Red Rentoid 3
57:50 Blue numb 3
1:02:38 Blue numb 3
1:07:00 Red Mon_Monday 3
1:09:02 Red Mr. Waddle 3
1:09:53 Red muscleman3821 3
1:22:47 Blue help! Timeless ƒ¤ 3
1:24:54 Red fluffy wabmer 3
1:25:32 Red Mr. Waddle 3
1:31:13 Red Fluffy Kanga 3
1:33:51 Blue dantovich⌽ 4
1:40:21 Red muscleman3821 4
1:40:21 Blue numb 3
1:43:31 Blue help! Timeless ƒ¤ 3
1:46:07 Red fluffy wabmer 4
1:46:35 Red hondjo 3
1:46:38 Blue help! Timeless ƒ¤ 3
1:50:17 Blue numb 3
1:50:20 Red Low income? Na, Low IN CUM 3

serveme.tf #1206523 - RED vs gaeta

Time Team Player Kills
1:58 Blue dantovich⌽ 3
2:07 Red Mon_Monday 3
3:29 Blue numb 3
3:43 Red hondjo 4
6:42 Red fluffy wabmer 3
9:37 Red Mr. Waddle 3
9:42 Red hondjo 3

serveme.tf #1206523 - gaeta vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
5:28 Blue Mr. Waddle 3
14:40 Red nebu4open 3
15:33 Red nebu4open 3

serveme.tf #1206523 - RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
9:09 Blue Rentoid 3
11:08 Blue Fluffy Kanga 4
11:16 Blue fluffy wabmer 3

serveme.tf #1206523 - BLU vs RED

Time Team Player Kills
1:24 Blue numb 3
6:12 Blue numb 3
10:34 Red Mon_Monday 3
12:36 Red Mr. Waddle 3

serveme.tf #1206523 - fluff vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
3:02 Red help! Timeless ƒ¤ 3
5:09 Blue fluffy wabmer 3
5:47 Blue Mr. Waddle 3
11:28 Blue Fluffy Kanga 3
14:06 Red dantovich⌽ 4


D2 Semis Pussy Patrol vs Taylor Swift

Team Player Message
Red Mon_Monday
Blue numb gl hf all (except rentoid)
Red Low income? Na, Low IN CUM gl hf all (except rentoid)
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 wat ur favourite food
Red Low income? Na, Low IN CUM cock
Red hondjo patsa
Red fluffy wabmer foreskin
Red Fluffy Kanga I really like COCK
Red hondjo i ate steward little yesterday
Red Mon_Monday daga : ready up bots
Red hondjo little cunt
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 me i like lentil soup
Red Fluffy Kanga I fucking hate stuart little
Red fluffy wabmer ns
Blue hmmn. intereting. WE NEED PAUSE
Blue nebu4open pause?
Red Mon_Monday
Red Low income? Na, Low IN CUM yes
Red fluffy wabmer go
Red Mon_Monday
Red Mon_Monday ?
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 ketchup trolled me
Blue tr_batman nebu big boy
Red Mon_Monday
Blue hmmn. intereting. ur just so much better
Blue nebu4open XDDDDDDDDDDD
Red muscleman3821 wait wat
Red Low income? Na, Low IN CUM gg
Red fluffy wabmer gga
Red muscleman3821 gg
Blue nebu4open knopcked me into pit
Blue Hyzze gg
Blue nebu4open gg
Blue numb gg (except rentoid)
Red Mon_Monday
Red Rentoid !rtdf
Red Mon_Monday
Blue hmmn. intereting. why does that do 80 damage
Blue hmmn. intereting. SO BAD LOL
Red muscleman3821 ns
Blue nebu4open chadbert
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 rentoid
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 meet me main gate
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 rentoid not u noob
Red hondjo ?
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 i need rentoid
Red hondjo dont we all
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 noobs @all
Blue tr_batman rentoid is handsome nocap
Red Mon_Monday
Red Fluffy Kanga :DDd
Red Fluffy Kanga nice decloack
Blue hmmn. intereting. i wasnt cloaked ?
Red Fluffy Kanga should try that next time
Blue hmmn. intereting. kanga n word count ?
Red Mon_Monday SPEEDRUN?
Red Fluffy Kanga Dude spy
Red Mon_Monday
Red Fluffy Kanga ???
Red Fluffy Kanga Dude ketchup ur whiffing ur stabs proper hard fam
Red hondjo kanga ur cringe
Blue numb george floyd: u guys are bloodvelds
Blue hmmn. intereting. ok but try and not be racist for more than 2 minutes
Blue nebu4open poor canga
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 sec.... need use traductor..
Red Fluffy Kanga hmmn. intereting. : ok but try and not be racist for more than 2 minutes
Blue Hyzze don't bully ketchup, only we can do that!
Blue nebu4open guyz
Red hondjo www.wikihow.com/Get-Over-Anger-Caused-by-Video-Games
Red hondjo www.wikihow.com/Get-Over-Anger-Caused-by-Video-Games
Blue nebu4open please no be tossic
Blue hmmn. intereting. easy should make another end of season frag movie except its 5 minutes or kanga saying nword
Red Fluffy Kanga 6*
Blue nebu4open no tossix
Red Mr. Waddle true
Blue hmmn. intereting. why do u say racist things on team with 2 admins ?
Red Rentoid based
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Blue nebu4open tru
Red Fluffy Kanga cause they based
Red Mon_Monday
Red Mon_Monday
Red fluffy wabmer ketchup cheat men
Red Mon_Monday
Red Low income? Na, Low IN CUM gg
Red hondjo pootis
Red hondjo wtf
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 !extend
Blue nebu4open frick u
Blue nebu4open smelltoi
Blue hmmn. intereting. pause
Red Fluffy Kanga `???
Red Mon_Monday
Red hondjo :D
Red Fluffy Kanga :D
Red Fluffy Kanga ?
Red Fluffy Kanga ???
Red fluffy wabmer ?
Red fluffy wabmer ??
Red Mon_Monday
Blue nebu4open !
Red hondjo ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ
Red Mon_Monday
Red hondjo nice shart
Red hondjo
Red Mon_Monday
Blue hmmn. intereting. ur engie has outline of enemy
Red Mon_Monday
Blue nebu4open hondjo
Red hondjo :DDDDDDD
Blue nebu4open ur insane
Blue nebu4open massive cock
Red Fluffy Kanga my med is too precious
Red Fluffy Kanga unkillable
Blue hmmn. intereting. ?
Red Mon_Monday
Red Fluffy Kanga scratch that LMAO
Blue tr_batman you are actually cheating
Red hondjo ?
Red hondjo ???
Red Rentoid x)
Red Fluffy Kanga ?
Red Fluffy Kanga ???
Blue numb gg
Blue nebu4open !!!!
Red Fluffy Kanga ???
Blue numb george floyd: u guys are bloodvelds
Red hondjo soldier.....
Blue tr_batman stock moment
Blue numb the truth is out there �: sex is cool
Red hondjo :)
Red Fluffy Kanga :)
Blue numb NioH: any girls wanna come over watch star wars and have sex
Red Fluffy Kanga DONT
Red Mon_Monday
Blue hmmn. intereting. literally walling but ok
Red hondjo www.wikihow.com/Get-Over-Anger-Caused-by-Video-Games
Red Fluffy Kanga xD
Blue hmmn. intereting. bot
Red Harry no u
Red Mon_Monday
Blue hmmn. intereting. ok 'harry'
Red Harry look at your score gamer
Red Harry im better
Blue hmmn. intereting. ur boosted
Red Harry mad
Red fluffy wabmer hi nebu
Red Harry lol
Red Fluffy Kanga bot
Blue nebu4open :(
Red fluffy wabmer ur cock is so tiny
Red fluffy wabmer :(
Blue nebu4open ggs
Red Mon_Monday
Red Low income? Na, Low IN CUM gg
Blue numb gg
Red Rentoid ns
Red hondjo gg
Red Harry gg
Red Rentoid gg
Blue help! Timeless ƒ¤ gg
Red fluffy wabmer gg
Red muscleman3821 gg
Red Mon_Monday 99
Red Low income? Na, Low IN CUM gg's lads
Red Harry looks like the bot won, ketchup
Red hondjo gg and nice sharts :))))))))))

serveme.tf #1206523 - RED vs gaeta

Team Player Message
Red Mon_Monday
Red Mon_Monday
Red hondjo lol
Red Mon_Monday wtf
Red Mon_Monday
Red hondjo
Red Mon_Monday
Red hondjo insane
Red Mon_Monday
Red hondjo
Red hondjo thetime
Red Mon_Monday
Red Fluffy Kanga amogus drip
Red hondjo dr1p
Blue nebu4open my among us drip
Red Harry let me drop the medic for the frag vid please
Blue nebu4open sure
Blue nebu4open which point?
Red Harry erm
Blue Hyzze drop yours and pretend you fragged
Red Harry I come out on A
Blue Hyzze that's how pros do it
Red Harry and ubersaw the medic
Red Mon_Monday
Blue numb our med is handicapped you have advantage
Red Mon_Monday
Blue numb Hyzze: sorry for delay, engi is pullin on his foreskin
Red Mon_Monday samii | ETF2L.org : no russia
Blue nebu4open AlesKee: dont care didnt ask plus your open
Red Fluffy Kanga @_@
Blue nebu4open wtf is that loadout fri
Red Mon_Monday yes
Blue numb requesting wamberts demos!!!!111!!!
Red fluffy wabmer (IM NOT RECORDING!!)
Red fluffy wabmer PLEASE DONT
Red Mon_Monday cookie_ : i'm playing with russians on the mic cookie_ : !rep me
Blue numb ok sry
Red fluffy wabmer if u request my demo im -repping ur profile
Blue nebu4open timeless wee wee
Blue Hyzze if you got any ruski men in team
Red Mon_Monday
Blue Hyzze we want their demos
Red Mon_Monday samii | ETF2L.org : no russia
Red Mon_Monday Хорошо
Red Mon_Monday
Blue nebu4open request kanga twitch vod
Blue nebu4open B)
Red Fluffy Kanga WHa
Red hondjo amo gn us drip
Red Fluffy Kanga what did i do this time
Blue nebu4open :v
Blue nebu4open uwu scattergub
Red fluffy wabmer RUP OR DEF!!@!!!
Blue MimoWo NO
Red fluffy wabmer ok
Red Mon_Monday
Blue nebu4open heavy restart ga,
Blue nebu4open me
Red hondjo thetime
Blue numb monkaS
Red Mon_Monday
Blue numb gl hf all (except rentoid)
Red Low income? Na, Low IN CUM gl hf all (except rentoid)
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 wat ur favourite food
Red Low income? Na, Low IN CUM cock
Red hondjo patsa
Red fluffy wabmer foreskin
Red Fluffy Kanga I really like COCK
Red hondjo i ate steward little yesterday
Red Mon_Monday daga : ready up bots
Red hondjo little cunt
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 me i like lentil soup
Red Fluffy Kanga I fucking hate stuart little
Red fluffy wabmer ns

serveme.tf #1206523 - gaeta vs RED

Team Player Message
Red BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 nice bow tie
Blue fluffy wabmer ty
Blue fluffy wabmer nice cock
Red hmmn. intereting. wambert hes a minor !
Red tr_batman ketchup is a minor
Red hmmn. intereting. WE NEED PAUSE
Red nebu4open pause?
Blue Mon_Monday
Blue Low income? Na, Low IN CUM yes
Blue fluffy wabmer go
Blue Mon_Monday
Blue Mon_Monday ?
Red BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 ketchup trolled me
Red tr_batman nebu big boy
Blue Mon_Monday
Red hmmn. intereting. ur just so much better
Red nebu4open XDDDDDDDDDDD
Blue muscleman3821 wait wat
Blue Low income? Na, Low IN CUM gg
Blue fluffy wabmer gga
Blue muscleman3821 gg
Red nebu4open knopcked me into pit
Red Hyzze gg
Red nebu4open gg
Red numb gg (except rentoid)
Blue Mon_Monday

serveme.tf #1206523 - RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red nebu4open :c
Red nebu4open you taunted on me
Blue Low income? Na, Low IN CUM glhf
Blue Rentoid !rtdf
Blue Mon_Monday
Red hmmn. intereting. why does that do 80 damage
Red hmmn. intereting. SO BAD LOL
Blue muscleman3821 ns
Red nebu4open chadbert
Red BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 meet me main gate
Red BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 rentoid not u noob
Blue hondjo ?
Red BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 i need rentoid
Blue hondjo dont we all
Red BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 noobs @all
Red tr_batman rentoid is handsome nocap
Blue Mon_Monday
Blue Fluffy Kanga :DDd
Blue Fluffy Kanga nice decloack
Red hmmn. intereting. i wasnt cloaked ?
Blue Fluffy Kanga should try that next time
Red hmmn. intereting. kanga n word count ?
Blue Mon_Monday SPEEDRUN?
Blue Fluffy Kanga Dude spy
Blue Mon_Monday
Blue Fluffy Kanga ???

serveme.tf #1206523 - BLU vs RED

Team Player Message
Red Fluffy Kanga Dude ketchup ur whiffing ur stabs proper hard fam
Red hondjo kanga ur cringe
Blue numb george floyd: u guys are bloodvelds
Blue hmmn. intereting. ok but try and not be racist for more than 2 minutes
Blue nebu4open poor canga
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 sec.... need use traductor..
Red Fluffy Kanga hmmn. intereting. : ok but try and not be racist for more than 2 minutes
Blue Hyzze don't bully ketchup, only we can do that!
Blue nebu4open guyz
Red hondjo www.wikihow.com/Get-Over-Anger-Caused-by-Video-Games
Red hondjo www.wikihow.com/Get-Over-Anger-Caused-by-Video-Games
Blue nebu4open please no be tossic
Blue hmmn. intereting. easy should make another end of season frag movie except its 5 minutes or kanga saying nword
Red Fluffy Kanga 6*
Blue nebu4open no tossix
Red Mr. Waddle true
Blue hmmn. intereting. why do u say racist things on team with 2 admins ?
Red Rentoid based
Blue BUZZLIGHTYEAR99 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Blue nebu4open tru
Red Fluffy Kanga cause they based
Red Mon_Monday
Red Mon_Monday
Red fluffy wabmer ketchup cheat men
Red Mon_Monday
Red Low income? Na, Low IN CUM gg

serveme.tf #1206523 - fluff vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue hondjo ?
Red numb Hyzze: sorry for delay, engi is pullin on his foreskin
Blue Harry can he pull on mine?
Red Hyzze no but our pyro can cradle your balls
Blue Harry hm
Red nebu4open im underage
Red hmmn. intereting. hes 15
Blue fluffy wabmer send em through
Blue fluffy wabmer nvm
Blue Harry nty
Red nebu4open 16*
Red nebu4open @/
Blue Harry I have kanga for that
Red hmmn. intereting. @/
Red nebu4open l o l
Blue hondjo pootis
Blue hondjo wtf
Red nebu4open frick u
Red nebu4open smelltoi
Red hmmn. intereting. pause
Blue Fluffy Kanga `???
Blue Mon_Monday
Blue hondjo :D
Blue Fluffy Kanga :D
Blue Fluffy Kanga ?
Blue Fluffy Kanga ???
Blue fluffy wabmer ?
Blue fluffy wabmer ??
Blue Mon_Monday
Red nebu4open !
Blue hondjo ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ
Blue Mon_Monday
Blue hondjo nice shart
Blue hondjo
Blue Mon_Monday
Red hmmn. intereting. ur engie has outline of enemy
Blue Mon_Monday
Red nebu4open hondjo
Blue hondjo :DDDDDDD
Red nebu4open ur insane
Red nebu4open massive cock
Blue Fluffy Kanga my med is too precious
Blue Fluffy Kanga unkillable
Red hmmn. intereting. ?
Blue Mon_Monday
Blue Fluffy Kanga scratch that LMAO
Red tr_batman you are actually cheating
Blue hondjo ?
Blue hondjo ???
Blue Rentoid x)
Blue Fluffy Kanga ?
Blue Fluffy Kanga ???
Red numb gg
Red nebu4open !!!!