Logs 3135623, 3135615, 3135588, 3135572

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
ETF2L Highlander Experimental Cup #9: Mid Playoffs None Semi-Finals 0 Friends Online PBS 4.0 0.0

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #1235099 - PBS vs BLU pl_cornwater_b7c_fix Highlander 0 Friends Online PBS 1 0 13:55 Remove log
serveme.tf #1235099 - BLU vs PBS pl_cornwater_b7c_fix Highlander PBS 0 Friends Online 0 1 16:51 Remove log
serveme.tf #1235099 - PBS vs BLU pl_cornwater_b7c_fix Highlander 0 Friends Online PBS 0 1 10:15 Remove log
serveme.tf #1235099 - BLU vs PBS koth_cascade_v2_b6 Highlander PBS 0 Friends Online 1 3 21:56 Remove log
Totals 2 5 1:02:57


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR LKS AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue allform.com/hartzfartz, MissAnimator_7 Scout 59 61 18 253 219 70 15937 13824 4433 6 0 83 0 0 11 1:01:16
Red Blue Red Blue twitch.tv/ms_animator Soldier 55 58 15 323 257 96 20380 16241 6090 5 4 107 0 0 0 1:02:57
Red Blue Red Blue Solar Pyro 52 40 33 212 243 193 13379 15338 12154 7 1 36 0 0 9 1:02:55
Red Blue Red Blue Mr.Whale, MS is a guy Demo 69 40 31 440 277 286 27733 17473 18063 9 3 14 0 0 3 1:02:47
Red Blue Red Blue TheMasterOfDisaster Engineer 35 40 21 195 175 81 12326 11032 5113 4 0 19 0 0 13 1:02:57
Red Blue Red Blue MineBurger Heavy 88 39 37 412 459 209 25976 28926 13218 8 0 35 0 0 5 1:02:54
Red Blue Red Blue juni Medic 0 24 66 7 128 484 8108 0 0 0 19 0 0 2 1:02:55
Red Blue Red Blue Bobbert Sniper 70 34 15 353 167 68 22262 10543 4343 9 0 19 0 46 6 1:02:52
Red Blue Red Blue Lightsynth Spy 43 48 9 234 157 12 14793 9921 776 5 0 86 22 4 0 1:02:00
Blue Red Blue Red Shadu Scout 62 61 27 301 234 72 18991 14735 4535 5 0 53 0 0 7 1:02:57
Blue Red Blue Red PBS Obvi Soldier 61 62 15 297 254 60 18752 15990 3812 6 3 124 0 0 3 1:02:57
Blue Red Blue Red Wylenn Pyro 54 48 36 229 341 230 14458 21494 14489 8 0 14 0 0 7 1:02:57
Blue Red Blue Red Fluffy :) Demo 36 59 8 291 314 196 18365 19823 12378 3 3 41 0 0 8 1:02:57
Blue Red Blue Red E-Girl | Klarra Engineer 29 55 17 160 195 62 10130 12278 3904 4 0 33 0 0 9 1:02:57
Blue Red Blue Red PBS Pink Heavy 47 49 30 272 456 245 17149 28768 15450 5 0 31 0 0 0 1:02:57
Blue Red Blue Red Apolo Medic 1 43 41 19 232 1244 14619 0 1 0 45 0 0 2 1:02:57
Blue Red Blue Red Torriss Sniper 60 48 9 326 231 96 20540 14554 6097 5 0 19 0 45 3 1:02:56
Blue Red Blue Red obi Spy 31 48 5 187 174 30 11777 11009 1893 5 0 69 20 5 4 1:02:57
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR LKS AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Red 102 94 50 2201 2041 1078 30640 28414 15009 8 0 66 4 12 7 3 13:55
Blue 94 102 38 2041 2201 879 28414 30640 12244 5 3 76 3 17 3 3 13:55
Red 76 135 50 1897 2600 979 31965 43826 16500 7 1 103 4 10 7 6 16:51
Blue 134 77 64 2600 1897 1176 43826 31965 19832 9 2 105 11 15 7 7 16:51
Red 55 59 31 1932 1796 918 19806 18416 9419 7 1 48 3 2 7 6 10:15
Blue 58 55 26 1796 1932 1142 18416 19806 11713 5 0 65 4 5 8 4 10:15
Red 153 181 74 2398 2689 1007 52611 58998 22101 8 2 185 9 18 25 7 21:56
Blue 180 154 100 2689 2398 908 58998 52611 19930 9 5 199 4 21 28 8 21:56


Teams Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Red Blue juni Medic 100% 1020 64190 27 16 11 0 5 4 1:14 6 1 1:02:55
Blue Red Blue Red Apolo Medic 100% 993 62558 17 17 0 0 5 2 0:23 4 0 1:02:57



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue MineBurger 16 10 17 10 10 6 2 4 13 88
Red Blue Red Blue Bobbert 8 7 5 9 11 8 5 11 6 70
Red Blue Red Blue Mr.Whale, MS is a guy 9 4 11 12 12 4 11 3 3 69
Blue Red Blue Red Shadu 15 6 4 6 9 7 4 5 6 62
Blue Red Blue Red PBS Obvi 11 10 5 5 0 7 7 5 11 61
Blue Red Blue Red Torriss 6 10 5 5 9 6 4 10 5 60
Red Blue Red Blue allform.com/hartzfartz, MissAnimator_7 6 14 3 7 5 7 5 8 4 59
Red Blue Red Blue twitch.tv/ms_animator 8 9 3 6 1 12 9 6 1 55
Blue Red Blue Red Wylenn 6 10 8 7 3 5 3 3 9 54
Red Blue Red Blue Solar 7 6 6 3 4 9 5 3 9 52
Blue Red Blue Red PBS Pink 7 10 4 6 9 5 1 1 4 47
Red Blue Red Blue Lightsynth 2 8 2 5 3 4 5 10 4 43
Blue Red Blue Red Fluffy :) 8 6 3 4 4 4 2 1 4 36
Red Blue Red Blue TheMasterOfDisaster 5 4 0 7 3 5 1 3 7 35
Blue Red Blue Red obi 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 9 4 31
Blue Red Blue Red E-Girl | Klarra 4 4 7 4 2 3 1 0 4 29
Blue Red Blue Red Apolo 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Blue Red PBS Obvi 14 9 6 4 10 4 0 7 8 62
Blue Red Blue Red Shadu 6 8 7 9 16 5 0 8 2 61
Red Blue Red Blue allform.com/hartzfartz, MissAnimator_7 15 11 6 8 7 4 0 6 3 60
Blue Red Blue Red Fluffy :) 7 6 3 12 10 7 0 9 5 59
Red Blue Red Blue twitch.tv/ms_animator 6 10 10 6 10 4 0 10 1 57
Blue Red Blue Red E-Girl | Klarra 7 12 9 4 6 5 0 8 4 55
Blue Red Blue Red PBS Pink 5 1 4 12 10 3 0 11 3 49
Blue Red Blue Red Torriss 8 6 3 3 4 3 0 11 10 48
Blue Red Blue Red Wylenn 3 3 6 11 17 0 0 5 2 47
Blue Red Blue Red obi 4 1 9 3 13 7 0 6 4 47
Red Blue Red Blue Lightsynth 6 11 9 4 4 4 0 5 4 47
Blue Red Blue Red Apolo 5 9 5 11 2 1 0 5 5 43
Red Blue Red Blue TheMasterOfDisaster 7 7 5 4 5 3 0 6 3 40
Red Blue Red Blue Solar 4 5 8 3 4 7 1 5 3 40
Red Blue Red Blue Mr.Whale, MS is a guy 6 5 7 4 6 4 0 5 3 40
Red Blue Red Blue MineBurger 9 0 3 4 9 2 0 9 3 39
Red Blue Red Blue Bobbert 5 5 3 1 1 0 0 10 9 34
Red Blue Red Blue juni 4 7 3 2 1 1 0 4 2 24


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Red Blue MineBurger 21 12 21 18 18 10 3 6 16 125
Red Blue Red Blue Mr.Whale, MS is a guy 11 4 16 15 18 9 16 6 5 100
Blue Red Blue Red Wylenn 8 18 12 12 10 7 5 4 14 90
Blue Red Blue Red Shadu 21 8 7 7 10 9 5 10 12 89
Red Blue Red Blue Bobbert 8 10 5 12 12 10 6 12 10 85
Red Blue Red Blue Solar 15 10 10 8 10 10 7 4 11 85
Red Blue Red Blue allform.com/hartzfartz, MissAnimator_7 9 18 4 9 7 9 6 9 6 77
Blue Red Blue Red PBS Pink 10 15 7 9 14 9 3 6 4 77
Blue Red Blue Red PBS Obvi 13 11 6 7 3 10 7 7 12 76
Red Blue Red Blue twitch.tv/ms_animator 10 10 6 6 4 14 10 6 4 70
Blue Red Blue Red Torriss 7 12 6 5 12 6 4 11 6 69
Red Blue Red Blue juni 12 6 9 7 6 2 10 2 12 66
Red Blue Red Blue TheMasterOfDisaster 6 8 4 10 4 7 3 4 10 56
Red Blue Red Blue Lightsynth 4 8 4 6 3 5 5 12 5 52
Blue Red Blue Red E-Girl | Klarra 6 6 11 7 3 4 2 0 7 46
Blue Red Blue Red Fluffy :) 9 8 3 5 7 4 3 1 4 44
Blue Red Blue Red Apolo 6 7 8 4 4 4 2 2 5 42
Blue Red Blue Red obi 3 2 5 4 3 3 2 9 5 36


serveme.tf #1235099 - PBS vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red MissAnimator_7 gr
Blue Shadu so like
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator again! again!
Blue Shadu check out high rollers
Blue Shadu pretty good
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator MOAR MOAR!!!!
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator MOAR!!!!!!
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator do you guys want to play problitz regardless of who wins this next round?
Blue Apolo hell no
Red Solar ^
Blue Torriss no
Blue Torriss i want sleep
Red MissAnimator_7 let throw
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator do you guys want to play problitz regardless of who wins this next round?
Blue Torriss no
Red MissAnimator_7 yes
Blue Fluffy :) yikers EUGH
Red MS is a guy yes
Blue obi WAT
Red Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Fluffy :) .
Blue Fluffy :) bruh
Blue E-Girl | Klarra if you trow round 3 it's tie breaker
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator do you wannna play tie breaker?
Blue obi no
Blue obi i have a cake
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator i can see your shadow
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator through the wall
Blue PBS Obvi hax
Blue Shadu ew
Blue Shadu admin he's abusing bug
Blue E-Girl | Klarra wait
Red MissAnimator_7 gg
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator blame the map
Blue Shadu admin ban the map its bad
Blue PBS Obvi ff 15
Blue PBS Obvi jgl diff
Red Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Fluffy :) FUCK
Blue PBS Obvi aaaaaaaa
Red MissAnimator_7 noobded
Blue PBS Obvi let me be
Blue obi div?
Blue PBS Obvi -.-
Blue E-Girl | Klarra let us win :)
Red MissAnimator_7 let them cap
Red Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue PBS Obvi peace?
Blue PBS Obvi :(
Red Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue E-Girl | Klarra 'can u spy cap pls obi'
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator if you win we can play tie breaker
Blue E-Girl | Klarra yeah trow then
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator on it!
Red Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue E-Girl | Klarra 'spy sonar'
Blue PBS Obvi scout, im breaking up with u
Red MissAnimator_7 gg wp gl in season
Blue Torriss ( ͡E ͜ʖ ͡Z )
Red Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Torriss i will leave
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator lets sgo!
Red Solar xD
Blue Torriss shadows are op
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator We request Torriss Demo
Blue Torriss xd
Red MissAnimator_7 bannable offense
Blue obi stab
Blue obi you got rekt demo
Red twitch.tv/ms_animator lets play problitz?
Blue Torriss lets leave
Red Solar gg
Blue Torriss all on cue
Blue Apolo gg
Red juni gg
Blue E-Girl | Klarra close
Red MS is a guy gg
Red MissAnimator_7 was wardrobe
Red Solar mmhmm
Red MineBurger gg guys

serveme.tf #1235099 - BLU vs PBS

Team Player Message
Red Apolo gg
Red E-Girl | Klarra we don't play 2???
Blue MissAnimator_7 then go to probliz
Blue MissAnimator_7 we dont care
Red E-Girl | Klarra yeah dealy is kinda funny
Blue twitch.tv/ms_animator pl is best of 3
Red E-Girl | Klarra !rcon changelvel pl_problitz_rc2
Red E-Girl | Klarra !rcon changelevel pl_problitz_rc2
Blue twitch.tv/ms_animator its best of 3 for pl maps
Blue Solar yeh it's this map again
Blue MissAnimator_7 rup pls
Blue MS is a guy Need to observe?
Red E-Girl | Klarra we napping
Blue MissAnimator_7 thetime
Blue MS is a guy You can always follow me on my onlyfans
Blue Solar look at this fake wall texture
Red Shadu nah its not fake promise
Red Shadu how do you know you're not the fake
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Red Shadu n1
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue MissAnimator_7 Allform is obsessed with providing high quality modular sofas designed for real life. Code FARTZ to get 20% off a stylish, cust
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue MissAnimator_7 Allform is obsessed with providing high quality modular sofas designed for real life. Code FARTZ to get 20% off a stylish, cust
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue MissAnimator_7 can s
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue MissAnimator_7 can somebody recommmend podcast while i push cart?
Red Fluffy :) yea actually
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Red E-Girl | Klarra Have you heard of this new Indie Artist 'Taylor Swift'
Blue twitch.tv/ms_animator yes
Blue MissAnimator_7 Allform is obsessed with providing high quality modular sofas designed for real life. Code FARTZ to get 20% off a stylish, cust
Blue Solar gg
Red Apolo gg
Blue MineBurger gg guys
Red PBS Pink gg

serveme.tf #1235099 - PBS vs BLU

Team Player Message
Blue Wylenn what did they do to my boy? :l
Red Solar 2 mins pls lads
Red MineBurger team status: not ready
Blue Apolo asked: who
Red MineBurger me:me
Red Solar '[
Blue Apolo deez: nuts
Red MineBurger xD!
Blue Apolo got: em
Red Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Red MissAnimator_7 Allform is obsessed with providing high quality modular sofas designed for real life. Code FARTZ to get 20% off a stylish, cust
Red Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Red MissAnimator_7 Allform is obsessed with providing high quality modular sofas designed for real life. Code FARTZ to get 20% off a stylish, cust
Red MissAnimator_7 good roof hold
Red Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Red Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Red Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Red MissAnimator_7 Allform is obsessed with providing high quality modular sofas designed for real life. Code FARTZ to get 20% off a stylish, cust
Red Solar =3
Blue Shadu love you too
Red Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Red Solar nice push
Red MissAnimator_7 wp
Blue obi ez
Blue Torriss thank

serveme.tf #1235099 - BLU vs PBS

Team Player Message
Console Thanks for accepting me guys
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz do you allow bobd to merc engi?
Blue Bobbert yes
Console thanks
Red Apolo ?
Blue MineBurger !
Red obi what is he doing here?
Red obi we didnt allow
Blue juni ye its fine
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz apolo? dont know, you can kick him
Blue juni our sub just arrived home
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz our sub is way better than bob btw
Red Apolo I have never spoke to anyone about anything here lol
Red obi cool
Red obi great job for youy
Red obi but we do not allow that merc
Red obi as klarra told you before
Console what merc
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz its defailt merc btw
Red obi its not
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz its is though
Red E-Girl | Klarra no it's not
Red obi he is rostered in a prem team
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz are you admin?
Red obi yes
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz ok I report you for impersonating admin
Red obi gj
Red obi we do not allow prem/div1 mercs
Red obi and they are not default mercs in mid
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz well too bad, my entire roster playewd div1
Red obi hartz, go to your team
Red obi gj for you
Red obi bobd is rostered in a prem team
Red obi therefore, not a def merc for a mid team
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz muted
Red obi gj
Blue Mr.Whale lucky for you he is as bad as a open player
Red obi great for himj
Red Apolo most prem hl players are
Red Apolo to be fair
Red Wylenn def win pog
Red obi ye
Console take it
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz i heard thats the only way you win anything
Console but we play with bob
Red Wylenn it's a skill
Console you have default win
Console rup
Blue Solar bob plz
Red E-Girl | Klarra !rcon ban bob d
Red obi tell your last to leave our team
Blue Solar hello shadu are you a merc?
Console if I leave my etf2l team can i play?
Red Shadu nah, sub
Red obi no
Console why
Red E-Girl | Klarra !rcon kick bob d
Red Torriss Cuz you have played in prem
Red obi this season
Red Shadu good to see you btw solar :)
Blue Solar ^^
Red Torriss hartz
Red Torriss join
Red Torriss blue
Red Apolo hartz switch team brother
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz Allform is obsessed with providing high quality modular sofas designed for real life. Code FARTZ to get 20% off a stylish, cust
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz rup?
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz Allform is obsessed with providing high quality modular sofas designed for real life. Code FARTZ to get 20% off a stylish, cust
Blue Solar haven't seen you in ages either fluffy
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz Allform is obsessed with providing high quality modular sofas designed for real life. Code FARTZ to get 20% off a stylish, cust
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Red PBS Obvi ns
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz Allform is obsessed with providing high quality modular sofas designed for real life. Code FARTZ to get 20% off a stylish, cust
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz good thing you denied that merc so we had to wait 15min for sub to show up
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz huge airshot
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Red E-Girl | Klarra 7 krits lol
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Solar =[
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue Lightsynth I never really was on your side.
Blue allform.com/hartzfartz GG
Blue Lightsynth gg
Red Apolo gg
Red PBS Pink gg
Blue juni gg
Blue Solar gg
Blue MineBurger gg guys