Log 3201425

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
combined snake gully process Sixes 14 3 1:03:03 3201375, 3201395, 3201419


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Time Played
Red HOSTYL lex Scout Pyro 62 41 31 293 203 169 18496 12857 10680 10 0 30 22 1:03:01
Red HOSTYL Miami Scout Heavy Engineer 52 44 33 237 214 140 14949 13506 8859 9 0 31 31 1:03:03
Red HOSTGAY Depruu Soldier 45 43 15 277 219 122 17510 13847 7732 3 6 129 22 1:03:03
Red schorsch#tf2center Soldier 52 27 20 288 197 205 18193 12477 12928 13 12 107 13 1:03:00
Red HOSTYL andiduude Demo 50 36 15 280 226 259 17710 14271 16385 5 6 87 8 1:03:03
Red Samael Medic 6 23 38 25 125 1628 7887 0 1 0 28 13 1:01:21
Blue Bappe Scout 31 46 28 175 240 218 11053 15133 13771 3 0 12 17 1:03:02
Blue venom Scout Heavy Sniper Engineer 57 52 22 293 230 130 18515 14547 8235 9 0 39 16 1:02:59
Blue Mr. Bönberg Soldier 32 54 7 204 252 77 12902 15894 4893 4 4 79 2 1:03:03
Blue Doonde Soldier Demo 29 48 11 191 248 198 12061 15696 12501 2 1 43 8 1:02:42
Blue G1 Demo Soldier 61 45 14 311 281 245 19620 17729 15462 8 1 92 3 1:02:53
Blue pierre Medic 3 23 36 11 150 694 9487 0 2 0 20 12 1:03:03
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Duration
Red 267 214 152 1403 1187 897 88486 74845 56584 13 24 412 109 19 1:03:03
Blue 213 268 118 1187 1403 870 74845 88486 54862 9 6 285 58 20 1:03:03


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Samael Medic 100% 922 56584 25 25 0 0 1 6 0:23 4 0 1:01:21
Blue pierre Medic 100% 870 54862 29 29 0 0 0 2 0:37 12 0 1:03:03



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red HOSTYL lex 20 26 0 5 3 0 8 0 0 62
Blue G1 25 19 0 11 0 1 5 0 0 61
Blue venom 20 20 0 8 0 0 9 0 0 57
Red schorsch#tf2center 21 20 0 6 0 0 5 0 0 52
Red HOSTYL Miami 12 29 0 8 0 0 3 0 0 52
Red HOSTYL andiduude 16 14 0 12 3 1 4 0 0 50
Red HOSTGAY Depruu 20 12 0 8 2 0 3 0 0 45
Blue Mr. Bönberg 12 11 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 32
Blue Bappe 11 13 0 4 1 0 2 0 0 31
Blue Doonde 12 5 0 4 2 1 5 0 0 29
Red Samael 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 6
Blue pierre 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 3


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Mr. Bönberg 25 20 0 7 1 1 0 0 0 54
Blue venom 22 22 0 7 1 0 0 0 0 52
Blue Doonde 22 14 0 9 1 0 2 0 0 48
Blue Bappe 11 21 0 13 1 0 0 0 0 46
Red HOSTYL Miami 16 19 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 44
Blue G1 18 12 0 10 0 0 4 0 0 44
Red HOSTGAY Depruu 22 10 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 42
Red HOSTYL lex 14 14 0 12 0 0 0 1 0 41
Red HOSTYL andiduude 10 16 0 7 2 0 1 0 0 36
Red schorsch#tf2center 10 8 0 8 1 0 0 0 0 27
Red Samael 11 9 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 23
Blue pierre 11 8 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 23


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red HOSTYL lex 29 39 0 12 4 0 9 0 0 93
Red HOSTYL Miami 22 41 0 13 1 0 8 0 0 85
Blue venom 31 27 0 10 2 0 9 0 0 79
Blue G1 30 22 0 15 0 1 7 0 0 75
Red schorsch#tf2center 29 27 0 9 1 1 5 0 0 72
Red HOSTYL andiduude 18 22 0 15 5 1 4 0 0 65
Red HOSTGAY Depruu 25 18 0 10 2 0 5 0 0 60
Blue Bappe 18 30 0 7 1 0 3 0 0 59
Red Samael 14 17 0 9 2 0 2 0 0 44
Blue Doonde 16 6 0 7 3 1 7 0 0 40
Blue pierre 15 9 0 9 0 1 5 0 0 39
Blue Mr. Bönberg 14 14 0 10 0 0 1 0 0 39



Time Team Player Kills
-44:33 Red HOSTYL andiduude 3
-41:03 Red HOSTYL lex 3
-25:34 Blue G1 3
-21:43 Red HOSTYL lex 4
-17:00 Red HOSTYL lex 3
-10:13 Blue G1 5
-10:10 Blue venom 3
-9:15 Red HOSTYL lex 3
-9:13 Red HOSTYL Miami 3
-7:29 Red schorsch#tf2center 5
-7:25 Red HOSTYL andiduude 4
-7:17 Blue Doonde 3
10:00 Blue venom 3
17:55 Blue G1 3
18:25 Red HOSTYL andiduude 3
21:41 Blue venom 3
22:06 Blue venom 4
27:34 Red HOSTYL lex 3
28:02 Blue venom 3
29:42 Red HOSTYL Miami 3
29:45 Blue venom 3
29:48 Red schorsch#tf2center 3



Team Player Message
Red HOSTGAY Depruu rup?
Blue venom !rcon
Red HOSTGAY Depruu oh 5
Red HOSTGAY Depruu mb
Red HOSTYL andiduude ns
Blue venom tyty
Blue venom 110% luck
Red HOSTYL lex wtf
Blue venom I baited in voice comms soz
Red HOSTGAY Depruu np
Red HOSTGAY Depruu <3
Blue Doonde med 1 hp ;(
Red Samael more like 20
Red Samael u regenerate health as a medic
Red HOSTGAY Depruu !extend
Red HOSTGAY Depruu good
Blue venom nice 80pingPEEK
Blue venom good to know we are equally open
Blue venom lex fix lag?
Blue venom you are jittering
Red HOSTGAY Depruu git gud
Blue Doonde thats why he has 3 vacs XD
Blue venom dw next time I face you guys I go vpn lol
Red HOSTGAY Depruu waaaa waaa
Red HOSTYL lex im from russia
Red HOSTYL lex lol
Red HOSTYL lex bro
Blue venom my condolence
Red HOSTYL lex ping 80 default
Red HOSTYL lex xd
Red HOSTGAY Depruu :D
Red HOSTYL Miami :D
Red HOSTYL lex !pause
Red HOSTGAY Depruu no
Red HOSTGAY Depruu no pause
Blue venom its scrim
Red HOSTGAY Depruu yeah
Blue venom no need to pause
Red HOSTGAY Depruu ik ik
Red HOSTGAY Depruu we don't pause
Blue venom ^^
Blue venom ggs
Red HOSTGAY Depruu gg
Blue Doonde ggs
Blue G1 GG
Blue pierre gg wp
Red HOSTYL andiduude ggs
Red HOSTYL lex ggs
Red HOSTYL Miami gg
Blue Bappe gg
Blue Doonde samel, you are cool you know
Red Samael ur braindead
Blue Doonde ty <3
Red HOSTYL lex toxic
Red HOSTYL lex (
Blue Doonde pyro + heavy :)
Red HOSTGAY Depruu yo Doonde
Red HOSTGAY Depruu weren't you a demo player
Blue Doonde im pro
Red HOSTYL Miami hes rejoning
Blue Doonde gl
Red HOSTGAY Depruu gl hf
Red HOSTGAY Depruu :)
Blue venom GH
Blue venom XD
Blue Doonde ;(
Red HOSTGAY Depruu :)
Red HOSTYL Miami gg
Blue G1 gg
Blue venom G_G
Red HOSTYL andiduude gg
Blue Doonde gg
Red HOSTYL lex gg
Red HOSTGAY Depruu gg
Blue Bappe gg
Blue pierre !rcon sv_cheats 1
Blue venom Type ZULUL to VIN
Red HOSTYL lex ?
Blue pierre !rcon sv_cheats 0
Red HOSTGAY Depruu !who
Red HOSTGAY Depruu rup?
Blue pierre restarting game
Blue Doonde w + m1?
Red HOSTGAY Depruu ?
Blue venom !
Red HOSTGAY Depruu no pyro
Blue venom G_G
Red HOSTYL Miami gg
Blue Doonde gg
Red HOSTGAY Depruu gg
Red HOSTYL lex gg
Red HOSTYL andiduude gg
Red HOSTGAY Depruu Doonde aren't you a demo?