Log 3226896

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #475277 koth_lakeside_r2 Highlander 2 2 26:52


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red oog Scout 36 16 16 364 245 207 9789 6602 5577 8 0 12 0 0 4 26:52
Red StarLy Soldier 22 22 4 272 279 129 7332 7508 3477 4 1 18 0 0 1 26:52
Red Grandma_JoJo Pyro 16 17 15 162 254 176 4362 6831 4749 3 0 6 0 0 5 26:52
Red Liam Liam Liam Demo 17 21 10 370 369 248 9953 9929 6667 4 0 18 0 0 7 26:52
Red Faze | XxMichael69xX Engineer 13 24 11 218 214 46 5858 5775 1262 2 0 18 0 0 1 26:52
Red wallgreens pharmaceutical Heavy 30 12 8 300 418 309 8083 11234 8302 14 0 14 0 0 2 26:52
Red doom555michael Medic 2 7 22 17 112 473 3023 0 2 0 11 0 0 4 26:52
Red Ty Sniper 27 21 4 319 190 54 8584 5129 1460 5 0 6 0 20 0 26:52
Red embryonic anomaly Spy 24 30 0 299 176 13 8056 4747 374 5 0 15 16 0 1 26:52
Blue Triwq Scout 32 22 10 393 242 65 10575 6503 1763 4 0 73 0 0 3 26:52
Blue yenseii Soldier 26 23 5 354 243 114 9519 6540 3066 4 0 55 0 0 2 26:52
Blue Abeille Pyro 13 15 13 128 314 226 3452 8442 6073 3 0 0 0 0 3 26:52
Blue gupdate Demo 13 23 12 332 318 230 8936 8544 6183 3 1 2 0 0 6 26:52
Blue Fartlicker777 Engineer 9 22 5 169 220 71 4545 5927 1913 2 0 9 0 0 4 26:52
Blue hoodie Heavy 24 19 14 266 395 257 7173 10613 6929 5 0 0 0 0 3 26:52
Blue DusterDan35 Medic 1 14 12 9 174 254 4698 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 26:34
Blue 150 dpm Zquiddo Sniper 31 25 3 303 251 68 8167 6766 1851 4 0 0 0 15 2 26:52
Blue Cute Is What We Aim For Spy 21 25 1 303 165 10 8157 4457 277 4 0 26 14 0 0 26:52
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 187 170 90 2325 2262 1186 62490 60778 31868 14 1 118 16 20 25 7 26:52
Blue 170 188 75 2262 2325 1044 60778 62490 28055 5 1 165 14 15 24 6 26:52


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red doom555michael Medic 100% 1187 31905 11 11 0 0 0 2 0:38 1 0 26:52
Blue DusterDan35 Medic 100% 1054 28018 10 10 0 0 1 2 0:40 3 0 26:34



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red oog 4 5 4 9 2 3 1 1 7 36
Blue Triwq 2 7 2 2 0 6 2 5 6 32
Blue 150 dpm Zquiddo 2 4 3 7 3 3 1 5 3 31
Red wallgreens pharmaceutical 1 6 3 4 6 4 2 1 3 30
Red Ty 2 3 1 5 5 4 1 4 2 27
Blue yenseii 5 5 0 2 0 4 2 5 3 26
Blue hoodie 2 2 5 4 0 3 0 0 8 24
Red embryonic anomaly 1 1 3 1 1 3 4 7 3 24
Red StarLy 7 3 0 1 2 2 0 6 1 22
Blue Cute Is What We Aim For 1 2 0 5 5 3 1 4 0 21
Red Liam Liam Liam 4 2 3 0 1 3 1 1 2 17
Red Grandma_JoJo 0 2 0 2 1 2 1 2 6 16
Red Faze | XxMichael69xX 3 0 1 1 0 1 4 3 0 13
Blue gupdate 0 1 3 1 2 4 1 1 0 13
Blue Abeille 3 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 7 13
Blue Fartlicker777 1 0 2 0 2 1 0 1 2 9
Red doom555michael 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 2
Blue DusterDan35 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red embryonic anomaly 6 3 7 0 8 2 1 3 0 30
Blue Cute Is What We Aim For 7 1 6 2 3 0 1 2 3 25
Blue 150 dpm Zquiddo 1 6 2 1 1 3 0 4 7 25
Red Faze | XxMichael69xX 6 4 0 4 3 1 0 3 3 24
Blue gupdate 9 1 2 0 4 1 0 5 1 23
Blue Triwq 4 7 0 4 1 3 0 2 1 22
Blue Fartlicker777 3 2 2 3 4 1 0 4 3 22
Blue yenseii 5 3 2 2 6 0 0 3 1 22
Red StarLy 7 5 1 1 2 0 0 4 2 22
Red Ty 5 5 0 1 0 1 0 5 4 21
Red Liam Liam Liam 2 2 0 1 4 0 0 7 5 21
Blue hoodie 2 2 1 1 6 0 1 5 1 19
Red Grandma_JoJo 2 0 2 3 5 2 0 3 0 17
Red oog 2 5 3 0 2 1 0 2 1 16
Blue Abeille 4 0 0 3 3 1 0 1 3 15
Blue DusterDan35 1 0 1 1 2 4 0 1 4 14
Red wallgreens pharmaceutical 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 3 5 12
Red doom555michael 2 2 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 7


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red oog 5 5 5 12 4 8 3 1 9 52
Blue Triwq 3 9 2 4 1 8 2 5 8 42
Red wallgreens pharmaceutical 1 6 3 7 7 4 2 3 5 38
Blue hoodie 4 3 8 4 0 5 1 0 13 38
Blue 150 dpm Zquiddo 2 4 3 7 3 4 1 5 5 34
Red Grandma_JoJo 1 4 1 4 6 3 1 2 9 31
Red Ty 3 4 1 5 5 4 1 6 2 31
Blue yenseii 7 5 0 3 0 4 3 5 4 31
Red Liam Liam Liam 4 3 5 5 2 4 1 1 2 27
Red StarLy 7 3 0 3 2 2 0 8 1 26
Blue Abeille 4 1 5 0 1 4 0 0 11 26
Blue gupdate 1 2 5 6 3 4 1 1 2 25
Red Faze | XxMichael69xX 5 2 3 2 0 2 4 4 2 24
Red doom555michael 2 3 3 0 3 5 1 1 6 24
Red embryonic anomaly 1 1 3 1 1 3 4 7 3 24
Blue Cute Is What We Aim For 1 2 0 5 5 3 1 4 1 22
Blue Fartlicker777 1 2 3 0 2 2 0 1 3 14
Blue DusterDan35 2 0 2 1 3 0 1 0 4 13


na.serveme.tf #475277

Time Team Player Kills
3:06 Red oog 3
4:08 Red wallgreens pharmaceutical 3
5:11 Red Ty 4
7:32 Blue yenseii 3
7:49 Red wallgreens pharmaceutical 3
8:13 Red oog 3
9:32 Red oog 5
13:41 Blue 150 dpm Zquiddo 3
19:16 Red Liam Liam Liam 3
20:06 Blue hoodie 3
21:54 Red wallgreens pharmaceutical 4
23:07 Red oog 4


na.serveme.tf #475277

Team Player Message
Blue Abeille ouch
Blue 150 dpm Zquiddo ez
Red StarLy im lagging so hard omg
Blue Triwq I saw
Blue Triwq ●•۩۞۩[̲̅Ŋ̲̅σ̲̅σ̲̅Ь̲̲̅۰̲̅đ̲̲̅σ̲̅ώ̲̅ŋ̲̲̲]۩۞۩•●
Red Faze | XxMichael69xX wow
Red Faze | XxMichael69xX I will hug youy to dead
Blue yenseii unreal
Blue hoodie gg
Red StarLy this is straight up unplayable
Red embryonic anomaly lol
Blue yenseii TY!!! HACKER!!!!
Blue hoodie yes ban them
Red Ty Med Down
Red Ty miss click
Blue Triwq [S] DBD Soldered Sensei and Fragmented Photons Missing Piece send offers
Blue Triwq ●•۩۞۩[̲̅Ŋ̲̅σ̲̅σ̲̅Ь̲̲̅۰̲̅đ̲̲̅σ̲̅ώ̲̅ŋ̲̲̲]۩۞۩•●
Red embryonic anomaly greatest of all time : do NOT do the thud shaker
Blue Cute Is What We Aim For thuth : did u guys get rid of that awful norville guy
Blue Triwq ●•۩۞۩[̲̅Ŋ̲̅σ̲̅σ̲̅Ь̲̲̅۰̲̅đ̲̲̅σ̲̅ώ̲̅ŋ̲̲̲]۩۞۩•●
Red oog LMAO
Blue Cute Is What We Aim For fuck
Red oog gr
Blue Cute Is What We Aim For wtf
Red oog god damn it yensei
Blue yenseii lol sorry oogy boogy
Blue Fartlicker777 that face stab tho
Red embryonic anomaly lol
Red StarLy i can finally play the video game
Blue Cute Is What We Aim For aiming is hard
Blue Triwq ●•۩۞۩[̲̅Ŋ̲̅σ̲̅σ̲̅Ь̲̲̅۰̲̅đ̲̲̅σ̲̅ώ̲̅ŋ̲̲̲]۩۞۩•●
Blue Triwq oof
Red embryonic anomaly hitscan main
Red Liam Liam Liam noob down
Blue Triwq ●•۩۞۩[̲̅Ŋ̲̅σ̲̅σ̲̅Ь̲̲̅۰̲̅đ̲̲̅σ̲̅ώ̲̅ŋ̲̲̲]۩۞۩•●
Blue Cute Is What We Aim For lilith how do you play this class on purpose
Red embryonic anomaly nolife
Red Faze | XxMichael69xX why are you so good at hitscan?
Red wallgreens pharmaceutical :[
Red oog FUCK
Red embryonic anomaly trickstabbed
Red embryonic anomaly ︻デ═一 *bang bang*
Blue Triwq ●•۩۞۩[̲̅Ŋ̲̅σ̲̅σ̲̅Ь̲̲̅۰̲̅đ̲̲̅σ̲̅ώ̲̅ŋ̲̲̲]۩۞۩•●
Blue gupdate med has to leave :c