Log 3314475

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
na.serveme.tf #493248: RED vs tanyao cp_freight Fours 13 10 49:15


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Time Played
Red C4sual Scout 62 44 17 379 246 149 18672 12141 7349 9 0 30 27 49:14
Red ne4nderzz Soldier 63 34 19 460 359 357 22700 17683 17613 8 1 19 29 49:15
Red Strawelder Demo Medic 18 31 8 166 213 211 8194 10524 10402 3 0 27 19 49:15
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump Medic Demo 5 37 42 43 215 22 2141 10632 1102 2 0 10 21 49:15
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore Scout 47 27 10 259 214 275 12783 10563 13567 8 0 20 34 49:15
Blue psycho bean Soldier 73 46 17 571 394 369 28133 19438 18199 8 1 17 18 49:15
Blue Vitamin Celsius Demo 18 47 6 160 230 138 7900 11365 6807 2 0 38 11 49:15
Blue psycho qwwert Medic 7 31 62 43 209 2164 10341 0 1 1 20 18 49:15
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS CPC Duration
Red 148 146 86 1049 1035 740 51707 50980 36466 9 1 86 96 18 49:15
Blue 145 151 95 1035 1049 783 50980 51707 38573 8 2 95 81 17 49:15


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump Medic 100% 766 32936 21 0 21 0 2 0 0:00 8 1 42:57
Red Strawelder Medic 100% 492 3530 1 1 0 0 0 0 0:00 1 0 7:10
Blue psycho qwwert Medic 100% 783 38573 28 1 27 0 1 1 0:12 16 1 49:15



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue psycho bean 18 18 0 17 0 0 20 0 0 73
Red ne4nderzz 10 20 0 17 0 0 16 0 0 63
Red C4sual 14 18 0 19 0 0 11 0 0 62
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore 18 13 0 11 0 0 5 0 0 47
Red Strawelder 2 6 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 18
Blue Vitamin Celsius 7 2 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 18
Blue psycho qwwert 1 1 0 2 0 0 3 0 0 7
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 5


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue psycho bean 18 20 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 45
Blue Vitamin Celsius 19 17 0 8 0 0 1 0 0 45
Red C4sual 18 18 0 7 0 0 1 0 0 44
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump 5 23 0 5 0 0 4 0 0 37
Red ne4nderzz 13 18 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 34
Blue psycho qwwert 11 16 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 31
Red Strawelder 11 14 0 4 0 0 1 0 0 30
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore 14 10 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 27


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue psycho bean 25 21 0 20 0 0 24 0 0 90
Red ne4nderzz 12 31 0 22 0 0 17 0 0 82
Red C4sual 20 24 0 21 0 0 14 0 0 79
Blue psycho qwwert 20 14 0 22 0 0 13 0 0 69
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore 21 14 0 13 0 0 9 0 0 57
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump 10 8 0 18 0 0 11 0 0 47
Red Strawelder 4 9 0 7 0 0 6 0 0 26
Blue Vitamin Celsius 9 3 0 7 0 0 5 0 0 24


na.serveme.tf #493248: RED vs tanyao

Time Team Player Kills
0:36 Blue meganoj #žigulikcore 3
1:17 Blue psycho bean 3
2:37 Blue psycho bean 3
4:02 Red C4sual 4
4:48 Blue psycho bean 4
5:51 Blue psycho bean 4
7:29 Red ne4nderzz 3
9:10 Blue psycho bean 3
10:52 Blue psycho bean 4
11:32 Blue psycho bean 4
15:10 Red C4sual 3
21:27 Red C4sual 3
23:02 Blue meganoj #žigulikcore 3
24:55 Red ne4nderzz 3
31:09 Blue psycho bean 3
34:06 Red ne4nderzz 4
38:19 Blue psycho bean 3
39:21 Red Strawelder 3
40:44 Red C4sual 3
43:56 Red ne4nderzz 3
45:20 Blue meganoj #žigulikcore 4
46:22 Blue psycho bean 3
48:16 Blue meganoj #žigulikcore 4
50:45 Blue psycho bean 4


na.serveme.tf #493248: RED vs tanyao

Team Player Message
Red C4sual GLHF
Red ne4nderzz GLHF!! <3333
Red Strawelder 97
Blue psycho qwwert dead
Blue psycho qwwert auuuugh
Blue psycho qwwert ~~~~
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump wut?
Red Strawelder look for a sub im lagging a lot
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore poland experience
Red Strawelder seriously
Red C4sual !extend
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump red bros....
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore Víte proč žida nezajímají zákony dokud nejsou 3 roky staré? Co se má žid hrabat v Novém Zákoně!
Blue psycho qwwert Hola fan de yolo te invito a que te salgas si no quieres que te guanchotee. (^∇^)ノ♪
Blue Vitamin Celsius FUCK
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump wtf ban him casual???????
Blue psycho qwwert hiM>?
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump wtf winrar????
Blue psycho qwwert theres light coming in my WINDOWS
Red Strawelder internet redemption ard
Red Strawelder arc
Blue Vitamin Celsius Actually it was a victory for us
Blue Vitamin Celsius the reason is because of cryptograqphic
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore poland redemption arc
Blue Vitamin Celsius bad player
Blue Vitamin Celsius bad bad bad
Blue Vitamin Celsius no
Blue Vitamin Celsius disgusting
Blue Vitamin Celsius iu bet your bouse isnt even pluggin
Blue Vitamin Celsius gamer of low 0/10
Blue psycho qwwert mvp train
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump You just got owned by a Gamer-Girl
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore jejda
Red C4sual TRAINED
Red Strawelder aaaaaaaa
Red ne4nderzz A
Blue Vitamin Celsius acc tually if you were real you would have lost
Blue Vitamin Celsius stop fucking ghost
Blue Vitamin Celsius t
Blue Vitamin Celsius this is the evidence of our racia. superiority
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore žigulik, žigulik, řekni more za kulik
Red Strawelder i cant believe im killing people
Blue Vitamin Celsius if you were gamg er actually you know it would have bewen yeah uoiu know
Blue Vitamin Celsius its really a skill issue on your end
Blue Vitamin Celsius very lucky
Blue Vitamin Celsius random crit man
Blue Vitamin Celsius i thikn you should mge more
Blue Vitamin Celsius skill issue
Red ne4nderzz silly
Red ne4nderzz i like you
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump wtf why didnt u taunt?????
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump im so mad at the non-taunt
Blue psycho qwwert busy
Red ne4nderzz tying my shoe rq hold on
Blue psycho qwwert TRAINED
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore traind
Blue Vitamin Celsius i hope you enjoy the taste of my scrotum
Blue Vitamin Celsius fucking inaccurate
Blue psycho qwwert ??
Blue Vitamin Celsius i saw you miss it
Blue Vitamin Celsius thats ac chatarveter problem
Blue Vitamin Celsius rewally istws your fault
Blue Vitamin Celsius like cmon
Blue Vitamin Celsius do you konw what a pacififsm
Red Strawelder I CANT MOVE
Blue Vitamin Celsius your not enlinw
Blue psycho bean darn nice gun shots
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore train
Blue Vitamin Celsius bad player bad game -> red team
Blue Vitamin Celsius we good thoi
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore de_train
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore pushin popdog
Red ne4nderzz straw ping new record
Red Strawelder gg
Red Strawelder oh
Red Strawelder i hate this
Blue Vitamin Celsius if you werew a platonic solid you wont say this you know
Blue Vitamin Celsius character poroblem
Blue Vitamin Celsius not gamer
Blue Vitamin Celsius truthfully it was not a kill, i am incapacitaed which
Red C4sual 0 dmg perfect aim shot
Red C4sual get fucked
Blue Vitamin Celsius whello you should have trhoiught of the puppies which i molestr once per death
Red ne4nderzz straw is afflicted with terminal poland
Red Strawelder terminal bad proviuder i think
Blue Vitamin Celsius this is not an accewptable form of communication in the poland state of the soviet union so you are going to jail sec ret polic
Blue meganoj #žigulikcore !extend
Red C4sual !extend
Blue Vitamin Celsius well actualy you are a small persoin so manlet man so stop no noi n0o AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Blue Vitamin Celsius hhhfuck
Blue Vitamin Celsius effeminate and gay
Blue Vitamin Celsius just not a real person
Blue Vitamin Celsius come on
Blue Vitamin Celsius try harder
Red ne4nderzz the the the
Blue Vitamin Celsius missed
Red ne4nderzz 2hu rivet in the wall
Blue Vitamin Celsius HUNAGARIND
Blue Vitamin Celsius oi will go back in time and steal your genitals
Blue Vitamin Celsius cowardice
Blue Vitamin Celsius weaknes
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump You just got owned by a Gamer-Girl
Blue Vitamin Celsius this is why i am the superior life form
Red Strawelder lmao
Blue Vitamin Celsius gamer girls are gaymer girls
Blue Vitamin Celsius facts
Blue Vitamin Celsius why just not miss
Blue Vitamin Celsius ha
Blue Vitamin Celsius you're owned liberal being
Red ne4nderzz vitamin
Blue Vitamin Celsius your selection pressures are distinctively low quality
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump im so fucking awesome pilled rn fr fr no cap
Red ne4nderzz im gonna play wallball with your left nut
Blue Vitamin Celsius i will steal your face
Console it feels like im watching a bucnh of animals in the zoo
Blue Vitamin Celsius gay
Blue Vitamin Celsius skillless gameplay
Red ne4nderzz marget garn
Blue Vitamin Celsius come down to detroit
Red C4sual !extend
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump potg
Blue Vitamin Celsius lets have a knife fight
Blue Vitamin Celsius bring your cooking pot
Blue Vitamin Celsius im
Blue Vitamin Celsius fuck my ass
Blue Vitamin Celsius ha ha ha it's your ass
Blue Vitamin Celsius they should outlaw you for crimes against human decency you trash
Red ne4nderzz you should eat a bug
Red ne4nderzz stinky
Blue Vitamin Celsius you're beastiality
Blue psycho bean darn
Red ne4nderzz lmao
Red Strawelder to how much is this
Blue psycho qwwert 1289041]
Blue psycho bean 20
Blue Vitamin Celsius dick fuck designs bad game
Blue Vitamin Celsius unsurp;risng
Blue Vitamin Celsius the laws of physics should make an exception to have your penis fall off
Blue Vitamin Celsius i bet yuo have three
Blue psycho qwwert saw up ur BUM
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump f*ck yes!
Red C4sual damn...
Red Strawelder you got us
Blue Vitamin Celsius if you were me i would commit hara kiri
Red ne4nderzz I CAME
Red Strawelder where are you pasting these from
Red C4sual im so bad
Blue Vitamin Celsius fuck your ass
Blue Vitamin Celsius 2 day
Blue Vitamin Celsius 3 gay
Blue Vitamin Celsius 4 lay
Blue Vitamin Celsius real;;ly it s your fault because i was oprresewd in my upbringing. this was my only shot to become a real gfamer and gues what
Blue Vitamin Celsius runiner
Blue Vitamin Celsius your noit even a real gamer
Blue psycho bean 711
Red ne4nderzz YEAHH
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump loose harder ;)
Blue Vitamin Celsius we win 19 / 0
Blue psycho qwwert nah i aint doing this taht fat
Blue Vitamin Celsius look @ the fac
Blue psycho qwwert How It Feels To Play Scout
Blue psycho qwwert 2
Blue psycho qwwert Clean
Blue psycho qwwert Meatshots
Blue Vitamin Celsius strategy
Blue Vitamin Celsius somepone probably died spelunking up your ass
Red Strawelder \
Blue Vitamin Celsius how to you feel
Blue Vitamin Celsius shit man
Blue Vitamin Celsius murdered
Red C4sual 'i hate doctors' -scout
Red C4sual omg hes jst like me...
Blue Vitamin Celsius fuck you ass
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump vitamin cope
Blue Vitamin Celsius mother bitch
Red C4sual winlimit should be what?
Blue Vitamin Celsius 12
Red ne4nderzz my liver :(
Blue Vitamin Celsius if you ever look inside your self you will see what you are gay
Blue Vitamin Celsius gay
Blue psycho bean epic
Blue Vitamin Celsius uyou dont even jknow what a steick is yiouy primnordial ape you just pres keys on a key board and it happens ai assistence is y
Blue Vitamin Celsius fucking train bitch
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump lmao
Blue Vitamin Celsius woimn
Red Strawelder ez kill!
Blue psycho qwwert women
Blue Vitamin Celsius g
Console friendly fire is disabled
Red Strawelder good try
Blue Vitamin Celsius hit alt f4 before my dick gfoes throuhg your monitor
Blue Vitamin Celsius man sdo you even know what a mouse is do yoiu use a trackball fucking degenerate
Red CreatorOfLucklanderGhostyGump hell ye...