Logs 3337147, 3337129

League Competition Division Round Teams Score Maps
ETF2L Highlander Winter 2023 Preseason Cup Premiership Round 3 moro moro Strussy 6.0 0.0 pl_divulgence_b4b

D M Title Map Format Red Blue RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #1300565 pl_divulgence_b4b Highlander moro moro Strussy 1 0 17:03 Remove log
serveme.tf #1300565 pl_divulgence_b4b Highlander Strussy moro moro 0 1 21:51 Remove log
Totals 1 1 38:54


Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR LKS AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red Blue kanon Scout 29 19 10 253 177 145 9859 6914 5666 7 0 8 0 0 5 38:54
Red Blue danny Soldier 31 23 15 352 295 205 13729 11492 8005 5 1 66 0 0 1 38:54
Red Blue PyroHam Pyro 25 25 15 166 258 206 6475 10042 8044 4 0 13 0 0 2 38:54
Red Blue $neaky Demo 25 25 15 531 351 324 20689 13670 12628 5 1 8 0 0 0 38:36
Red Blue Skyfox Engineer 16 9 19 167 133 79 6508 5187 3080 4 0 16 0 0 5 38:54
Red Blue moikill231 Heavy 31 27 17 297 419 229 11559 16302 8910 8 0 20 0 0 0 38:51
Red Blue Sebastianey Medic 2 6 37 21 100 821 3913 0 1 0 15 0 0 0 38:54
Red Blue Piney💙 Sniper 41 21 4 343 228 151 13375 8878 5901 6 0 9 0 29 2 38:54
Red Blue wiitabix Spy 29 31 4 245 164 9 9533 6396 365 5 0 49 16 0 0 38:54
Blue Red senko Scout 28 23 12 247 205 161 9617 7995 6269 4 0 32 0 0 5 38:54
Blue Red Apolo Soldier 16 37 11 331 267 132 12893 10416 5169 2 0 51 0 0 0 38:54
Blue Red Superiumentarius Pyro 14 23 20 151 286 205 5879 11134 7983 3 0 28 0 0 0 38:54
Blue Red Assassin+ Demo 25 31 6 406 395 312 15815 15372 12140 5 2 20 0 0 1 38:54
Blue Red lawn Engineer 16 21 12 152 146 79 5920 5701 3094 3 0 18 0 0 3 38:54
Blue Red ReseF Heavy 26 28 20 269 493 303 10470 19180 11788 5 0 35 0 0 1 38:54
Blue Red straus Medic 0 13 24 3 158 132 6167 0 0 0 16 0 0 1 38:54
Blue Red fundo Sniper 34 18 3 273 215 189 10646 8402 7379 5 0 9 0 22 0 38:54
Blue Red Knot me like your shoelaces Spy 27 37 3 293 210 31 11422 8181 1232 4 0 49 20 0 0 38:54
Teams Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR LKS AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Red 97 83 61 2379 2231 1355 40564 38055 23112 7 2 92 8 13 9 6 17:03
Blue 83 98 49 2231 2379 1430 38055 40564 24384 5 0 108 9 10 3 6 17:03
Red 103 133 62 2047 2379 1403 44739 51984 30670 5 2 150 11 12 8 7 21:51
Blue 132 103 75 2379 2047 1349 51984 44739 29487 8 0 112 8 16 6 7 21:51


Teams Player Class H% H/M H Ü MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red Blue Sebastianey Medic 100% 1351 52575 30 30 0 0 0 1 0:20 3 0 38:54
Blue Red straus Medic 100% 1415 55078 18 18 0 0 2 10 0:40 3 0 38:54



Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue Piney💙 3 4 3 8 6 4 3 7 3 41
Blue Red fundo 1 2 5 5 5 3 1 8 4 34
Red Blue danny 7 4 3 3 2 2 0 3 7 31
Red Blue moikill231 5 6 2 6 4 3 0 0 5 31
Red Blue wiitabix 2 2 2 3 4 5 5 5 1 29
Red Blue kanon 1 7 4 3 7 1 1 1 4 29
Blue Red senko 4 8 3 0 4 1 0 3 5 28
Blue Red Knot me like your shoelaces 2 1 2 5 6 3 2 4 2 27
Blue Red ReseF 2 3 6 2 8 1 0 3 1 26
Blue Red Assassin+ 3 4 5 5 0 1 2 1 4 25
Red Blue PyroHam 0 4 3 3 1 2 1 0 11 25
Red Blue $neaky 1 4 4 3 4 3 3 2 1 25
Blue Red Apolo 1 1 2 4 2 0 1 1 4 16
Red Blue Skyfox 4 5 2 2 0 1 0 0 2 16
Blue Red lawn 4 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 8 16
Blue Red Superiumentarius 2 3 1 2 2 0 0 1 3 14
Red Blue Sebastianey 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Red Apolo 7 4 4 4 6 5 0 4 2 36
Blue Red Knot me like your shoelaces 4 7 11 1 5 2 2 3 1 36
Red Blue wiitabix 5 4 3 4 1 8 0 4 2 31
Blue Red Assassin+ 3 3 3 3 6 2 0 8 3 31
Blue Red ReseF 7 2 1 4 4 0 0 6 4 28
Red Blue moikill231 4 2 2 0 8 0 0 5 6 27
Red Blue $neaky 0 4 2 5 2 2 0 5 5 25
Red Blue PyroHam 3 2 1 5 6 1 0 5 2 25
Blue Red senko 1 7 0 1 5 4 0 3 2 23
Red Blue danny 8 1 3 4 3 1 0 2 1 23
Blue Red Superiumentarius 4 3 3 4 2 2 0 3 2 23
Blue Red lawn 1 2 2 3 3 1 0 4 5 21
Red Blue Piney💙 3 1 1 1 3 0 0 8 4 21
Red Blue kanon 4 1 2 3 2 4 0 1 2 19
Blue Red fundo 1 3 0 2 0 0 0 7 5 18
Blue Red straus 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 3 5 13
Red Blue Skyfox 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 3 3 9
Red Blue Sebastianey 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 1 2 6


Teams Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Blue moikill231 9 7 3 9 5 6 0 0 9 48
Blue Red ReseF 6 4 6 5 11 3 1 5 5 46
Red Blue danny 9 8 6 6 2 3 0 4 8 46
Red Blue Piney💙 3 5 3 8 7 5 3 7 4 45
Red Blue $neaky 5 5 4 5 11 3 3 2 2 40
Blue Red senko 6 8 4 2 5 1 2 3 9 40
Red Blue PyroHam 1 6 5 6 2 3 5 0 12 40
Red Blue Sebastianey 2 2 6 2 9 2 2 1 13 39
Red Blue kanon 1 10 5 4 7 2 2 1 7 39
Blue Red fundo 2 2 6 6 5 3 1 8 4 37
Red Blue Skyfox 4 6 5 10 1 1 0 0 8 35
Blue Red Superiumentarius 8 6 3 6 3 0 1 1 6 34
Red Blue wiitabix 2 2 3 3 4 6 6 6 1 33
Blue Red Assassin+ 3 5 7 5 2 2 2 1 4 31
Blue Red Knot me like your shoelaces 3 1 2 5 6 3 2 4 4 30
Blue Red lawn 4 2 3 6 0 0 0 0 13 28
Blue Red Apolo 2 3 4 6 4 1 1 2 4 27
Blue Red straus 0 6 8 4 2 0 0 2 2 24


serveme.tf #1300565

Team Player Message
Blue lawn rq
Blue Knot me like your shoelaces omg wallbang
Red PyroHam rq
Red Piney💙 hi im piney wanna cuddle at lan :3
Blue Knot me like your shoelaces i am hiding in the corner on bottom left spawn
Blue Knot me like your shoelaces do not spycheck!!!
Blue fundo iikq: voi curry pon pirun päkmi ja miffinz llt kyllä kovis NOSTAN HATTUUNSA
Red Sebastianey announce raids
Red kanon .ss
Red danny i will detonate a bomb at lan this is not a thread its an announcement
Blue Assassin+ which lan
Red Sebastianey thread
Red Piney💙 WHAT
Blue senko theres no ledge for me to land on
Blue straus piney :DDD
Blue straus i shat myself
Red Piney💙 <3
Blue Apolo im trouble
Blue Knot me like your shoelaces MINI DOWNQ!!1
Blue lawn lmao
Red PyroHam lol
Red Piney💙 ggs
Blue Apolo ggs
Red PyroHam gg
Blue Superiumentarius gg
Red kanon gg
Red danny gg
Blue ReseF gg
Blue lawn gg

serveme.tf #1300565

Team Player Message
Blue Piney💙 let us win, you get noods
Red lawn who's noods
Red ReseF noods....
Red ReseF blushes
Red Knot me like your shoelaces Prepare to defend/capture the control point
Red lawn or do u mean noodles
Blue Piney💙 onlyfans.com/pineyyy
Red Assassin+ nood......
Blue wiitabix stace: expect poland
Red lawn because im hungry
Blue Piney💙 so you wont kill me resef right
Red Knot me like your shoelaces our scout has a neco arc sign
Red Knot me like your shoelaces it's gg
Blue danny virgin
Blue Piney💙 haha classic
Red Knot me like your shoelaces ur not on classic
Blue Piney💙 haha classic
Blue PyroHam ඞ sus
Blue Piney💙 no nudes for you
Blue wiitabix fuck off
Blue wiitabix ???
Red Apolo xd
Red Apolo eat up
Blue Piney💙 haha classic
Blue Sebastianey lol
Blue moikill231 lol
Red Knot me like your shoelaces <3
Red lawn lol
Red straus 8min last lol
Blue wiitabix not to be toxic
Red ReseF stfu witabix
Blue wiitabix but if u didnt have 3 players perma spychecking
Blue Sebastianey ...
Red ReseF I know where you live
Blue wiitabix ur time would probably have been better
Red Assassin+ cope + seeze
Blue PyroHam ඞ sus
Blue danny Voxtec ist doof: at the bahnhof?
Blue Sebastianey dox him
Red Apolo you wouldn't say that at lan
Blue wiitabix i would
Red Apolo hell nah
Blue wiitabix :3
Red Apolo scared to say hi to mak ass
Red Apolo a;p
Red Knot me like your shoelaces spy decloaked
Red Knot me like your shoelaces his strange ranked up
Blue $neaky wtf
Red lawn Owend
Blue Piney💙 haha classic
Blue Piney💙 hi im piney wanna cuddle at lan :3
Red Knot me like your shoelaces hi
Red lawn wtf!!!!!
Blue Sebastianey wtf
Blue Sebastianey friendly
Red Knot me like your shoelaces hi
Blue Piney💙 lmaooo
Red lawn gh
Blue $neaky gh
Red Apolo gh