Log 3535465

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU pl_swiftwater_final1 Highlander 0 2 25:36


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played
Red I made more money than aishou Scout 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0 12:57
Red SAKKU #TigerRise Scout 9 21 7 126 231 76 3245 5916 1947 3 0 35 0 0 3 25:36
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise Soldier 17 25 6 342 292 100 8779 7477 2565 2 1 62 0 0 1 25:36
Red 薇絲達芬° Pyro 19 12 8 186 232 203 4775 5951 5204 5 0 18 0 0 0 25:36
Red Rayno #ThugHunterᴴᵁᴰ Demo 33 15 6 555 347 338 14225 8893 8666 7 1 12 0 0 0 25:36
Red PIRLOVISION KITT Engineer 18 20 7 166 191 64 4252 4895 1660 5 0 11 0 0 1 25:35
Red ifud Heavy 12 14 10 179 386 169 4607 9892 4332 5 0 22 0 0 0 25:36
Red AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Medic 0 5 23 11 70 302 1794 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 25:36
Red s1mon #TigerRise Sniper 17 13 2 210 234 161 5377 6006 4123 9 0 6 0 14 2 25:36
Red Dashinix Spy 10 24 2 154 149 15 3946 3828 402 2 0 18 7 0 2 25:36
Blue monte Scout 22 22 5 242 199 95 6217 5101 2440 5 0 34 0 0 3 25:36
Blue bos Soldier 28 14 8 452 243 96 11590 6226 2472 6 1 97 0 0 0 25:36
Blue Ashen Pyro 10 15 10 105 225 197 2712 5772 5046 3 0 18 0 0 0 25:36
Blue Tharman Demo 30 16 6 459 253 184 11770 6500 4728 7 1 16 0 0 0 25:35
Blue CH Engineer 11 10 14 194 146 88 4975 3761 2263 3 0 12 0 0 5 25:36
Blue HaniHannie Heavy 14 14 10 191 388 344 4910 9947 8814 5 0 22 0 0 3 25:36
Blue Jso Wiki Medic 0 12 15 0 144 0 3700 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 25:36
Blue sirty Sniper 24 12 2 302 181 94 7733 4640 2407 8 0 13 0 14 0 25:36
Blue Tabby The Bunny Spy 10 20 1 185 150 29 4745 3861 757 3 0 50 9 0 0 25:25
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS BS HSK CPC Duration
Red 135 150 71 1933 2134 1130 49508 54652 28951 9 2 187 7 14 9 6 25:36
Blue 149 135 71 2134 1933 1129 54652 49508 28927 8 2 270 9 14 11 6 25:36


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Medic 100% 1129 28921 17 15 2 0 0 1 0:11 2 0 25:36
Blue Jso Wiki Medic 100% 1131 28957 5 5 0 0 4 4 0:40 2 0 25:36



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Rayno #ThugHunterᴴᵁᴰ 5 1 5 3 7 4 6 1 1 33
Blue Tharman 5 5 4 2 2 6 0 1 5 30
Blue bos 5 10 0 3 1 4 0 1 4 28
Blue sirty 4 3 2 2 3 2 0 5 3 24
Blue monte 2 2 2 3 1 4 2 3 3 22
Red 薇絲達芬° 3 2 2 4 0 2 1 0 5 19
Red PIRLOVISION KITT 6 2 1 3 0 0 0 2 4 18
Red s1mon #TigerRise 2 3 2 0 3 0 1 6 0 17
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise 1 4 3 3 0 2 2 0 2 17
Blue HaniHannie 1 3 1 2 1 2 2 0 2 14
Red ifud 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 6 12
Blue CH 1 2 3 0 0 1 0 0 4 11
Blue Tabby The Bunny 2 0 0 1 4 1 0 2 0 10
Blue Ashen 1 0 0 2 2 0 1 1 3 10
Red Dashinix 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 2 0 10
Red SAKKU #TigerRise 3 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 9


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise 2 10 0 5 3 2 0 3 0 25
Red Dashinix 3 4 3 5 2 4 0 3 0 24
Blue monte 3 1 3 5 1 6 0 2 1 22
Red SAKKU #TigerRise 2 5 1 5 1 1 0 4 2 21
Blue Tabby The Bunny 2 2 5 1 6 4 0 0 0 20
Red PIRLOVISION KITT 4 4 0 6 2 1 0 2 1 20
Blue Tharman 1 3 4 3 1 3 0 0 1 16
Blue Ashen 1 3 2 5 1 1 0 2 0 15
Red Rayno #ThugHunterᴴᵁᴰ 3 3 2 2 2 0 0 2 1 15
Blue bos 0 4 2 1 1 2 0 3 1 14
Blue HaniHannie 0 0 0 7 1 0 0 3 3 14
Red ifud 1 1 2 2 1 0 0 3 4 14
Red s1mon #TigerRise 3 1 1 1 0 0 0 5 2 13
Blue Jso Wiki 1 2 1 6 0 0 0 1 1 12
Red 薇絲達芬° 2 0 0 4 1 3 0 2 0 12
Blue sirty 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 6 2 12
Blue CH 0 2 2 4 1 0 0 0 1 10


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Rayno #ThugHunterᴴᵁᴰ 6 1 5 5 8 6 6 1 1 39
Blue bos 6 12 0 3 4 6 0 1 4 36
Blue Tharman 6 7 4 3 3 6 0 1 6 36
Red 薇絲達芬° 3 3 4 4 2 2 1 0 8 27
Blue monte 3 2 2 6 2 4 2 3 3 27
Blue sirty 4 4 2 2 3 2 0 5 4 26
Red PIRLOVISION KITT 8 3 1 4 1 0 0 3 5 25
Blue CH 3 2 5 1 1 4 1 1 7 25
Blue HaniHannie 2 4 2 4 2 4 3 0 3 24
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise 3 4 3 3 1 2 2 0 5 23
Red ifud 3 1 3 4 2 1 0 0 8 22
Blue Ashen 2 2 2 4 3 1 1 2 3 20
Red s1mon #TigerRise 2 3 3 0 3 0 1 7 0 19
Red SAKKU #TigerRise 6 1 3 1 1 0 1 1 2 16
Blue Jso Wiki 0 3 3 2 1 3 1 2 0 15
Red Dashinix 2 1 0 1 4 1 1 2 0 12
Blue Tabby The Bunny 2 0 0 1 5 1 0 2 0 11


Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU

Time Team Player Kills
1:19 Blue sirty 3
2:23 Red Rayno #ThugHunterᴴᵁᴰ 3
2:56 Blue Tharman 6
5:09 Blue Tharman 3
5:41 Blue Tabby The Bunny 3
9:18 Red s1mon #TigerRise 4
11:52 Red ifud 3
14:31 Blue sirty 3
15:15 Red Rayno #ThugHunterᴴᵁᴰ 3
16:26 Blue HaniHannie 3
17:51 Blue monte 5
19:28 Blue bos 3
19:38 Red SAKKU #TigerRise 3


Matcha Bookable: RED vs BLU

Team Player Message
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise im gonna kill ur
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise parrot
Blue Ashen i am quiet
Red I made more money than aishou saint756?
Red I made more money than aishou bodo kau
Red I made more money than aishou anak anjinggg
Blue Tharman shut up
Blue bos bunuh diri
Red I made more money than aishou !votekick bo
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise HAHAAHA
Blue Tharman KYS
Blue sirty LOL
Red I made more money than aishou kaldoz take the pack
Blue Tharman UR SO BAD
Red I made more money than aishou fkin noob
Blue Tharman UR SO BAD
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise I PENCIL JUMPED U
Red I made more money than aishou ye cuz u cant jump
Red I made more money than aishou menace braindead moments
Red I made more money than aishou LOL
Red PIRLOVISION KITT i need time
Blue Ashen im in
Red I made more money than aishou ur actually so shit
Red I made more money than aishou u need a sub bro
Blue Tharman LMAO
Blue Tharman WATCH MY POV
Red I made more money than aishou ?
Blue monte brtuh
Red I made more money than aishou \
Blue bos xd
Red I made more money than aishou that was a great jump bo
Blue Tharman uHASHASHA
Console bruh
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise lol
Red Rayno #ThugHunterᴴᵁᴰ LOLA
Blue Tharman bro my med missed the arrow
Console bruhh
Blue Tabby The Bunny IFUN U FAT FUCK
Blue Tharman HAHAH
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise you have like
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise 10x movement speed
Blue Tharman wym 10x
Red Dashinix how
Blue sirty bhop
Red Dashinix it played the sound
Blue monte nom nom pipes
Blue monte yummy
Red SAKKU #TigerRise YEET
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise u so blind bo
Blue Tharman ya bo
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise i behind u
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise :DD
Blue bos all good no difference
Red Dashinix THIS IS RIGGED!!!!!!
Blue bos bonus time
Red ifud lose because of that
Red Rayno #ThugHunterᴴᵁᴰ we lost cuz of that 0.0001 microsec
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise 1 second is everything
Blue Tharman ifun
Blue Tharman do u like my loadout
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise im going to bomb house
Blue Tharman come pioneer mall bro 3pm
Blue Tharman fight me
Red I made more money than aishou im coming
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise HAHAHAAHA
Blue monte rayno u r n word
Blue Tabby The Bunny ?
Blue Tabby The Bunny sirty?
Blue sirty i got silly >.<
Blue bos RAHH
Red I made more money than aishou bo u suck
Blue bos no hp mf
Blue Tharman EZ
Red Rayno #ThugHunterᴴᵁᴰ wtf
Red Rayno #ThugHunterᴴᵁᴰ eat the pipe
Blue monte why man
Red I made more money than aishou LOL
Blue bos RAHHH
Blue monte ns
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise why so toxic
Blue Tharman sorry
Blue Tharman its been a while
Blue sirty ?
Blue sirty tabby?
Red SAKKU #TigerRise UM
Blue monte tabby diff
Red I made more money than aishou .ss
Red Rayno #ThugHunterᴴᵁᴰ what
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise umm
Red I made more money than aishou .ss
Blue HaniHannie .ss
Red ♥ Tsu ♥ #TigersRise is there config
Red Dashinix .ss
Blue Ashen .ss
Red ifud w
Blue sirty .ss
Blue monte 6s cfg wtf
Blue Ashen .ss
Red Dashinix 5cp
Red Dashinix lol
Blue CH .SS