Log 3609894

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
br.tf2pickup.org #5374 cp_process_f12 Sixes 5 3 30:01


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS HSK CPC Time Played
Red firedust Scout Engineer Sniper 27 17 8 197 183 160 5924 5507 4820 5 0 27 1 16 29:42
Red ruka Scout Sniper Heavy 24 15 17 308 234 254 9269 7044 7641 6 0 21 4 8 29:42
Red arti Soldier 6 21 7 168 206 184 5071 6186 5532 3 1 56 0 6 29:38
Red maik soho Soldier Sniper 26 22 5 262 239 211 7867 7201 6335 4 2 88 0 5 29:12
Red sonnen Demo 18 12 7 285 257 301 8575 7719 9052 3 0 30 0 5 30:01
Red korazin Medic 0 9 11 9 110 275 3315 0 0 0 6 0 9 30:01
Blue zHeixer Scout Engineer Sniper Heavy 17 20 10 172 189 102 5173 5699 3065 3 0 33 0 12 30:01
Blue nicky Scout Spy Heavy 26 10 13 200 184 240 6024 5545 7233 6 0 12 0 7 29:12
Blue Luxuria Soldier 12 26 9 208 265 174 6264 7964 5239 3 0 70 0 2 30:00
Blue böne Soldier 14 22 1 221 222 207 6651 6688 6224 4 0 54 0 5 30:01
Blue Schlagenheim Demo 23 16 16 378 244 310 11348 7326 9318 5 3 36 0 4 30:01
Blue KOEL Medic 4 8 16 50 125 1512 3759 0 2 1 10 0 4 30:01
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS HSK CPC Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS HSK CPC Duration
Red 101 96 55 1232 1231 1112 36981 36972 33380 6 3 228 5 49 9 30:01
Blue 96 102 65 1231 1232 1035 36972 36981 31079 6 4 215 0 34 9 30:01


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red korazin Medic 100% 1112 33380 12 12 0 0 1 0 0:00 1 0 30:01
Blue KOEL Medic 100% 1035 31079 13 13 0 0 1 2 0:30 2 0 30:01



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red firedust 4 15 0 5 1 0 1 0 1 27
Blue nicky 6 13 0 5 0 0 0 2 0 26
Red maik soho 5 11 0 4 1 0 4 1 0 26
Red ruka 7 11 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 24
Blue Schlagenheim 9 6 0 3 0 0 4 1 0 23
Red sonnen 7 8 0 2 0 0 1 0 0 18
Blue zHeixer 4 12 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 17
Blue böne 5 4 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 14
Blue Luxuria 3 4 0 3 0 0 1 1 0 12
Red arti 2 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 6
Blue KOEL 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue Luxuria 10 9 0 3 0 1 0 3 0 26
Red maik soho 10 4 0 6 1 0 1 0 0 22
Blue böne 10 5 0 5 0 0 0 2 0 22
Red arti 13 5 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 21
Blue zHeixer 8 6 0 5 0 0 0 1 0 20
Red firedust 5 6 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 17
Blue Schlagenheim 7 5 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 15
Red ruka 6 3 0 5 1 0 0 0 0 15
Red sonnen 6 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 12
Blue nicky 5 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 10
Red korazin 0 5 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 9
Blue KOEL 3 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red ruka 11 21 0 5 0 1 3 0 0 41
Blue nicky 13 16 0 8 0 0 0 2 0 39
Blue Schlagenheim 11 17 0 4 0 0 5 2 0 39
Red firedust 6 19 0 7 1 0 1 0 1 35
Red maik soho 8 12 0 4 2 0 4 1 0 31
Blue zHeixer 11 14 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 27
Red sonnen 9 11 0 2 1 0 2 0 0 25
Blue Luxuria 6 7 0 5 0 0 2 1 0 21
Blue KOEL 8 6 0 3 0 0 2 1 0 20
Blue böne 5 5 0 0 0 0 4 1 0 15
Red arti 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 13
Red korazin 3 4 0 3 0 0 1 0 0 11


br.tf2pickup.org #5374

Time Team Player Kills
3:54 Red firedust 4
12:56 Red ruka 3
26:39 Blue zHeixer 3
27:21 Blue nicky 4


br.tf2pickup.org #5374

Team Player Message
Red korazin vai dar para jogar esse mix nao em
Blue nicky que delicia
Blue nicky mix old me
Red korazin qm é vc
Red korazin hostdikter
Blue nicky nicky
Blue Schlagenheim alemao ele ne
Red korazin e vc japones
Red korazin ??
Blue Schlagenheim sim
Red korazin nossa
Red korazin mix internacional
Blue Schlagenheim geleia gordao
Red maik soho penalti
Red korazin vai dar para jogar esse mix nao em
Red korazin dou force end?
Blue Schlagenheim pq
Red korazin quer jogar de seringa
Blue nicky joga assim mesmo
Red korazin soldier de 12
Blue nicky fodase
Red firedust mix 2010
Red firedust to em casa
Blue Schlagenheim manutencao da steam
Blue Schlagenheim jaja volta
Blue Schlagenheim jogam ha anos en sabem disso
Blue Schlagenheim kksdgkakgdk
Red sonnen ninguem vai aparece na logo
Red sonnen .log
Blue Schlagenheim uma pra deus ver
Red firedust sold chegando no mid com 50 de vida teoria
Blue Schlagenheim Eita porra.
Red firedust eh
Red firedust vo da force end nisso
Red sonnen da force ened e entra dnv
Blue Schlagenheim calma man.
Red korazin a steam ainda tta caida
Blue Schlagenheim se entrar dnv vai estar off
Blue Schlagenheim de qualquer forma
Blue nicky noobl tem item
Blue nicky wt
Blue nicky wtf
Red firedust noobl tem item
Red firedust lol
Blue Luxuria a minha voltou
Red sonnen mas ja volta cara
Red korazin ele tava com jogo aberto
Blue Schlagenheim ta voltando seus animais
Blue Luxuria sim pow
Blue Schlagenheim jogo ta travando
Red korazin vamos jogar dando call in game
Blue Schlagenheim provavelmente...
Red firedust qnd fica travando é pq tá voltando
Blue KOEL hmmmm
Blue KOEL tendeu
Red sonnen rr
Red firedust rr
Blue Schlagenheim steam voltou.
Red korazin os item n voltaram para mim
Red sonnen rr no srever
Red korazin eu ja dei
Red korazin rr no tf2
Red sonnen no server
Red korazin a steam ta caida ainda para alguns
Red korazin nao é o server
Blue KOEL gg
Blue KOEL vai trocar o maiksoho?
Blue KOEL :)
Red maik soho eu
Red korazin nao
Blue KOEL aa
Blue KOEL matheus
Blue KOEL firedust
Red firedust oi
Red korazin agora sim
Blue KOEL vc acha que ta meio desequilibrado os times?
Red korazin tem o helnot no seu time
Red korazin tem vc
Blue Schlagenheim to velho e ruim???
Blue Schlagenheim qual a implicancia comigo
Blue KOEL aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Red korazin nao vai mais essa disculpa nao em
Blue KOEL é que tipo
Blue KOEL saiu um cara com 8 pontos e entrou um com 1 ponto no lugar
Blue KOEL mas de boa
Blue KOEL vamos jogar entao
Blue Schlagenheim quem?
Blue KOEL sem mimimi
Blue Schlagenheim ah, o jenny
Blue Schlagenheim cade seu namorado koel
Blue Schlagenheim chama de volta
Blue Schlagenheim voltou ja os items
Blue KOEL caiu a net
Red firedust não pagou o miliciano
Blue KOEL hauhauhuahua
Red firedust koel
Red firedust já curtiu o post no meu insta?
Blue Schlagenheim maik soho nao qeur vim pra ca?
Blue Schlagenheim bone vai pra la
Red firedust porra
Red firedust já tamo sem sold
Red ruka ?
Blue Schlagenheim sem sold?
Blue Schlagenheim ces tem o maik soho
Red firedust artifact...
Blue KOEL foi o que eu falei
Blue KOEL vcs tem scout fortinho
Blue KOEL num mapa fortinho pra scout
Red firedust vc quer que minha dupla de sold seja artifact e lukao anomalia
Blue KOEL :d
Red firedust eh isso
Red firedust nada contra os dois
Red firedust mas...
Blue böne nao entrosda
Blue KOEL 1 scout fortinho ai
Red korazin oq um scout forte vai fazer contra um demo e um soldier forte
Red korazin num choke
Blue KOEL com 2 soldier fraquinho aqui
Red firedust /\
Blue KOEL nao vai dar certo
Blue KOEL hmmmmmm
Blue KOEL ruka en su prime
Red ruka f4
Red firedust virgem
Blue Schlagenheim troca ai man
Red ruka bopa uber
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Red korazin toma entao
Blue Schlagenheim meui scout ta olhando pro chao
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Blue Schlagenheim nao to entendendo meu time
Blue zHeixer mis soldiers culiado
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Blue Schlagenheim vc é burro tambem
Red firedust qf. bass : ahsuahsuahsuah
Blue KOEL kkkk
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Red ruka ruins
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Red korazin ele jogou inteligente agora
Red ruka jogando na sabiduria
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Red firedust qf. bass : ahsuahsuahsuah
Blue nicky vc é um estuprado
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Red ruka RETRASADO HABLANDO!!!! Continuen con precaucion.
Red sonnen ♱I am a follower of God therefore you should know i dont approve of the LGBT community but i wont bash you for it♱
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Red firedust qf. bass : ahsuahsuahsuah
Red firedust qf. bass : ahsuahsuahsuah
Red maik soho sigbeqboibe😭💀 wy hw nugq loko liwk rhhsi 😭😭
Blue zHeixer PurpleGaming99-TRADEITgg: TODOS SON TIER ALTO
Red korazin mix dificil.