Log 3667733

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
Matcha Bookable: fags vs freaky pass_arena2_b8 Sixes 2 3 32:38


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS Time Played
Red Leroy Soldier 50 62 11 353 409 126 11530 13353 4117 4 2 33 32:38
Red faiyz Soldier 54 60 13 412 347 71 13458 11329 2338 4 4 18 23:51
Red k2xc Soldier 63 86 12 481 569 112 15717 18590 3659 3 3 19 32:38
Red Saber but santa Demo 55 49 16 412 421 156 13454 13760 5103 6 0 34 32:38
Red vintage Medic 7 31 21 58 259 1904 8474 0 2 2 12 21:32
Blue In the embrace Soldier 57 68 21 415 374 67 13553 12236 2209 3 2 18 32:38
Blue John Ultrakill Soldier 113 44 18 712 357 181 23241 11680 5912 9 15 27 32:38
Blue Sarc Soldier 42 43 11 343 236 51 11202 7715 1683 4 2 20 32:38
Blue pancit canton (spicy) Soldier 7 11 3 52 75 22 1706 2453 728 3 0 5 5:08
Blue sakamata1 Demo Soldier 54 46 14 419 412 85 13679 13452 2792 6 1 63 32:38
Blue LEGS Medic 5 30 19 65 261 3 2125 8527 116 1 0 15 23:00
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS MS Duration
Red 229 288 73 1717 2007 466 56063 65506 15217 6 11 116 2 32:38
Blue 278 242 86 2007 1717 411 65506 56063 13440 9 20 148 1 32:38


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played
Red vintage Medic 100% 706 15217 2 2 0 0 0 0 0:00 2 0 21:32
Blue LEGS Medic 100% 584 13440 2 0 0 2 0 0 0:00 1 0 23:00



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue John Ultrakill 0 89 0 17 0 0 7 0 0 113
Red k2xc 0 47 0 9 0 0 7 0 0 63
Blue In the embrace 0 37 0 12 0 0 8 0 0 57
Red Saber but santa 0 35 0 12 0 0 8 0 0 55
Red faiyz 0 35 0 8 0 0 11 0 0 54
Blue sakamata1 0 40 0 7 0 0 7 0 0 54
Red Leroy 0 39 0 7 0 0 4 0 0 50
Blue Sarc 0 26 0 11 0 0 5 0 0 42
Red vintage 0 3 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 7
Blue pancit canton (spicy) 0 5 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 7
Blue LEGS 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 5


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red k2xc 0 68 0 16 0 0 1 0 0 85
Blue In the embrace 0 46 0 16 0 0 1 0 0 63
Red Leroy 0 46 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 59
Red faiyz 0 45 0 9 0 0 1 0 0 55
Red Saber but santa 0 41 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 48
Blue sakamata1 0 27 0 14 0 0 4 0 0 45
Blue Sarc 0 32 0 7 0 0 2 0 0 41
Blue John Ultrakill 0 33 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 40
Red vintage 0 22 0 7 0 0 2 0 0 31
Blue LEGS 0 22 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 30
Blue pancit canton (spicy) 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 10


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Blue John Ultrakill 0 101 0 20 0 0 10 0 0 131
Blue In the embrace 0 50 0 18 0 0 10 0 0 78
Red k2xc 0 55 0 11 0 0 9 0 0 75
Red Saber but santa 0 45 0 16 0 0 10 0 0 71
Blue sakamata1 0 49 0 8 0 0 11 0 0 68
Red faiyz 0 42 0 14 0 0 11 0 0 67
Red Leroy 0 44 0 11 0 0 6 0 0 61
Blue Sarc 0 35 0 11 0 0 7 0 0 53
Red vintage 0 18 0 6 0 0 4 0 0 28
Blue LEGS 0 14 0 5 0 0 5 0 0 24
Blue pancit canton (spicy) 0 7 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 10


Matcha Bookable: fags vs freaky

Time Team Player Kills
4:46 Blue John Ultrakill 3
6:38 Blue John Ultrakill 3
8:55 Blue John Ultrakill 4
9:42 Blue Sarc 3
9:54 Red k2xc 3
10:18 Blue sakamata1 3
11:49 Red Saber but santa 3
12:05 Blue John Ultrakill 3
12:45 Blue John Ultrakill 3
13:12 Red k2xc 3
14:50 Blue sakamata1 4
15:52 Red faiyz 3
16:09 Blue sakamata1 3
17:48 Red k2xc 3
18:10 Blue sakamata1 3
18:44 Blue John Ultrakill 3
18:58 Red Saber but santa 3
19:11 Blue John Ultrakill 4
19:34 Red Leroy 4
19:53 Blue sakamata1 3
20:17 Blue John Ultrakill 5
21:39 Blue John Ultrakill 4
22:11 Red faiyz 4
22:46 Blue John Ultrakill 6
23:20 Red Leroy 3
23:38 Blue John Ultrakill 3
24:21 Blue sakamata1 4
24:27 Blue John Ultrakill 4
25:23 Blue Sarc 3
25:58 Red faiyz 3
27:01 Blue John Ultrakill 7
29:33 Blue In the embrace 3
30:21 Blue John Ultrakill 9
32:14 Blue John Ultrakill 4


Matcha Bookable: fags vs freaky

Team Player Message
Blue sakamata1 i need to
Blue sakamata1 omfg
Blue sakamata1 ok too late
Red Leroy join vc
Blue Sarc vc here isnt all team
Blue John Ultrakill ?!
Red Leroy XD
Blue Sarc if u melee a guy it forces them to drop the ball
Blue sakamata1 gg looking hopeless
Blue sakamata1 guess what
Blue John Ultrakill lks5ydr
Red Saber but santa oh right
Red Saber but santa exgtended
Blue sakamata1 sURELY
Blue In the embrace TRON
Blue In the embrace 2 misses
Red k2xc wnba
Blue John Ultrakill TRUE
Blue John Ultrakill WHAT
Red Leroy LOL
Red k2xc why are we the fag wtf
Blue John Ultrakill ur in it
Blue In the embrace true
Red k2xc bri
Blue In the embrace faggot
Red Leroy EZ
Blue sakamata1 stfu
Red Leroy XAXAXA
Red Saber but santa lolol
Red k2xc wtf
Red Saber but santa luuuu
Blue sakamata1 way harder than ud think
Red Leroy for u XD
Blue sakamata1 gg noobs
Red Saber but santa lol
Red k2xc yawnnn
Blue John Ultrakill dude
Blue John Ultrakill how is queenpawn
Blue John Ultrakill joining
Red Saber but santa wtf queenpawn????
Red k2xc yeah wtf
Red Leroy XD
Red Saber but santa is queenpawn in the server???
Blue sakamata1 eyeah
Blue In the embrace in the dc server
Blue In the embrace ofc
Blue In the embrace omg nick
Blue In the embrace join the right team
Red k2xc ofc this guy join fags
Blue sakamata1 kick nick
Blue In the embrace LMFAO
Red faiyz tell drutz
Red faiyz drutz
Blue John Ultrakill LOL
Blue sakamata1 think i need viewmodels on for this...
Blue John Ultrakill u need
Blue John Ultrakill ye
Red k2xc yeah LOL
Red Saber but santa leroy throwing
Blue In the embrace NIGGA
Red Leroy EZ
Blue sakamata1 OMFG
Blue sakamata1 dude kill this kid
Red faiyz lu join
Red faiyz i wanna tell you smth
Blue sakamata1 DUDE
Blue sakamata1 PLEASE
Red k2xc vc?
Red faiyz join vc
Blue Sarc in ut
Red Leroy join vc dawgh
Red faiyz i wann tell you smth
Red k2xc this guy just goona call me faggot
Blue John Ultrakill OMG
Blue John Ultrakill OMG
Blue John Ultrakill OMG
Red k2xc im here nick
Red k2xc 14 why is ur mic so ass
Red k2xc now
Blue John Ultrakill lol
Blue sakamata1 freelo
Red Saber but santa who do we scapegoat
Blue In the embrace ez
Red faiyz !tp
Blue sakamata1 DUDE TIHS GUY
Blue Sarc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Blue John Ultrakill HA↗HA↘HA↗HA↘HA↗HA↘HA↗HA↘
Blue Sarc i double airshot nick is ok
Blue John Ultrakill vintage theres no cart to pus here
Red Saber but santa fucc
Blue John Ultrakill leroy is lebron
Blue John Ultrakill actual
Red faiyz sarc do u know who 14 is
Blue Sarc ive seen him in the server bnut no not rly
Red k2xc DUDE
Blue sakamata1 U GUYS
Red k2xc LEROY
Blue sakamata1 PLEASE
Blue sakamata1 JUST SHOOT HIM
Blue John Ultrakill leroy..
Blue John Ultrakill omg
Blue John Ultrakill he just waiting
Blue John Ultrakill 4 me to shoot
Red Leroy XDDD
Blue John Ultrakill OMG
Blue John Ultrakill i clip
Red k2xc TYTT
Blue John Ultrakill noob
Red k2xc NICK
Blue John Ultrakill not that good XD
Blue In the embrace lol faggot weapon
Red k2xc ??
Blue Sarc ??
Blue LEGS ??
Red k2xc EZZ
Blue John Ultrakill this what??
Blue LEGS ???
Red Saber but santa fuckin
Red k2xc t
Blue sakamata1 TGHUS GUY
Blue sakamata1 IS SO BAD
Blue John Ultrakill waow
Blue LEGS gg
Red Leroy ez
Blue Sarc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Red k2xc getting ip grabbed in villy land
Red Saber but santa harharhar
Blue In the embrace will already unsafe
Blue In the embrace we're
Red k2xc LOL
Red k2xc he just realized
Blue In the embrace omg this nigga
Blue sakamata1 EZ
Red Saber but santa fuccc
Blue LEGS gotetm
Blue sakamata1 thjis\
Blue sakamata1 fUCKFIGN
Red k2xc nah XD
Red Leroy XDD|}
Console This is fun to watch while i playing another game
Red k2xc nick shut ur fag mouth
Blue In the embrace black by the behavior not the skin color
Blue John Ultrakill im jerking my shit
Console nick shut your fucking mouth, you never even did SOMETHING ON YOUR FUCKING CATLE IN THE MC SERVER
Blue LEGS I see
Red k2xc ^^^
Blue sakamata1 this fucking
Blue sakamata1 guy
Blue sakamata1 dude
Red Leroy EZZZ
Blue John Ultrakill wtf
Blue John Ultrakill how
Red k2xc these guys are not in liga
Red Leroy liga ng bayan
Blue John Ultrakill omg
Red k2xc these niggas are not liga
Console lemme get back to bimbus
Red Saber but santa hi greeny
Blue LEGS gg
Red k2xc WHAT
Blue LEGS all me
Red k2xc NO
Blue John Ultrakill freaky
Console yoo
Console avery
Blue pancit canton (spicy) hello chat
Blue John Ultrakill team freaky
Red Saber but santa wtf we lost the moment greeny joined
Blue pancit canton (spicy) hello chat
Blue sakamata1 who got 4 goals
Red Saber but santa blame him
Blue sakamata1 again
Blue John Ultrakill i love avery
Console pyroman hit a fat one for me
Console we blame leroy
Red Leroy I have so many blocks btw
Blue John Ultrakill i hit nick already
Red Leroy defensive player of the year
Red k2xc leryo acatually lebron
Blue John Ultrakill leroy 25 def
Blue LEGS ez
Red Saber but santa love
Red k2xc oh what
Blue John Ultrakill OMG
Blue pancit canton (spicy) awa'
Blue John Ultrakill wtf
Blue sakamata1 this
Blue sakamata1 is so cancer
Red Saber but santa how tf
Red k2xc oh
Red Saber but santa wtf
Blue John Ultrakill lebong jame
Red k2xc no
Blue Sarc im gonna end the clip now
Blue Sarc so i can save the nick airshots
Blue Sarc ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Blue John Ultrakill tron carry
Red k2xc NOOO
Blue John Ultrakill wtf didnt go to me
Red Saber but santa who fuckin threw that
Blue sakamata1 drutz...
Blue In the embrace shush
Blue LEGS damn
Blue John Ultrakill dont get reverse sweepd
Blue sakamata1 i need soldier
Blue sakamata1 EZ
Blue LEGS gg
Blue In the embrace ez
Red Saber but santa aosidvnasod
Blue LEGS I am so sorry
Blue John Ultrakill i just farmed dh airshot