Log 3792364

D M Title Map Format RS BS Duration Date Duplicate of
serveme.tf #1463932 duo_playground_a1 Ultiduo 0 1 1:59:28 Jan 27, 2025, 7:15 PM


Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS Time Played
Red Code 12-12-12 Scout 373 325 135 772 631 92286 75391 0 8 0 1:59:28
Red Josef K. Soldier 311 372 128 751 918 89831 109717 0 7 20 1:59:28
Blue Silence Scout 280 239 143 528 473 63090 56559 0 15 0 1:28:54
Blue call of duty 2008 Scout Demo 100 77 56 211 162 25240 19441 0 11 0 30:39
Blue divine Soldier 314 376 175 810 888 96778 106117 0 7 16 1:59:28
Team Player Classes K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS Time Played


Team/Round K D A DA/M DT/M HR/M DA DT HR K/1 AS Duration
Red 684 697 263 1524 1549 0 182117 185108 0 8 20 0 1:59:28
Blue 694 692 374 1549 1524 0 185108 182117 0 15 16 0 1:59:28


Team Player Class H% H/M H MÜ KÜ OÜ D AL BAL DAÜ DBÜ Time Played



Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Code 12-12-12 166 207 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 373
Blue divine 146 168 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 314
Red Josef K. 148 163 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 311
Blue Silence 132 148 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 280
Blue call of duty 2008 46 54 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 100


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Josef K. 202 168 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 370
Blue divine 207 163 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 370
Red Code 12-12-12 178 146 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 324
Blue Silence 123 115 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 238
Blue call of duty 2008 43 33 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 76


Team Player Scout Soldier Pyro Demo Heavy Engineer Medic Sniper Spy Total
Red Code 12-12-12 230 278 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 508
Blue divine 229 260 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 489
Red Josef K. 216 223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 439
Blue Silence 192 231 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 423
Blue call of duty 2008 72 84 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 156


serveme.tf #1463932

Time Team Player Kills
0:18 Red Code 12-12-12 4
0:42 Blue Silence 5
1:10 Blue divine 3
1:49 Blue divine 4
3:06 Red Code 12-12-12 3
3:23 Blue Silence 3
3:57 Blue Silence 3
4:18 Red Code 12-12-12 6
4:49 Blue Silence 7
6:25 Red Code 12-12-12 4
7:20 Red Code 12-12-12 4
7:46 Blue divine 3
9:07 Red Code 12-12-12 4
9:11 Red Josef K. 4
9:38 Blue Silence 9
11:15 Red Josef K. 3
12:10 Red Code 12-12-12 3
12:48 Blue Silence 4
13:33 Blue Silence 4
14:02 Red Josef K. 4
14:29 Red Code 12-12-12 6
15:54 Blue Silence 4
16:23 Red Code 12-12-12 6
17:23 Blue Silence 15
19:42 Blue Silence 3
21:12 Blue Silence 3
21:46 Red Josef K. 3
23:35 Red Code 12-12-12 3
25:19 Red Code 12-12-12 3
25:49 Blue divine 4
27:06 Blue divine 4
27:30 Blue Silence 4
28:02 Red Josef K. 3
28:32 Red Code 12-12-12 4
28:45 Blue divine 3
30:05 Blue Silence 3
30:46 Red Code 12-12-12 3
31:26 Red Code 12-12-12 7
32:18 Blue divine 4
32:48 Blue Silence 4
33:14 Red Code 12-12-12 3
33:50 Red Code 12-12-12 4
34:46 Blue Silence 3
35:42 Red Code 12-12-12 4
35:59 Blue Silence 4
36:38 Red Code 12-12-12 3
37:04 Red Code 12-12-12 4
37:38 Blue Silence 3
37:41 Blue divine 3
38:17 Blue Silence 10
39:09 Red Josef K. 7
39:55 Red Code 12-12-12 4
41:12 Red Code 12-12-12 4
41:59 Blue Silence 4
42:03 Red Code 12-12-12 5
42:54 Red Josef K. 4
43:23 Blue Silence 3
44:35 Red Code 12-12-12 3
45:11 Blue divine 3
46:12 Red Josef K. 9
46:59 Blue Silence 6
48:16 Red Josef K. 3
48:49 Red Josef K. 5
49:35 Red Josef K. 4
50:09 Red Code 12-12-12 4
50:50 Blue divine 5
50:57 Red Code 12-12-12 3
51:28 Red Code 12-12-12 4
52:22 Blue Silence 3
52:34 Blue divine 3
53:09 Red Josef K. 3
54:03 Blue divine 4
55:23 Red Code 12-12-12 3
55:47 Red Josef K. 3
56:23 Red Code 12-12-12 3
58:04 Red Code 12-12-12 4
58:35 Red Josef K. 3
58:59 Blue divine 5
59:43 Red Code 12-12-12 5
1:00:05 Blue divine 3
1:01:01 Red Code 12-12-12 3
1:01:45 Blue divine 3
1:03:08 Blue Silence 4
1:03:27 Red Josef K. 5
1:04:01 Blue Silence 3
1:04:31 Red Code 12-12-12 3
1:04:59 Blue Silence 5
1:05:57 Red Josef K. 3
1:06:25 Blue Silence 3
1:08:42 Red Code 12-12-12 3
1:09:06 Blue Silence 4
1:09:46 Blue divine 7
1:09:52 Red Josef K. 5
1:10:40 Red Code 12-12-12 3
1:11:02 Blue Silence 4
1:11:31 Blue divine 8
1:12:51 Blue divine 3
1:13:17 Red Code 12-12-12 3
1:14:21 Red Josef K. 3
1:14:54 Red Code 12-12-12 3
1:15:10 Blue Silence 4
1:15:50 Blue divine 7
1:17:51 Blue divine 3
1:18:25 Red Josef K. 3
1:19:07 Red Code 12-12-12 6
1:20:24 Blue divine 4
1:20:31 Red Josef K. 7
1:21:28 Blue divine 4
1:22:21 Blue Silence 4
1:23:26 Blue divine 4
1:23:34 Red Josef K. 3
1:23:58 Blue Silence 5
1:24:35 Red Code 12-12-12 3
1:25:02 Blue divine 3
1:25:15 Red Josef K. 3
1:25:29 Red Code 12-12-12 3
1:26:04 Blue Silence 5
1:27:05 Red Josef K. 5
1:27:37 Blue Silence 3
1:27:51 Red Code 12-12-12 4
1:28:06 Red Josef K. 4
1:28:17 Red Code 12-12-12 4
1:29:16 Red Josef K. 4
1:30:24 Blue divine 3
1:30:47 Blue call of duty 2008 3
1:31:19 Red Code 12-12-12 6
1:32:41 Red Code 12-12-12 4
1:33:40 Red Josef K. 4
1:35:05 Blue divine 5
1:35:22 Red Josef K. 5
1:35:53 Blue call of duty 2008 7
1:36:22 Red Code 12-12-12 3
1:36:51 Blue divine 3
1:37:04 Red Code 12-12-12 3
1:37:12 Blue call of duty 2008 11
1:37:39 Blue divine 3
1:38:36 Red Code 12-12-12 4
1:39:52 Blue call of duty 2008 6
1:41:37 Red Code 12-12-12 3
1:41:58 Red Josef K. 3
1:42:17 Blue divine 4
1:42:51 Blue call of duty 2008 3
1:43:37 Blue divine 3
1:44:55 Blue divine 3
1:45:06 Red Code 12-12-12 5
1:45:46 Blue call of duty 2008 3
1:46:22 Blue call of duty 2008 4
1:47:30 Red Josef K. 6
1:48:05 Blue call of duty 2008 3
1:48:15 Red Code 12-12-12 3
1:48:48 Blue call of duty 2008 3
1:49:37 Blue call of duty 2008 3
1:50:08 Blue call of duty 2008 3
1:50:23 Blue divine 5
1:51:42 Red Code 12-12-12 6
1:52:03 Red Josef K. 5
1:52:33 Red Code 12-12-12 5
1:53:15 Red Josef K. 3
1:53:38 Blue call of duty 2008 3
1:54:18 Blue divine 4
1:55:01 Blue divine 3
1:56:45 Red Code 12-12-12 7
1:57:28 Blue call of duty 2008 3


serveme.tf #1463932

Team Player Message
Blue call of duty 2008 lol
Blue call of duty 2008 !extend
Blue divine !rcon mp_winlimit 1