
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
2856-1534-414 63.76% 14729-9916-591 59.54%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL froyotech 6s Season 16 to 6s Season 17 Invite Sixes
RGL Witness Gaming Sixes S6 to Sixes S15 Invite Sixes
RGL GlobalClan Ice Sixes S5 Invite Sixes
RGL Dorscent Sixes Cup #1 Invite Sixes
RGL Morning Light Sixes S4 Invite Sixes
RGL Ascent Sixes S3 Invite Sixes
RGL Ascent July 25th Invite Sixes
RGL Ford Gaming Sixes S2 Invite Sixes
RGL Highfive Demoman Sixes S2 Invite Sixes