
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
823-587-35 58.17% 2240-1660-13 57.41%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Arrow 9.0 113 54 20,489 0 0 10 3:00:25
AWPer Hand 38.9 431 46% 65 140 1,990 661,972 6,583 3,041 85 25:35:25
Ball 1.7 0 9 0 0 0 8 2:37:11
Bazaar Bargain 21.4 199 21 5,889 2 29:30
Beggar's Bazooka 0.0 8 0 128 1 14:38
Black Box 13.9 198 48% 32 69 230 99,086 800 380 22 8:18:06
Bleeding 2.0 0 32 64 0 0 23 8:11:02
Brass Beast 6.1 66 25 8,249 0 0 6 2:03:53
Chargin' Targe 0.0 0 0 16 1 26:17
Claidheamohmor 1.8 12 11 2,218 0 0 9 2:59:08
Classic 27.3 314 459 158,691 0 0 28 8:24:07
Conscientious Objector 1.3 6 120 17,731 0 0 136 46:46:38
Cow Mangler 5000 13.7 148 43% 30 69 238 77,287 1,277 554 25 8:40:30
Crusader's Crossbow 1.1 13 62% 2 3 77 27,548 5,594 3,481 104 34:29:07
Degreaser 1.7 9 1 174 0 0 1 17:43
Detonator 0.0 23 0 476 0 0 2 19:54
Direct Hit 2.8 40 28% 24 87 39 17,034 420 118 19 7:00:22
Disciplinary Action 0.8 2 0% 0 5 539 236 0 9 3:06:08
Dragon's Fury 13.7 137 1 301 0 0 1 2:11
Environment 1.8 0 316 0 0 0 253 86:14:45
Escape Plan 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 36 0 1 29:10
Eureka Effect 0.7 3 3 455 0 0 6 2:16:27
Fireball 1.2 8 1 214 2 24:52
Fists of Steel 0.5 4 0% 0 9 2,535 100 0 25 9:16:26
Flying Guillotine 0.9 34 18 20,729 0 0 30 10:04:12
Force-a-Nature 12.8 146 68% 30 44 52 17,909 590 400 8 2:01:54
Frontier Justice 7.3 70 122 35,726 0 0 28 8:24:11
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.5 3 1 247 0 0 3 1:04:15
Gunslinger 1.1 3 2 195 0 0 3 56:39
Hitman's Heatmaker 11.8 184 11 5,144 2 27:55
Huntsman 1.2 54 3 4,113 0 0 4 1:15:26
Iron Bomber 15.9 246 26% 19 72 1,167 543,769 13,563 3,577 111 36:48:38
Jag 0.0 5 0 98 0 0 1 17:41
Knife 24.1 362 24 10,854 0 0 2 29:56
Kukri 0.8 8 1 325 0 0 2 36:53
L'Etranger 3.6 23 28% 8 30 5 996 117 33 2 41:56
Level 1 Sentry 1.5 23 32 14,843 0 0 34 10:34:45
Level 2 Sentry 2.6 30 50 17,399 0 0 30 9:35:32
Level 3 Sentry 2.0 30 32 14,839 0 0 27 8:06:00
Loch-n-Load 9.3 118 20% 21 106 166 63,450 2,724 547 26 8:57:25
Loose Cannon 7.9 67 60 8 2,054 0 34 2 30:18
Meteor Shower 1.9 6 1 100 1 16:11
Minify 13.8 0 4 0 1 8:41
Minigun 11.6 135 82 28,812 0 0 12 3:32:21
Mini-Sentry 4.7 73 155 72,852 0 0 58 16:34:04
Natascha 11.5 120 32 10,077 0 0 4 1:23:34
Original 26.5 317 44% 28 64 1,455 523,203 10,260 4,490 83 27:29:06
Phlogistinator 13.7 36 1 79 0 0 1 2:11
Pistol 3.0 12 19% 2 13 131 16,831 3,765 700 66 21:39:07
Player 1.5 0 21 0 0 0 21 6:55:54
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 3.8 17 38 5,158 0 0 14 5:01:42
Pumpkin Bomb 0.7 14 1 604 3 42:58
Pumpkin MIRV 0.0 12 0 111 1 8:41
Quickiebomb Launcher 5.0 91 27% 18 67 41 22,338 480 129 11 4:04:01
Rescue Ranger 0.0 7 0 331 0 0 3 46:40
Revolver 9.3 59 38% 16 43 35 6,710 408 155 6 1:53:24
Rocket 22.6 264 37% 23 63 166 58,150 894 329 14 3:40:14
Scattergun 28.3 274 66% 17 26 1,715 497,851 15,809 10,463 94 30:16:50
Scottish Resistance 2.9 29 15 4,620 8 2:36:26
Shahanshah 0.0 4 0 245 0 0 3 58:30
Shortstop 12.5 121 24 6,993 0 0 3 57:27
SMG 2.7 14 22% 2 9 124 19,491 7,852 1,755 72 22:52:03
Sniper Rifle 36.8 408 46% 65 142 3,688 1,228,217 13,380 6,139 159 50:08:38
Spy-cicle 20.5 284 57 23,766 0 0 4 1:23:28
Stickybomb 13.4 229 29% 18 63 774 396,571 14,361 4,094 84 28:47:26
Swarm of Bats 0.0 11 0 183 1 16:11
Sydney Sleeper 15.2 174 53% 57 108 86 29,609 472 252 8 2:49:55
Tide Turner 0.5 2 5 670 0 0 15 5:02:48
Tomislav 34.2 363 24% 4 17 3,494 1,115,342 2,896 708 168 51:05:31
Ubersaw 0.9 4 22 3,510 0 0 31 11:53:32
Widowmaker 11.5 108 60% 15 25 408 116,145 2,895 1,728 62 17:47:29
Winger 4.4 18 65 8,374 0 0 27 7:21:14
Wrangled Sentry 3.0 46 67 31,034 0 0 39 11:08:12
Wrap Assassin 0.0 16 0 22,022 0 0 69 21:36:47
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played