selling gf 14keys

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
763-1014-146 43.47% 4296-5061-691 46.19%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL cuake live Sixes S14 to Sixes S15 Main Sixes
RGL Rizzlam Sixes S11 Main Sixes
RGL The Bunion Project Sixes S10 Main Sixes
RGL boat max speed Sixes S10 Main Sixes
RGL CH4RIOT Supremacy HL Exp #5 Intermediate-1 Highlander
RGL Baja Blast Sixes S9 Intermediate Sixes
RGL The Mid-Night Kids Sixes S9 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Faceit Warmup Pugscrims Sixes S8 Amateur Sixes