pretty corpse

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
679-614-143 52.26% 3135-2949-430 51.43%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL dropology 6s Season 17 Main Sixes
RGL image Sixes S10 Main Sixes
RGL Blanc Elephant Sixes S9 Advanced Sixes
RGL Parallax Sixes S9 Intermediate Sixes
RGL ctap2work Sixes S8 Main Sixes
RGL DigiFruit Sixes S8 Main Sixes
RGL ROYAL RAT GANG HL Season 11 Advanced Highlander
RGL When Live Gives You Lemons Sixes S7 Main Sixes
RGL Rock Fortress 2 HL Season 10 Main Highlander
RGL TigerWoodsLandmine64 Sixes S7 Advanced Sixes
RGL Rats on Acid Sixes S6 Amateur Sixes
RGL Predatory Lending Practices Sixes S5 Advanced Sixes
RGL Heals On Everyone HL Season 1 Advanced Highlander
RGL Shroom Gang P7 Season 4 Invite Prolander
RGL jef Prolander Cup #2 Div-2 of 4 Prolander
RGL Shroom Gang P7 Season 3 Main Prolander