Jack Trash

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
468-322-91 58.29% 2283-1778-53 56.14%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL DogBGaming HL Season 5 Advanced Highlander
RGL late stage tf2 Sixes S2 Advanced Sixes
RGL GREGORY Sixes S1 Main Sixes
RGL Space Force P7 Season 6 Invite Prolander
RGL Pop Your Pipes HL Exp #2 Invite Highlander
RGL DoublePlusGood NR Sixes S1 Advanced Sixes
RGL Space Force HL Season 2 Invite Highlander
RGL 6s afraid of 7s Prolander Cup #4 Div-2 of 5 Prolander
RGL Heals On Everyone HL Exp #1 Invite Highlander
RGL BM=BAE HL Season 1 Advanced Highlander
RGL Jager & Anime P7 Season 2 Amateur Prolander