the speed of joy

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1164-1085-163 51.64% 5488-5245-393 51.09%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 1.3 14 23% 11 49 6 1,986 166 39 16 2:16:19
Arrow 7.6 93 152 27 10,027 0 17 7 1:46:44
Arrow Reflect 31.6 0 2 0 0 0 2 1:54
AWPer Hand 5.6 67 39% 45 116 39 14,223 115 45 35 3:30:17
Baby Face's Blaster 3.4 43 79% 17 21 12 4,612 33 26 7 1:47:11
Backburner 7.0 60 12% 2 21 15 3,896 119 14 7 1:03:53
Ball 1.1 0 3 0 0 0 3 1:23:22
Bat 0.0 1 0% 0 35 0 35 342 1 1 17:57
Bat Outta Hell 0.3 2 1% 0 65 3 780 288 3 24 4:55:08
Beggar's Bazooka 0.0 88 0 408 0 0 2 4:38
Big Earner 3.0 46 21% 25 122 6 2,770 24 5 4 59:54
Black Box 2.9 47 46% 29 64 12 5,962 174 80 8 2:06:12
Black Rose 16.6 253 42% 152 366 8 3,668 24 10 1 14:29
Bleeding 2.0 0 18 0 0 0 16 4:35:33
Bottle 1.1 4 3% 2 65 41 5,058 152 5 52 18:53:57
Brass Beast 11.5 134 17% 2 14 32 11,238 4,087 688 7 1:23:24
Bread Bite 0.0 48 0 88 0 0 1 1:50
Bushwacka 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 4 0 1 2:09
C.A.P.P.E.R 1.5 7 21% 3 15 31 4,481 638 133 39 10:34:36
Chargin' Targe 0.0 2 39 0 295 0 5 5 1:47:17
Conniver's Kunai 15.5 197 8 3,062 0 0 2 15:28
Conscientious Objector 1.0 4 5% 3 65 61 8,772 146 8 84 29:59:46
Cow Mangler 5000 3.3 47 25% 12 49 7 3,049 52 13 3 1:04:13
Crossing Guard 1.4 7 5 803 0 0 6 1:48:27
Crusader's Crossbow 1.8 23 28% 3 13 29 11,139 1,445 411 29 8:01:41
Decapitation 0.0 16 0 450 0 0 1 28:03
Degreaser 3.9 52 11% 0 4 180 72,472 19,927 2,207 164 22:52:11
Detonator 0.0 2 0 24 0 0 1 11:09
Direct Hit 3.3 45 19% 16 88 12 4,898 240 46 6 1:48:35
Disciplinary Action 0.7 2 0% 0 49 18 2,253 4,753 19 39 13:06:50
Dragon's Fury 0.0 41 0 466 0 0 1 11:09
Dragon's Fury Bonus 2.7 0 1 0 0 0 1 11:09
Environment 2.0 0 968 0 0 0 672 240:32:11
Escape Plan 0.7 3 3% 1 65 45 6,156 534 16 92 31:21:46
Family Business 4.6 39 52% 12 23 18 4,582 299 155 8 1:56:38
Fan O'War 0.0 0 0% 0 9 0 27 214 1 6 1:17:31
Fists of Steel 0.4 5 9% 5 65 3 1,235 76 7 11 3:44:47
Flamethrower 5.7 63 5% 0 6 23 7,579 22,067 1,115 11 2:00:11
Flare Gun 3.4 35 103% 17 16 88 27,844 230 237 98 12:58:23
Flying Guillotine 0.0 2 44% 4 9 0 78 18 8 2 35:55
Force-a-Nature 4.0 50 2 766 1 15:10
Freedom Staff 0.0 7 6% 4 76 0 218 32 2 2 29:00
Frontier Justice 0.0 10 0 265 0 0 2 25:53
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 48 0 4 1:02:39
Gold Frying Pan 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 2 0 1 28:39
Grenade 7.4 112 27% 19 74 517 235,659 7,100 1,882 103 34:45:45
Grenade Reflect 2.9 0 11 0 0 0 9 1:54:04
Gunslinger 0.3 4 1% 0 81 2 975 1,426 8 19 3:51:01
Half-Zatoichi 0.6 7 1 390 0 0 2 53:42
Ham Shank 0.5 2 1 130 0 0 2 58:02
Huntsman 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 71 0 3 50:28
Huo Long Heatmaker 0.0 1 0 4 0 0 1 2:09
Iron Bomber 11.4 163 28% 20 73 7,236 3,112,159 116,774 32,220 1,003 318:11:58
Iron Curtain 1.9 41 18% 1 11 4 2,537 665 118 6 1:01:42
Jag 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 348 0 4 1:25:05
Jarate 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 3 0 1 2:09
Kamikaze 1.1 0 1 0 1 28:07
Killing Gloves of Boxing 0.0 1 4% 2 65 0 65 26 1 3 41:42
Knife 10.7 145 28% 61 221 64 26,100 140 39 26 2:58:51
L'Etranger 0.0 4 67% 26 39 0 149 3 2 2 34:35
Level 1 Sentry 0.7 12 17 5 2,545 0 38 18 3:25:25
Level 2 Sentry 1.8 22 17 12 4,439 0 119 25 3:15:46
Level 3 Sentry 2.2 29 20 11 4,376 0 50 15 2:29:57
Liberty Launcher 6.1 92 44% 21 49 23 10,363 450 198 6 1:52:34
Loch-n-Load 7.0 83 17% 17 102 112 40,333 2,327 392 23 8:03:26
Loose Cannon 1.4 38 124% 15 50 6 4,948 55 68 6 2:08:56
Loose Cannon Impact 1.4 0 1 0 1 21:57
Lugermorph 2.1 9 23% 3 16 15 2,053 550 125 11 3:38:48
Market Gardener 1.0 8 2% 3 130 27 7,150 736 18 44 14:07:51
Maul 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 20 0 1 0:42
Minigun 13.6 158 16% 2 13 155 54,107 10,343 1,620 47 5:42:09
Mini-Sentry 4.1 76 8 68 37,512 0 1,530 41 8:12:05
Natascha 0.0 8 14% 1 9 0 244 182 25 1 30:29
Nessie's Nine Iron 8.1 41 8% 6 76 1 153 24 2 1 3:43
Nostromo Napalmer 0.5 10 3 1,986 0 0 25 3:16:53
Original 19.2 245 37% 24 66 3,814 1,463,393 39,947 14,720 365 99:26:39
Pain Train 0.7 3 7% 4 67 206 30,556 2,228 149 407 142:10:13
Phlogistinator 3.4 9 5% 0 7 5 433 295 16 3 44:41
Pistol 3.2 12 22% 3 17 670 79,997 14,278 3,073 330 104:54:27
Player 2.1 0 17 0 0 0 15 4:05:54
Powerjack 0.4 3 0% 0 65 4 1,144 960 2 29 5:23:12
Quickiebomb Launcher 1.6 35 32% 17 54 8 5,353 270 86 8 2:30:15
Rescue Ranger 0.8 7 12% 4 40 2 524 74 9 4 1:14:05
Revolver 5.1 43 36% 16 45 29 7,373 289 103 24 2:49:03
Rocket 8.5 105 36% 23 65 312 115,653 2,932 1,058 66 18:17:28
Rocket Reflect 3.3 5 109 35 1,775 0 7 35 5:23:00
Scattergun 20.4 224 59% 17 29 4,568 1,511,712 56,597 33,317 377 112:07:35
Scottish Handshake 1.1 2 1 65 0 0 1 28:33
Sharp Dresser 3.7 67 25% 10 40 2 1,100 8 2 4 16:13
Shotgun 5.3 48 50% 11 23 139 38,449 2,112 1,066 72 13:10:04
Shovel 0.0 3 3% 1 65 0 65 34 1 1 19:33
Showdown 0.0 15 0 450 0 0 1 28:08
SMG 1.4 8 21% 2 9 21 4,025 982 208 50 7:46:14
Sniper Rifle 6.0 66 32% 42 132 208 69,151 1,104 358 119 17:26:29
Solemn Vow 1.2 6 12% 8 65 3 442 8 1 3 1:12:06
Spy-cicle 9.5 157 40% 101 255 12 5,980 48 19 4 37:56
Stickybomb 11.1 204 24% 15 63 7,469 4,120,540 205,755 49,741 1,064 336:09:23
Sydney Sleeper 0.9 17 19% 26 138 2 1,174 21 4 4 1:08:42
Telefrag 1.1 5 3 450 0 0 3 1:19:19
Three-Rune Blade 0.4 1 0% 0 14 31 3,198 1,410 6 99 34:45:15
Tide Turner 0.0 2 0 87 1 30:34
Tomislav 15.0 183 20% 2 13 259 95,079 12,014 2,412 55 8:37:34
Ubersaw 1.9 14 15% 9 65 24 5,720 94 14 20 6:29:01
Ullapool Caber 0.5 4 1 251 0 0 2 59:06
Wanga Prick 4.1 67 42% 81 195 2 978 12 5 1 14:29
Widowmaker 9.4 105 54% 14 27 191 64,363 2,491 1,348 76 10:12:46
Winger 4.5 16 25% 4 19 24 2,591 36 9 10 2:40:27
Wrangled Sentry 0.3 15 7 1 1,755 0 25 5 1:50:46
Wrap Assassin 0.1 14 50% 3 6 1 6,759 1,164 585 23 7:46:19
Wrench 0.9 7 0% 0 3 715 882 0 11 1:39:24
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played