
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1091-469-32 69.54% 2785-1454-12 65.66%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 5.9 45 29% 15 53 636 147,838 474 137 164 53:34:03
Arrow 8.9 136 49 22,505 0 0 10 2:44:20
Arrow Reflect 2.2 0 1 0 1 13:21
Atomizer 2.3 4 20 1,060 13 4:17:02
AWPer Hand 14.1 146 20 6,237 3 42:42
Axtinguisher 2.2 8 1 113 1 13:21
Backburner 18.0 149 17% 1 7 355 88,456 1,703 284 34 9:52:23
Back Scatter 22.9 164 44 9,497 3 57:39
Ball 1.6 0 9 0 9 2:45:57
Ball O' Lightning 0.0 5 0 240 1 40:19
Bat 1.6 4 4 350 0 0 3 1:17:15
Bat Outta Hell 2.7 28 1 325 1 11:19
Beggar's Bazooka 0.0 6 0 113 1 16:23
Big Earner 15.7 224 31% 77 249 834 357,977 74 23 77 26:33:57
Big Kill 4.8 35 29% 13 45 529 117,923 676 196 182 55:31:01
Black Box 0.7 22 4 4,203 0 0 10 3:02:54
Black Rose 14.1 195 38 15,806 0 0 5 1:20:54
Bleeding 2.8 0 73 20 37 12:52:06
Boston Basher 0.7 4 8 1,471 0 0 15 5:43:53
Brass Beast 9.7 97 68 20,635 10 3:30:40
Chargin' Targe 0.3 4 2 847 8 2:52:49
Claidheamohmor 4.0 33 5 1,281 2 37:44
Classic 19.1 198 40 12,513 3 1:02:59
Conniver's Kunai 16.8 237 31% 79 254 766 324,570 138 43 68 22:46:18
Conscientious Objector 1.4 15 1 329 1 20:44
Cow Mangler 5000 17.4 205 62% 24 40 118 41,745 185 114 10 3:23:02
Crusader's Crossbow 2.2 23 10% 5 55 17 5,536 259 27 13 3:51:02
Degreaser 8.5 51 11 1,988 2 38:41
Detonator 4.0 83 269% 16 5 158 97,809 132 355 68 19:32:06
Direct Hit 9.1 110 30% 24 83 59 21,480 311 92 12 3:13:52
Dragon's Fury 0.9 70 1 2,256 2 31:58
Dragon's Fury Bonus 11.4 0 5 0 1 13:12
Enforcer 4.1 27 31% 13 44 257 51,644 627 194 92 31:20:25
Environment 2.7 0 499 8 0 0 271 92:30:24
Escape Plan 0.9 4 17% 10 65 5 780 6 1 9 2:44:01
Fireball 2.2 22 3 914 1 40:19
Fists of Steel 0.8 6 0% 0 17 4,160 2 0 34 11:01:27
Flamethrower 13.1 103 213 50,344 0 0 28 8:07:38
Flare Gun 0.7 4 1 194 2 42:07
Flying Guillotine 2.6 39 84 37,932 0 0 48 15:55:22
Force-a-Nature 12.9 165 50% 20 40 481 184,542 123 62 59 18:37:32
Frontier Justice 5.8 68 22 7,839 6 1:54:42
Frying Pan 1.0 3 0% 0 2 195 50 0 3 1:02:50
Gloves of Running Urgently 2.0 8 5 650 4 1:13:32
Grenade 1.7 43 7 5,364 0 0 7 2:02:28
Grenade Reflect 1.2 6 8 1,419 0 0 11 3:27:11
Gunslinger 2.2 9 1% 0 65 35 4,615 158 2 24 7:59:33
Hadouken 2.2 32 1 450 0 0 1 13:50
Half-Zatoichi 21.2 169 31 7,437 4 43:49
Ham Shank 1.2 8 2 394 3 48:08
Holiday Punch 1.4 16 6 2,080 6 2:06:00
Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker 10.1 56 20 3,365 5 59:29
Huntsman 0.6 1 1 90 3 52:49
Iron Bomber 3.9 126 4 3,859 2 30:26
Iron Curtain 22.7 235 312 97,061 22 6:52:08
Jag 1.5 5 5 539 5 1:43:09
Kamikaze 1.2 0 1 0 1 24:22
Killing Gloves of Boxing 0.0 12 0 176 1 14:02
Knife 16.7 234 19% 58 307 3,941 1,655,995 1,712 325 372 117:48:59
Kukri 2.1 9 3 413 2 42:34
L'Etranger 2.3 13 20% 6 35 564 94,721 1,202 237 381 121:16:48
Level 1 Sentry 1.3 24 8 4,486 13 3:03:47
Level 2 Sentry 1.3 14 9 3,010 12 3:23:54
Level 3 Sentry 3.9 40 32 9,889 13 4:06:47
Loch-n-Load 18.0 230 141 54,136 13 3:54:24
Loose Cannon 8.1 238 55 79 69,583 0 104 15 4:51:37
Loose Cannon Impact 2.7 0 18 0 0 0 9 3:18:40
Lugermorph 5.5 27 26% 3 15 230 35,044 767 200 63 20:52:29
Manntreads 0.6 5 2 542 5 1:41:27
Mantreads 0.0 6 0 164 1 23:49
Market Gardener 2.7 19 9% 11 130 73 16,250 46 4 43 13:46:17
Meteor Shower 2.2 43 3 1,739 1 40:19
Minify 2.2 0 3 0 1 40:19
Minigun 22.1 254 20% 2 11 384 132,354 809 162 28 8:40:41
Mini-Sentry 4.6 86 8 131 73,458 0 100 45 14:13:08
Natascha 8.2 112 23 9,512 0 0 4 1:24:22
Nessie's Nine Iron 13.3 68 1 153 1 2:15
Original 27.0 290 951 307,441 0 0 57 17:37:57
Pain Train 5.9 28 20 2,866 0 0 6 1:41:41
Panic Attack Shotgun 14.7 143 73 21,310 7 2:28:30
Persian Persuader 20.9 178 9 2,302 1 12:55
Phlogistinator 26.4 197 10% 0 9 746 167,212 1,976 194 46 14:06:11
Pistol 3.7 18 19% 3 18 47 6,957 151 28 18 6:25:36
Player 9.2 0 195 0 37 10:33:55
Pomson 6000 0.5 28 1 1,701 3 58:56
Powerjack 1.2 6 50% 32 65 21 3,055 2 1 27 8:28:31
Prinny Machete 6.7 84 27 10,228 0 0 6 2:01:31
Pumpkin Bomb 0.7 10 1 439 1 40:19
Pumpkin MIRV 0.0 2 0 84 1 40:19
Quickiebomb Launcher 1.2 2 1 59 1 25:31
Rescue Ranger 0.8 8 2 593 4 1:12:09
Revolver 5.1 36 24% 10 44 483 105,171 186 45 146 47:29:07
Rocket 32.4 353 40% 26 65 1,488 486,949 1,014 402 80 22:58:37
Rocket Reflect 1.9 6 24 2,608 0 0 20 6:23:16
Scattergun 19.6 212 53% 17 33 788 256,117 1,597 852 55 20:05:02
Scottish Handshake 2.0 13 1 195 1 14:48
Sentry Rocket 0.0 8 0 168 0 0 1 20:52
Shahanshah 1.0 4 2 294 3 1:01:12
Sharp Dresser 11.4 166 47 20,474 0 0 8 2:03:15
Short Circuit Orb 4.6 24 2 321 1 12:55
Shortstop 12.9 146 42 14,295 5 1:37:24
Shotgun 22.7 123 50% 11 23 471 76,482 52 26 36 10:21:27
Shovel 1.7 8 14 2,210 14 4:13:55
SMG 3.5 13 28% 2 9 18 2,023 148 42 10 2:33:58
Sniper Rifle 19.2 216 33% 50 150 66 22,316 3 1 6 1:42:52
Soda Popper 0.0 3 0 75 1 22:32
Splendid Screen 0.6 11 2 1,193 7 1:40:40
Spy-cicle 14.5 202 21% 62 295 2,299 959,784 534 112 258 79:08:09
Stickybomb 7.8 107 26 10,735 7 1:39:41
Sun-on-a-Stick 2.8 7 4 312 2 42:59
Swarm of Bats 0.7 3 1 129 1 40:19
Telefrag 1.6 24 1 450 1 18:12
Three-Rune Blade 1.9 15 2 509 2 32:15
Tide Turner 0.4 5 1 398 0 0 4 1:13:06
Tomislav 20.6 243 11% 0 5 626 221,581 19 2 52 15:11:02
Ubersaw 1.1 9 17% 10 65 8 2,145 48 8 12 3:39:43
Ullapool Caber 3.3 23 43 9,247 19 6:29:38
Wanga Prick 11.8 170 86 37,290 0 0 10 3:39:16
Widowmaker 13.3 135 58% 16 27 336 102,640 97 56 46 12:36:21
Winger 2.6 16 3 568 2 34:42
Wrangled Sentry 0.4 13 7 6,285 22 7:46:40
Wrap Assassin 0.6 18 14 13,113 0 0 34 11:38:35
Wrench 1.5 19 1 390 2 19:52
Your Eternal Reward 21.9 303 37% 105 285 2,083 865,750 168 62 157 47:36:53
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played