
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
248-233-33 51.46% 865-907-27 48.83%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 0.0 7 0 115 1 15:38
Ball 1.3 0 3 0 0 0 3 1:07:15
Black Box 1.0 28 16 13,105 26 7:38:00
Bleeding 2.0 0 4 0 3 1:01:07
Boston Basher 0.9 1 0% 0 2 70 4 0 3 1:07:20
Bottle 1.9 10 12 2,038 0 0 8 3:12:11
Conscientious Objector 0.9 4 1% 0 65 5 715 284 4 12 2:45:11
Crusader's Crossbow 2.4 33 7% 3 49 30 12,437 532 39 20 6:16:48
Degreaser 8.8 94 5% 0 5 537 171,918 28,665 1,561 98 30:25:01
Detonator 0.6 11 1 553 3 48:26
Direct Hit 9.1 132 8 3,508 2 26:23
Disciplinary Action 1.4 3 0% 0 49 7 588 590 2 10 2:29:30
Environment 2.2 0 196 0 0 0 130 45:01:11
Escape Plan 0.6 2 1% 0 65 6 650 538 3 12 5:09:38
Fists of Steel 0.4 2 0% 0 2 455 22 0 9 2:50:05
Flamethrower 7.1 46 3% 0 5 36 7,042 453 15 7 2:32:49
Flare Reflect 1.7 0 1 0 1 17:55
Flying Guillotine 0.0 49 0 1,076 1 21:43
Frontier Justice 6.1 69 86% 15 18 26 8,818 14 12 6 2:07:23
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.8 6 1 260 3 38:47
Grenade 0.0 0 0 41 0 0 2 43:38
Grenade Reflect 1.9 0 28 0 0 0 23 7:24:05
Gunslinger 0.8 4 0% 0 5 780 54 0 9 2:56:47
Half-Zatoichi 3.9 14 5% 3 72 2 218 56 3 1 15:30
Iron Bomber 17.0 214 36% 27 76 203 77,040 444 159 21 5:58:34
Jag 1.7 5 0% 0 49 1 98 498 2 1 17:23
Knife 13.7 188 33 13,634 6 1:12:26
L'Etranger 11.9 54 8 1,101 1 20:07
Level 1 Sentry 1.5 19 17 2 768 0 6 3 40:24
Level 2 Sentry 0.5 10 17 1 645 0 15 3 59:23
Level 3 Sentry 2.6 35 22 6 2,517 0 90 4 1:10:33
Loch-n-Load 2.1 23 24% 23 97 7 2,256 75 18 4 1:37:45
Loose Cannon 0.9 17 45% 19 42 3 1,676 40 18 4 1:37:45
Loose Cannon Impact 1.2 0 1 0 1 24:48
Minigun 15.0 179 485 174,509 0 0 56 16:11:26
Mini-Sentry 6.3 101 8 57 27,494 0 112 14 4:32:00
Original 8.2 106 41% 25 66 420 163,782 410 170 75 25:36:16
Phlogistinator 3.4 3 2 66 0 0 1 17:25
Pistol 1.5 15 25% 2 11 32 9,793 489 124 32 10:20:22
Player 1.8 0 6 0 0 0 6 1:41:40
Powerjack 0.7 3 0% 0 65 8 1,170 1,758 2 18 5:41:43
Rescue Ranger 0.0 7 31% 14 47 0 465 13 4 3 59:23
Revolver 13.0 92 38 8,074 7 1:27:24
Rocket 19.0 227 29% 17 61 836 301,603 3,707 1,072 71 22:02:58
Rocket Reflect 1.9 5 82 6,674 0 0 66 21:09:17
Scattergun 30.8 300 67% 19 28 446 130,621 712 478 30 7:14:51
Shotgun 7.6 79 58% 11 19 553 174,759 4,805 2,785 111 36:26:06
SMG 1.9 16 21% 1 9 4 1,078 304 64 6 1:03:37
Sniper Rifle 28.2 312 43% 54 126 87 28,917 251 108 19 1:32:25
Southern Hospitality 0.0 7 0 316 2 42:00
Spy-cicle 9.2 111 11 3,978 2 35:45
Stickybomb 12.2 219 24% 17 72 146 78,843 809 196 21 5:58:34
Tide Turner 0.0 2 42 0 42 0 1 1 15:30
Tomislav 17.0 219 26% 2 11 839 324,979 3,793 981 80 24:38:23
Ubersaw 1.9 12 19% 12 65 22 4,313 84 16 17 5:39:03
Widowmaker 12.4 126 62% 17 28 130 39,724 415 259 16 5:13:37
Wrangled Sentry 0.5 14 9 2 1,822 0 72 7 2:06:17
Wrap Assassin 0.2 23 88% 5 5 1 3,284 75 66 8 2:17:17
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played