
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
351-499-17 41.46% 1045-1301-12 44.57%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
art vandelay 111 49.10% 31:51:51 3 100.00% 50:06 29 159 86
Mercutio 44 38.64% 14:43:37 67 43.28% 21:38:21 181 274 19 30
Nerbia 78 54.49% 22:57:58 30 46.67% 8:54:38 86 209 153 0
Mifee 107 52.80% 30:57:17 1 0.00% 17:39 25 152 160
Play Trepang2 Free Demo Now 42 38.10% 11:54:12 57 42.11% 17:32:32 191 271 49 37
Poddy 77 46.75% 21:31:20 5 20.00% 1:23:40 17 158 175 4
Gramps! 75 56.00% 21:08:17 5 0.00% 1:44:40 13 137 57 0
Karoshi 28 28.57% 8:29:53 50 42.00% 16:14:26 223 302 29 50
Void; Reciprocate, Love 56 25.89% 18:01:15 19 42.11% 6:32:44 107 204 124 13
twitch.tv/kegaman_ 31 54.84% 10:08:58 37 40.54% 11:42:09 229 265 42 29
a 1930s robber 64 50.00% 18:23:19 0 0:00 3 128 12
Hyperion 53 64.15% 15:33:08 11 40.91% 3:19:13 59 193 163
Themicrocheeze 33 25.76% 10:10:20 29 31.03% 9:13:08 190 268 24 92
mike "big gay" pence 22 31.82% 7:35:11 40 30.00% 11:24:26 138 280 51 1
E‐GIRLS ARE RUINING MY LIFE! 34 38.24% 10:12:47 28 39.29% 7:49:19 166 278 44 18
Otter | Free The Sea 31 32.26% 9:51:47 29 48.28% 8:58:33 278 331 16 46
Raising Canes Employee 24 29.17% 8:26:34 34 44.12% 11:07:14 191 295 52
f 54 55.56% 15:35:41 3 33.33% 42:12 3 128 56
certified 24 37.50% 7:38:19 33 60.61% 9:23:23 216 276 29 3
DolphiN | RGL.gg 26 23.08% 7:54:02 31 29.03% 9:50:35 184 311 33 0
EAF 37 45.95% 9:52:08 20 45.00% 5:44:08 204 263 45 94
biaogrrt 26 50.00% 9:02:19 30 40.00% 10:19:20 220 283 21 32
tanavast 26 38.46% 7:55:05 28 32.14% 8:40:49 183 250 27 3
HappyPurple RGL.gg 34 27.94% 11:11:13 17 29.41% 5:54:55 220 258 6 1
lucki 24 45.83% 8:48:50 25 24.00% 7:28:07 181 259 15 6
Rainbow & Dash 21 38.10% 7:32:31 26 34.62% 7:49:45 234 294 27 22
ianf526 15 46.67% 4:41:05 30 53.33% 8:27:28 209 314 12 37
“Hoo” Framed Roger Rabbit 44 46.59% 12:17:23 1 0.00% 9:20 2 129 74
michael soft 21 42.86% 6:27:13 24 22.92% 7:17:05 103 208 125 12
Catgirl Gamer 27 29.63% 7:59:14 17 29.41% 5:16:26 280 297 11 48
Cooper02 24 50.00% 6:48:44 20 30.00% 5:42:37 251 321 14 59
Poopy 16 50.00% 5:53:15 27 29.63% 8:41:03 218 257 54 16
sf 24 41.67% 7:52:34 18 50.00% 6:26:46 128 223 66
❤IDare 13 38.46% 4:39:40 28 39.29% 8:37:01 206 251 3 12
Trianull 22 40.91% 6:58:03 18 22.22% 6:01:55 222 308 17 14
dzcreeper 17 58.82% 4:59:38 23 39.13% 7:13:44 177 252 23 36
Volans 20 25.00% 6:18:28 20 40.00% 6:51:37 222 305 12 11
landscape 34 51.47% 9:47:13 6 50.00% 1:32:54 3 126 237
eryn 🗺 24 54.17% 7:07:31 15 56.67% 4:56:11 112 231 6
BLANK3T They/He Femboy on THC 14 35.71% 4:00:10 25 52.00% 8:08:29 220 270 16 80
2'5" Cantankerous Rock Monster 19 47.37% 5:42:10 20 60.00% 6:54:38 244 346 0 0
Pain Seer 21 28.57% 6:55:55 17 29.41% 5:44:46 196 271 37 20
realm 15 53.33% 4:54:29 22 36.36% 7:30:25 197 292 27
SpiderJew 10 40.00% 2:40:25 27 44.44% 8:38:05 227 274 28
LatinRhythms - 8 ref 14 57.14% 4:45:40 23 47.83% 7:54:41 182 282 45
wildebeest 18 50.00% 5:43:25 19 36.84% 6:30:57 240 313 6 58
funkywunks 24 45.83% 7:04:28 13 23.08% 4:03:51 76 210 97
Eugene Gripnasty 16 50.00% 5:45:52 21 52.38% 7:01:40 239 334 16 67
♥ jamie :3 ♥ 35 21.43% 11:22:17 1 100.00% 29:47 48 161 160 3
trixbeat 11 63.64% 3:36:04 25 24.00% 8:16:16 138 230 51 12
Bord Guy 22 31.82% 7:49:34 13 46.15% 4:46:59 228 355 12 93
aeon 11 27.27% 4:04:52 23 41.30% 7:45:16 128 270 27 0
Trakmer 13 61.54% 3:49:44 21 9.52% 6:40:36 201 294 9 50
trobort 15 53.33% 5:32:51 17 47.06% 5:32:53 213 307 10 37
VinnyFunnyG 30 16.67% 9:05:22 2 100.00% 54:31 67 194 99 32
スペシャルドックスビ 16 56.25% 4:43:31 16 34.38% 5:22:49 89 230 65
wish 16 62.50% 5:01:57 16 25.00% 5:24:23 59 251 90 1
Keslarium 17 41.18% 4:23:52 15 53.33% 5:12:18 195 242 52 12
Haytil 12 41.67% 3:43:05 19 42.11% 6:54:07 246 277 2 13
ish641 14 42.86% 3:53:15 16 68.75% 5:25:23 195 237 33
FeverDreamed 16 25.00% 5:04:44 14 42.86% 4:09:47 155 241 42 54
Anthid 13 53.85% 4:14:27 16 37.50% 5:23:03 195 295 28 10
ethanf 11 36.36% 3:24:33 18 27.78% 6:00:27 136 325 59
Spha 12 50.00% 3:59:45 17 52.94% 5:10:31 212 321 17 35
Rikuus 13 46.15% 3:48:05 15 26.67% 4:21:51 297 325 0 0
pierre 5 60.00% 1:18:21 23 39.13% 6:51:53 141 211 42 18
我是农民 11 36.36% 3:16:18 17 47.06% 4:59:07 226 289 29 1
Archer 12 58.33% 3:44:38 16 25.00% 4:46:19 201 243 53 12
Jw. www.vaticancatholic.com 12 33.33% 3:07:13 15 46.67% 4:17:32 259 292 14 31
Hank 24 27.08% 8:04:17 3 33.33% 1:13:50 21 147 117
UNYO 10 10.00% 3:30:19 17 17.65% 5:40:37 105 226 60 15
The Button Witch 12 58.33% 4:26:13 14 42.86% 4:46:43 152 268 65 32
wG Spymaster 10 30.00% 3:15:42 16 37.50% 5:04:10 103 241 37
Mitochondrial Maxwell 10 40.00% 2:57:23 16 37.50% 5:19:25 268 318 8 68
WhatchuKnowAboutDemBoostBoyz 13 30.77% 3:49:09 13 53.85% 4:31:25 139 231 53 5
invite player 15 26.67% 5:43:51 11 36.36% 3:16:08 94 233 84
soala 6 16.67% 1:44:53 20 40.00% 5:28:49 175 248 13 42
Starfruit66 12 41.67% 3:17:28 13 30.77% 4:13:20 196 265 28
Kalvyn' 25 64.00% 7:18:01 0 0:00 4 126 56
reigh 9 55.56% 3:19:45 16 50.00% 5:47:15 152 237 35 66
Vince Wilfork 9 33.33% 3:13:46 15 66.67% 5:36:13 222 268
Swish 11 63.64% 3:26:18 13 61.54% 4:12:22 210 312 35 0
tuna 13 30.77% 4:36:12 11 36.36% 2:56:15 292 342 6
poor french wt main 12 58.33% 4:18:13 12 33.33% 3:57:36 116 210 63 19
TeatsMcghee #LegalizeAsbestos 19 50.00% 5:56:53 5 20.00% 1:31:33 23 173 228
dodecadron 12 58.33% 4:34:49 12 41.67% 3:52:46 212 287 22 76
A$$a$$in Jone$ 10 50.00% 3:14:25 13 38.46% 4:07:29 246 357 8
mip 13 38.46% 3:50:41 10 50.00% 3:28:06 108 267 53 6
Goddard 13 53.85% 3:23:55 10 20.00% 3:26:08 275 287 6 8
IAMAFELON 11 9.09% 3:43:19 12 25.00% 3:53:46 151 279 81
Bluepatrick115 17 35.29% 5:35:48 6 16.67% 2:09:02 193 262 45 9
jayxu 23 23.91% 7:21:56 0 0:00 6 144 131
jefferado 7 42.86% 1:38:09 15 46.67% 4:59:10 276 287 1
AirmanBeatle385 18 25.00% 5:08:44 4 25.00% 1:19:20 22 175 166
停止盖子 Камала Хар 6 50.00% 2:05:21 16 40.62% 5:12:12 184 338 15 11
femme frotale 8 37.50% 2:40:39 14 35.71% 4:41:30 188 314
Fen Rex 5 80.00% 1:49:47 17 64.71% 5:37:33 282 260 21
Wonkaticket 10 30.00% 2:56:59 12 58.33% 4:27:29 216 298 9 11
Pizzaman 16 50.00% 5:29:21 5 80.00% 1:39:33 146 243 63 17
<3ashley 9 55.56% 2:48:07 12 37.50% 4:10:50 145 217 67 20
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From