lazor lobster

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
2529-1934-319 56.22% 11846-9935-1231 54.15%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 11.7 134 181% 12 61 2,454 846,179 6,980 12,605 315 105:01:56
Ambassador 10.3 109 34% 13 40 42 13,441 878 299 7 2:02:24
Arrow 11.2 156 174 449 187,767 0 34 95 20:00:46
Arrow Reflect 1.0 5 1 162 1 29:34
AWPer Hand 16.8 180 42% 69 163 7,176 2,317,830 24,411 10,348 1,425 213:52:42
Baby Face's Blaster 24.5 221 74% 22 31 666 180,927 487 358 39 13:36:14
Backburner 17.4 153 12% 0 6 93 24,579 10,579 1,317 10 2:40:31
Back Scatter 26.5 241 72% 26 36 5,029 1,377,251 47,492 34,001 274 94:53:56
Ball 1.4 0 113 0 0 0 106 40:48:12
Bat 0.0 7 0 70 0 0 1 9:01
Bazaar Bargain 1.9 30 57% 101 177 4 1,983 7 4 8 1:04:36
Beggar's Bazooka 13.5 151 24% 16 71 796 267,077 15,840 3,756 85 29:27:09
Big Earner 14.8 220 91 40,778 0 0 77 3:04:47
Black Box 24.0 321 46% 28 63 1,026 411,398 12,451 5,667 67 21:20:13
Bleeding 1.6 0 321 0 0 0 268 103:10:05
Blutsauger 1.5 11 16% 1 10 4 889 556 87 3 1:20:31
Boston Basher 0.3 2 22% 3 16 10 2,067 243 53 45 16:34:56
Bottle 2.0 11 2 348 0 0 1 30:02
Brass Beast 18.1 198 26% 3 14 133 43,797 3,055 787 21 3:40:19
Bushwacka 2.4 5 1 65 0 0 1 12:29
Chargin' Targe 0.1 2 34 2 1,432 0 16 32 11:21:08
Classic 25.0 360 28% 69 252 89 38,416 65 18 6 1:46:41
Cleaner's Carbine 1.6 16 4 1,231 0 0 5 1:13:00
Conniver's Kunai 4.3 61 44% 117 269 215 92,578 195 85 178 24:54:25
Conscientious Objector 0.6 3 0% 0 2 325 2 0 5 1:37:14
Cow Mangler 5000 26.9 275 40% 24 61 139 42,667 990 396 8 2:34:56
Crocodile 3.2 0 2 0 0 0 2 18:43
Crusader's Crossbow 2.4 39 48% 5 11 357 174,658 30,745 14,628 211 74:06:15
Crusader's Crossbow Bolt 0.0 173 0 101 0 0 1 0:35
Degreaser 9.8 87 6% 0 5 77 20,579 24,490 1,447 17 3:55:25
Detonator 3.2 78 5 3,698 0 0 4 47:21
Direct Hit 15.6 184 26% 25 97 1,591 563,802 20,579 5,305 142 50:51:09
Disciplinary Action 0.6 2 0% 0 49 19 2,646 3,406 2 43 15:18:07
Environment 2.1 0 2,869 24 0 0 1,845 689:49:01
Escape Plan 0.7 3 0% 0 20 2,558 54 0 36 13:38:15
Family Business 0.6 13 54% 13 24 1 669 50 27 3 49:24
Fireball 6.8 0 2 0 0 0 1 8:51
Fists of Steel 0.2 0 0% 0 2 247 94 0 17 6:04:30
Flamethrower 9.0 77 10% 0 5 314 80,362 11,760 1,181 182 17:22:23
Flare Gun 1.9 8 50% 0 90 3 400 2 1 5 48:13
Flying Guillotine 0.8 41 149% 15 10 12 17,854 117 174 26 7:05:42
Force-a-Nature 15.4 221 76% 23 30 1,114 480,984 19,805 15,021 107 36:14:22
Freedom Staff 1.9 8 1 130 1 15:30
Frontier Justice 4.2 47 72% 19 27 94 31,651 476 344 102 11:07:05
Gloves of Running Urgently 2.6 19 0% 0 1 218 14 0 5 11:25
Grenade 11.7 152 26% 19 76 70 27,326 1,001 261 14 2:58:44
Grenade Reflect 0.2 6 61 1 1,057 0 10 9 2:50:51
Gunslinger 0.5 3 1% 0 65 6 1,105 680 4 15 5:34:56
Half-Zatoichi 7.4 51 55 11,362 0 0 12 3:41:50
Hitman's Heatmaker 20.1 170 37% 41 111 22 5,601 100 37 5 32:53
Huntsman 0.3 1 0% 0 3 543 117 0 18 4:32:53
Huo Long Heatmaker 31.3 316 7 2,118 0 0 10 6:42
Iron Bomber 14.5 199 29% 21 73 1,740 720,116 29,205 8,538 170 60:09:41
Iron Curtain 31.1 330 20% 2 13 333 106,178 16,898 3,312 24 5:20:56
Jag 1.0 6 0% 0 1 196 88 0 6 29:08
Kamikaze 1.5 0 1 0 0 0 1 20:10
Killing Gloves of Boxing 17.9 217 3 1,097 0 0 2 5:02
Knife 9.9 140 38% 80 213 68 29,104 8 3 41 3:26:44
Kukri 1.0 5 10% 6 65 87 14,856 642 65 165 42:33:03
L'Etranger 1.7 13 34% 13 38 39 9,724 536 184 121 11:40:19
Level 1 Sentry 1.4 31 17 18 12,315 0 5 120 6:30:22
Level 2 Sentry 1.7 36 18 11,599 0 0 117 5:21:12
Level 3 Sentry 3.5 58 65 32,486 0 0 168 9:18:17
Liberty Launcher 11.4 142 45% 22 48 240 89,652 3,674 1,668 28 10:29:49
Loch-n-Load 18.3 251 22% 22 100 1,477 611,142 17,091 3,801 114 40:27:45
Loose Cannon 8.0 158 130% 19 49 102 60,813 826 1,076 18 6:23:24
Loose Cannon Impact 2.9 0 28 0 0 0 12 4:46:44
Machina 25.0 274 53% 105 201 25 8,242 78 41 2 30:03
Mantreads 0.0 5 0 165 1 30:48
Market Gardener 1.5 12 7% 9 144 364 86,825 1,328 89 329 120:29:15
Minigun 9.4 86 28% 4 15 173 47,858 340 96 110 9:13:37
Mini-Sentry 4.0 85 8 128 81,927 0 2,131 49 16:01:36
Natascha 27.6 260 22% 2 10 191 54,140 8,176 1,766 10 3:27:27
Original 13.6 160 35% 22 65 623 221,053 3,408 1,185 112 22:58:46
Panic Attack Shotgun 11.9 91 78% 23 30 1,115 257,844 7,241 5,646 167 46:57:18
Phlogistinator 15.2 151 17 5,071 0 0 2 33:32
Pistol 3.2 13 23% 3 14 1,832 230,673 61,388 13,900 833 283:59:42
Player 2.1 0 52 0 0 0 39 12:08:00
Player Penetration 1.9 0 1 0 0 0 1 15:43
Powerjack 0.8 2 0% 0 3 260 52 0 7 1:53:07
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 6.6 35 25% 4 17 220 34,984 1,685 428 56 16:36:03
Quickiebomb Launcher 12.8 229 29% 16 58 655 351,435 20,174 5,808 63 25:31:30
Reserve Shooter 2.7 15 73% 16 22 4 674 26 19 2 44:32
Revolver 17.7 152 36% 14 39 380 97,893 5,280 1,879 38 10:42:22
Righteous Bison 1.8 12 6 1,316 0 0 4 1:41:18
Rocket 21.7 268 44% 28 66 15,327 5,694,433 186,872 81,456 986 353:24:47
Rocket Reflect 3.7 7 97 55 3,404 0 18 46 7:26:31
Scattergun 25.7 257 71% 20 28 18,516 5,569,874 225,456 161,164 1,019 360:19:19
Scorch Shot 9.4 173 203% 12 5 16 8,839 269 546 3 51:05
Scotsman's Skullcutter 1.8 10 12% 11 94 84 15,098 362 44 66 23:12:30
Shortstop 18.4 231 61% 15 24 1,010 381,483 2,114 1,285 75 27:26:59
Shotgun 11.1 56 66% 23 35 240 37,004 1,589 1,050 87 10:50:51
Shovel 0.3 0 0% 0 65 6 390 218 1 30 10:20:54
SMG 2.6 14 25% 2 8 132 21,632 8,606 2,153 115 25:12:11
Sniper Rifle 21.0 191 39% 62 159 48 13,108 64 25 14 1:08:35
Soda Popper 36.7 396 73% 17 23 171 55,430 117 85 7 2:19:46
Solemn Vow 0.0 5 0 130 0 0 2 23:04
Splendid Screen 1.3 68 1 1,558 0 0 3 22:52
Spy-cicle 8.1 116 39% 113 292 204 88,350 328 127 46 12:39:09
Stickybomb 13.1 209 25% 15 62 1,601 766,128 48,774 12,061 174 61:01:35
Summon MONOCULUS 3.4 0 1 0 0 0 1 8:51
Sydney Sleeper 24.4 239 44% 62 141 152 44,780 329 145 11 3:07:16
Syringe Gun 35.7 179 22% 2 10 12 1,807 818 176 1 10:05
Tomislav 27.3 292 25% 3 12 827 266,198 27,249 6,678 220 15:09:34
Ubersaw 1.4 10 18% 11 65 118 28,176 60 11 121 43:38:09
Unknown 0.0 46 0 408 0 0 1 8:51
Widowmaker 21.8 213 71% 22 31 429 126,250 4,689 3,337 35 9:50:50
Winger 2.7 9 23% 4 19 1,126 124,918 810 187 568 211:10:03
Wrangled Sentry 0.0 10 0 172 0 0 1 15:57
Wrap Assassin 0.0 17 108% 6 6 16 365,993 707 762 963 344:01:27
Your Eternal Reward 18.8 306 1 490 0 0 1 1:36
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played