
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1048-1301-100 44.83% 3150-3855-92 45.03%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 5.3 47 28% 14 50 1,379 365,267 6,328 1,778 391 129:09:31
Arrow 15.8 140 40 10,680 0 0 8 1:15:48
Arrow Reflect 5.8 0 2 0 2 10:23
Atomizer 0.0 1 0% 0 0 40 16 0 3 38:32
AWPer Hand 23.3 280 31% 39 126 154 55,757 689 213 14 3:18:33
Axtinguisher 8.9 44 4 602 0 0 3 13:30
Baby Face's Blaster 0.0 8 0 92 1 10:17
Backburner 7.7 82 10% 0 6 31 9,997 6,604 633 5 2:01:31
Back Scatter 0.0 5 75% 18 24 0 73 4 3 1 12:35
Ball 2.3 0 3 0 2 39:35
Beggar's Bazooka 0.0 5 0 211 0 0 2 41:33
Big Earner 9.5 135 22% 70 319 678 291,142 100 22 104 35:45:13
Big Kill 4.7 41 24% 11 47 72 18,862 84 20 22 7:39:34
Black Box 0.7 36 39% 23 60 5 7,530 153 59 13 3:28:44
Black Rose 8.9 128 109 47,102 0 0 22 6:06:28
Bleeding 1.7 0 9 0 0 0 8 2:39:11
Blutsauger 0.0 1 0% 0 0 100 9 0 4 1:06:04
Bottle 1.6 3 1 65 0 0 1 18:37
Brass Beast 4.9 52 15% 2 13 56 18,219 1,941 296 17 5:46:15
Candy Cane 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 16 0 1 22:45
Classic 18.7 227 12 4,379 0 0 1 19:16
Cleaner's Carbine 4.7 61 4 1,561 0 0 2 25:31
Conniver's Kunai 9.0 129 20% 54 274 829 356,788 1,782 357 140 46:02:37
Conscientious Objector 1.8 10 0% 0 12 2,015 104 0 12 3:16:38
Crusader's Crossbow 1.3 20 45% 3 8 257 121,257 18,123 8,236 311 99:43:39
Degreaser 6.6 73 35 11,724 0 0 15 2:39:54
Detonator 2.5 65 208% 12 5 40 31,887 13 27 27 8:05:51
Direct Hit 19.6 255 23% 19 84 28 10,917 371 84 3 42:45
Disciplinary Action 1.6 14 2% 1 49 6 1,619 120 3 8 1:51:02
Dragon's Fury 0.0 27 0 679 1 24:25
Dragon's Fury Bonus 2.5 0 2 0 1 24:25
Enforcer 2.0 18 7 1,976 5 1:44:14
Environment 1.8 0 366 0 0 0 299 102:59:17
Escape Plan 0.9 3 0% 0 9 1,105 52 0 13 4:51:25
Eviction Notice 0.0 5 0 78 1 13:59
Family Business 0.0 2 59% 4 8 0 107 22 13 2 42:07
Fists of Steel 0.8 5 1% 0 65 14 2,983 338 4 27 9:11:49
Flamethrower 1.2 4 17% 0 4 2 213 60 10 3 49:11
Flare Gun 1.6 47 4 3,574 6 1:14:59
Flying Guillotine 0.0 16 0 370 0 0 2 22:55
Frontier Justice 5.2 66 75% 20 27 228 87,853 456 341 72 21:52:11
Frying Pan 0.6 6 3% 2 65 7 2,197 180 6 19 5:49:52
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.7 5 1% 0 65 17 4,004 372 2 41 12:25:42
Grenade 9.6 150 35% 25 74 83 39,166 144 50 17 4:20:40
Grenade Reflect 1.9 0 4 0 0 0 3 1:04:03
Gunslinger 1.0 4 0% 0 65 23 3,250 1,599 4 37 11:36:58
Half-Zatoichi 0.0 205 0 65 1 0:19
Holy Mackerel 0.7 6 6% 2 35 1 315 16 1 2 45:10
Huntsman 0.0 97 0 610 0 0 1 6:15
Huo Long Heatmaker 6.5 78 21% 1 8 24 8,654 1,446 300 4 1:50:09
Iron Bomber 10.5 153 26% 19 76 43 18,744 652 170 12 2:02:24
Iron Curtain 17.0 216 17% 2 12 650 247,608 4,527 773 72 19:05:16
Jag 0.7 3 0% 0 49 11 1,617 4,100 7 27 7:38:45
Kamikaze 1.4 0 1 0 0 0 1 22:05
Knife 14.3 207 17% 48 279 3,546 1,535,057 7,405 1,275 390 123:34:11
L'Etranger 2.8 23 30% 9 32 859 216,431 4,095 1,229 502 150:56:37
Level 1 Sentry 2.2 34 17 91 42,677 0 441 77 20:22:54
Level 2 Sentry 1.5 22 17 54 23,436 0 321 58 17:30:13
Level 3 Sentry 1.9 23 20 59 21,840 0 110 53 15:12:41
Liberty Launcher 0.0 5 19% 7 40 0 203 16 3 2 36:42
Loch-n-Load 5.3 121 17 11,643 5 1:35:44
Loose Cannon 3.6 117 51 11 10,640 0 1 5 1:30:33
Loose Cannon Impact 2.4 0 4 0 2 50:11
Lugermorph 2.9 22 20% 2 14 297 71,449 11,101 2,262 170 51:49:26
Mantreads 1.3 10 81 6 1,486 0 5 7 2:23:16
Market Gardener 8.7 75 14% 18 126 67 17,378 148 21 12 3:50:56
Minigun 4.7 66 14 5,857 0 0 5 1:28:40
Mini-Sentry 4.3 79 8 306 170,230 0 1,339 123 35:52:25
Nostromo Napalmer 12.4 117 14% 0 5 241 68,907 2,945 423 49 9:45:19
Original 14.1 244 41% 25 61 924 479,886 15,531 6,370 105 32:44:00
Overdose 1.8 27 25% 2 9 2 920 345 87 3 32:58
Panic Attack Shotgun 0.0 4 0 238 2 50:23
Phlogistinator 2.5 20 2 499 1 24:25
Pistol 3.1 18 20% 2 13 23 4,153 1,299 256 16 3:40:34
Player 1.8 0 22 0 0 0 20 6:10:17
Powerjack 0.9 5 1% 0 65 4 650 322 2 6 2:08:08
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 5.4 42 16 3,845 0 0 5 1:29:40
Pumpkin Bomb 4.8 0 1 0 0 0 1 6:15
Quickiebomb Launcher 1.8 64 1 1,054 1 16:15
Rescue Ranger 0.2 4 50% 15 31 1 745 2 1 9 2:55:12
Revolver 4.1 39 28% 10 38 1,138 327,767 5,061 1,427 450 138:41:44
Rocket 4.7 82 18% 13 77 30 16,006 617 111 12 3:13:13
Rocket Reflect 2.4 8 110 20 2,019 0 2 14 4:08:13
Sandman 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 5 0 1 22:45
Scattergun 18.7 231 64% 15 24 1,215 452,289 20,277 12,919 108 32:32:22
Scotsman's Skullcutter 0.9 2 1 78 1 34:32
Scottish Handshake 0.6 5 25% 16 65 2 520 8 2 5 1:35:15
Scottish Resistance 1.8 11 2 385 2 32:38
Sharp Dresser 1.6 22 0% 0 13 5,562 48 0 12 4:06:43
Shotgun 6.5 58 67% 20 30 129 35,040 1,356 910 48 9:56:17
Shovel 2.8 24 1 260 0 0 2 10:34
Showdown 0.0 27 0 450 0 0 1 16:21
SMG 1.5 10 13% 1 9 31 6,435 1,535 194 39 10:07:51
Sniper Rifle 24.7 284 33% 37 110 559 193,234 1,074 359 45 11:18:27
Soda Popper 12.6 122 56% 12 21 47 13,668 70 39 8 1:51:32
Solemn Vow 0.0 11 0 195 0 0 1 17:21
Spy-cicle 14.4 209 18% 53 291 5,236 2,290,960 3,988 725 599 181:53:06
Stickybomb 9.4 155 24% 15 64 149 74,559 1,159 281 30 7:57:57
Sydney Sleeper 6.2 35 67% 76 114 4 684 9 6 1 19:16
Syringe Gun 1.0 6 18% 1 10 5 896 429 76 8 2:22:55
Telefrag 1.4 18 450 8 3,150 0 1 8 2:52:12
Three-Rune Blade 0.7 4 0% 0 14 2,630 50 0 27 9:31:09
Tomislav 19.4 248 20% 2 11 2,745 1,054,055 16,325 3,256 246 70:35:31
Ubersaw 1.2 9 21% 13 65 173 40,421 478 100 214 69:25:17
Unknown 0.0 20 0 130 0 0 1 6:15
Warrior's Spirit 11.4 91 2 483 0 0 1 5:16
Widowmaker 6.4 81 60% 13 22 433 165,093 4,547 2,708 126 33:54:56
Winger 3.8 21 15% 2 15 69 11,864 577 86 29 9:07:18
Wrangled Sentry 1.7 25 15 63 29,088 0 54 66 18:56:18
Wrap Assassin 0.0 14 70% 4 5 0 7,535 302 211 31 8:55:45
Your Eternal Reward 9.9 128 21% 67 313 91 35,590 14 3 14 4:36:41
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played