
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
70-121-13 37.50% 374-550-9 40.57%


Descending Ascending
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From
meow 55 42.73% 22:42:38 49 44.90% 19:04:40 218 247 10 12
dark 56 41.07% 21:09:33 39 25.64% 14:54:25 192 267 12 1
saleel al sawarim 34 41.18% 12:44:48 35 35.71% 13:02:35 167 229 19 16 40 30.00% 16:04:05 28 35.71% 10:52:34 194 207 5 12
Holando 38 39.47% 14:42:17 28 53.57% 11:16:05 233 297 1 97
kyousuke999 29 44.83% 12:39:22 36 25.00% 14:23:32 170 236 20 17
fox 41 40.24% 16:26:29 20 15.00% 7:28:44 184 197 15
Hotspur 27 38.89% 10:49:47 31 41.94% 12:13:34 208 248 1 2
MATO DE TRACER E DOU TBAG 21 28.57% 8:43:28 33 50.00% 13:00:54 167 223 14 37
Orion 21 40.48% 9:23:07 29 32.76% 12:17:31 228 226 67
pneuma 23 47.83% 10:08:11 26 25.00% 11:39:46 160 185 31 15
billy? d 23 45.65% 8:45:28 25 50.00% 10:12:10 247 343 3 5
yautja 14 42.86% 5:43:49 29 41.38% 12:39:40 134 165 42 16
Bahtatão 30 26.67% 11:40:26 10 50.00% 3:42:26 170 196 24 5
sixteen;) 13 50.00% 5:19:34 23 30.43% 9:45:16 154 170 26 17
kaioa. 21 50.00% 8:07:05 14 60.71% 5:54:40 224 320
dtn 16 15.62% 6:28:13 18 50.00% 7:40:25 212 240 11 2
RTG+ 7 57.14% 2:55:49 24 43.75% 9:23:24 196 299
tocharx 11 72.73% 4:31:26 17 41.18% 6:56:12 167 174 9 12
$$Dr.At0m$$™ 17 20.59% 6:35:43 11 22.73% 3:38:49 214 336 9 11
hitze 15 26.67% 5:16:47 13 50.00% 5:06:00 250 329 2 20
deathrocker 14 46.43% 5:20:31 13 50.00% 4:56:25 197 204 7 2
ped 11 31.82% 4:25:09 16 18.75% 7:10:10 192 224 14 9
kye 13 57.69% 4:29:51 12 41.67% 4:50:27 225 367 4
sk 17 61.76% 6:11:05 8 18.75% 3:24:40 250 276 43
evoking 15 60.00% 6:03:09 9 16.67% 4:14:51 195 250 22 63
Bad Luck 10 20.00% 4:09:05 14 75.00% 5:42:13 242 293 0
Cagão no diminutivo 8 37.50% 3:31:34 15 50.00% 5:46:34 236 236 14
Bryan 10 65.00% 4:12:19 13 46.15% 5:23:39 209 205 1 0
element 10 30.00% 4:16:45 12 41.67% 4:44:24 150 180 36 2
scragbadun 10 40.00% 3:58:44 12 16.67% 5:28:20 177 194 27 1
SCOTTSERA 12 41.67% 4:47:30 9 72.22% 3:25:37 201 225 10
bob 8 37.50% 2:56:11 13 46.15% 4:35:56 211 234 18
CAN'T RUSH GREATNESS 11 22.73% 4:31:30 9 72.22% 3:17:13 229 309 27 29
sabadinibullet 11 45.45% 5:08:55 9 44.44% 3:50:28 234 249 23
vinirockz 11 27.27% 3:50:39 9 66.67% 3:21:13 237 287 14
bahia 4 37.50% 1:50:59 15 46.67% 6:18:36 120 124
Modeus 18 44.44% 8:03:29 1 0.00% 15:01 203 193 0 103
viper 12 41.67% 4:39:16 6 50.00% 2:50:28 226 213
kapone 7 57.14% 3:08:11 11 18.18% 4:53:43 222 198
RALUCA MALUCA 7 64.29% 2:37:19 10 30.00% 4:36:42 192 216 17
zey 6 41.67% 2:10:13 10 20.00% 3:40:25 186 337 27
tarnation! 8 87.50% 2:33:27 7 21.43% 3:02:47 196 350 10
alba 6 50.00% 2:15:48 9 22.22% 3:48:05 208 174 118
gu1ma 5 0.00% 2:07:21 9 22.22% 3:45:49 159 334 26
Nickzera 5 50.00% 2:08:22 8 25.00% 3:04:53 113 143 23
Chaos 7 28.57% 3:00:30 6 16.67% 2:51:47 86 178 117
puppy 11 18.18% 3:37:10 2 100.00% 40:17 254 330
ogrande.bingolinha 5 80.00% 1:38:53 8 50.00% 2:59:53 173 318 0
Mia. 5 60.00% 2:28:15 8 62.50% 3:12:37 229 161 89
Dlanor A. Knox 3 33.33% 1:20:22 9 44.44% 4:03:21 202 226 38 9
Mancra 4 50.00% 1:54:22 8 43.75% 3:09:28 100 171 112
aisatsana 2 0.00% 48:52 10 50.00% 3:24:01 74 280 75
maddox 5 20.00% 1:50:28 6 58.33% 2:09:59 175 302 17 23
Amon Gus 2008 1 100.00% 20:30 10 25.00% 3:49:36 188 205
lup 5 50.00% 1:46:58 6 50.00% 2:38:25 282 259
uno turbo 1.0 4 50.00% 1:27:45 7 57.14% 3:01:07 161 327 42
u suck so nice 3 33.33% 59:28 8 50.00% 3:07:09 143 220 27
Zuba 4 25.00% 1:36:51 7 14.29% 2:57:03 137 217 23
beppi 9 0.00% 3:21:52 2 50.00% 50:39 237 274 51
ink!rell 5 40.00% 1:39:17 5 20.00% 1:46:39 282 345 142
Clueless 3 100.00% 1:21:23 7 14.29% 2:26:02 195 185 166
payday 3 0.00% 1:25:57 7 14.29% 1:46:33 219 227
kawin 2 100.00% 45:46 7 28.57% 2:31:11 120 118
monogamy gameplay 5 80.00% 2:03:21 4 50.00% 1:37:26 206 165 3
fre_d 2 50.00% 31:46 7 71.43% 2:43:53 259 175
Ainda estou aqui games 4 0.00% 1:14:26 5 60.00% 2:04:04 138 162
bruno 4 75.00% 1:28:01 5 60.00% 2:21:13 275 309
kuma 4 50.00% 1:40:49 5 20.00% 2:07:53 160 193 71
yu 3 33.33% 1:09:36 5 60.00% 2:00:54 149 278
RaNDoMiZeR 3 0.00% 1:17:25 5 20.00% 1:54:34 162 315 25 136
Nero 5 40.00% 1:46:53 3 0.00% 1:26:09 151 221 9 43
Hyperion 2 100.00% 46:58 6 33.33% 2:35:49 254 216
AC130 3 66.67% 1:14:07 5 80.00% 1:51:15 191 194 19
Nè fronte rosso, nè reazione 3 0.00% 1:24:49 5 40.00% 1:44:32 190 342
GeneralGato_ 3 0.00% 1:22:54 4 50.00% 1:16:38 215 210
Honda 5 20.00% 2:12:05 2 50.00% 59:35 149 162 97
ACP 4 25.00% 1:42:42 3 33.33% 1:25:02 219 290 20
rafael 4 75.00% 1:17:24 3 0.00% 1:00:29 185 260 37
O Mujet 5 80.00% 1:33:10 2 100.00% 47:44 201 342
Lance 6 33.33% 1:58:10 1 0.00% 18:39 290 306 2
nukelet 2 50.00% 39:53 5 20.00% 2:38:10 229 166
speedrun 6 50.00% 2:28:45 1 0.00% 16:53 198 259 5 2
ffcc 2 50.00% 53:50 5 30.00% 1:54:51 172 191 43
august10 2 100.00% 30:37 5 40.00% 1:53:19 230 330 38
polaco 5 0.00% 1:28:08 2 100.00% 54:59 148 347 43
TRP 3 0.00% 1:15:05 4 0.00% 1:17:56 212 214 131
linguini 1 100.00% 19:54 6 16.67% 2:41:39 199 233 197
kamochi 2 25.00% 59:23 5 70.00% 1:57:46 211 203 58
biriz1n 2 50.00% 52:06 4 12.50% 1:07:07 139 117
sérgio kozinhas 4 87.50% 1:23:45 2 75.00% 41:30 116 195
avacalhadores 2 50.00% 58:24 4 0.00% 1:38:05 176 227 28
Envil 6 0.00% 2:11:32 0 0:00 256 262
juju 3 83.33% 1:04:36 3 83.33% 1:00:39 120 185
goza e dorme 3 66.67% 1:00:38 3 66.67% 1:02:53 240 345 92 122
batonga 0 0:00 6 16.67% 1:16:58
zzz 3 0.00% 1:15:26 3 66.67% 54:09 251 554
gG; 3 66.67% 1:28:38 3 100.00% 53:29 295 463
rK 4 75.00% 1:36:00 2 100.00% 29:15 112 152
VIDEOS CHIDOS 2 50.00% 43:37 4 50.00% 1:58:54 180 209
Player Logs With Winrate With Time Played With Logs Against Winrate Against Time Played Against D/M With DT/M With H/M To H/M From