
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
848-567-137 59.05% 4329-3301-51 56.69%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL juggalos of cs:s Sixes S2 Main Sixes
RGL JELQUP RETURNS Sixes S1 Advanced Sixes
RGL Burnt Toast HL Season 3 Main Highlander
RGL QdGt6H9sJzSh4exYiXQUx5blkVRckw P7 Season 6 Advanced Prolander
RGL Super Handsome Inteligent Team HL Exp #2 Invite-B Highlander
RGL Icy McSpicy eSports NR Sixes S1 Advanced Sixes
RGL Super Handsome Inteligent Team HL Season 2 Advanced Highlander
RGL jef Prolander Cup #2 Div-2 of 4 Prolander