wG ether

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
2757-2473-433 52.51% 12550-12144-985 50.79%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL jiminy 6s Season 17 Invite Sixes
RGL black swan 6s Season 16 Invite Sixes
RGL Run It Back HL Season 18 Invite Highlander
RGL burger cat Sixes S15 Advanced Sixes
RGL Global Clan Sixes S14 Invite Sixes
RGL Witness Gaming Sixes S5 to HL Season 20 Invite Highlander
RGL Daniel Team HL Season 19 Invite Highlander
RGL The Hardworking Hornets HL Season 18 Invite Highlander
RGL Fast Fourth HL Season 15 Invite Highlander
RGL Fast Fourth HL Season 14 Invite Highlander
RGL froyotech Sixes S10 Invite Sixes
RGL The Frauds HL Season 13 Invite Highlander
RGL Dedoris 2: Spec Deck's Revenge HL Exp #5 Invite-2 Highlander
RGL the fog HL Season 12 Invite Highlander
RGL The ANGY! Brothers Sixes S9 Invite Sixes
RGL 1738 Sixes S8 Invite Sixes
RGL somebody help HL Season 11 Invite Highlander
RGL GlobalClan Ice Sixes S7 Invite Sixes
RGL Yeye HL Season 9 to HL Season 10 Invite Highlander
RGL Lombre Sixes S6 Advanced Sixes
RGL Man Crush Monday HL Season 6 to HL Season 8 Invite Highlander
RGL exile's team Sixes Cup #1 Invite Sixes
RGL lotad Sixes S4 Div-1 Sixes
RGL Memento Mori HL Season 7 INVITE - Powered by Mannco.store Highlander
RGL dexter's lab Sixes S3 Invite Sixes
RGL rooGya July 25th Div-1 Sixes
RGL Rat jail Sixes S2 Invite Sixes
RGL huntsman jail HL Season 5 Advanced Highlander
RGL :squirtyay: HL Season 4 INVITE - Powered by mannco.store Highlander
RGL FluffyEcho Fan Club Sixes S1 Advanced Sixes
RGL Banned from RGL HL Season 4 Advanced Highlander
RGL Fallen Lord Royal Guard P7 Season 7 Invite Prolander
RGL Cat Noises DYNASTY NR Sixes S1 Invite Sixes
RGL Kronge Realm Prolander Cup #4 Div-1 of 5 Prolander
RGL Breakfast Club HL HL Season 1 Advanced Highlander