
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
2652-4320-439 38.75% 9804-14067-474 41.24%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 4.5 33 59 8 1,779 0 27 3 53:10
Ambassador 8.3 63 33% 15 46 94 21,367 974 321 71 5:37:52
Apoco-Fists 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 18 0 1 3:19
Arrow 7.0 9 120 9 360 0 2 8 38:39
Arrow Reflect 2.1 0 29 0 0 0 25 6:50:42
AWPer Hand 14.7 181 36% 52 145 32 11,868 185 67 8 1:05:31
Axtinguisher 1.3 10 4% 5 121 145 34,794 190 8 193 54:00:30
Baby Face's Blaster 1.6 35 2 1,367 0 0 2 38:09
Backburner 3.6 40 10 3,323 0 0 6 1:22:16
Back Scatter 1.2 15 78% 23 30 3 1,162 49 38 5 1:15:55
Ball 1.6 0 27 0 0 0 24 8:27:03
Ball O' Lightning 1.0 0 1 0 0 0 1 30:57
Bat 2.6 2 0% 0 2 70 20 0 3 23:22
Batsaber 3.5 12 1 105 0 0 1 8:39
Beggar's Bazooka 0.1 9 48% 21 43 1 2,774 25 12 18 4:43:35
Black Box 0.5 14 45% 30 69 122 120,742 1,298 580 469 134:17:24
Black Rose 31.3 490 2 940 0 0 2 1:55
Bleeding 1.8 0 131 0 0 0 110 36:35:26
Blutsauger 1.1 8 5% 0 9 1 235 528 24 4 28:15
Bottle 1.1 7 61 11,639 0 0 84 26:43:20
Brass Beast 1.3 22 2 1,002 0 0 2 45:13
Bread Bite 0.0 6 0% 0 0 142 28 0 4 22:30
Bushwacka 0.0 4 0 130 0 0 2 30:51
Chargin' Targe 0.0 3 36 0 607 0 2 11 2:41:59
Claidheamohmor 2.7 17 0% 0 6 1,151 6 0 5 1:07:11
Cleaner's Carbine 2.0 14 3 639 0 0 5 44:56
Conniver's Kunai 0.0 7 0 40 0 0 1 5:39
Conscientious Objector 0.0 8 0 117 0 0 1 14:22
Cow Mangler 5000 2.2 45 62% 39 64 13 8,222 206 127 10 3:00:37
Crit-a-Cola 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 1 0 1 12:58
Crossing Guard 0.0 3 0 65 0 0 1 18:52
Crusader's Crossbow 3.6 65 42% 8 19 453 249,306 27,609 11,677 253 63:28:56
Decapitation 0.0 33 0 450 0 0 1 13:21
Degreaser 10.6 105 9% 0 9 19,175 5,722,817 402,837 37,983 4,099 902:41:27
Detonator 1.0 24 146% 9 6 329 249,877 520 761 604 171:34:26
Detonator Flare Reflect 1.6 0 2 0 0 0 2 38:08
Diamondback 3.3 33 24% 12 51 2 612 49 12 4 18:23
Direct Hit 6.5 78 24% 24 100 893 323,352 11,577 2,799 297 68:15:11
Disciplinary Action 2.2 8 1% 0 49 174 20,288 1,198 15 127 40:22:15
Dragon's Fury 2.4 45 8 4,581 0 0 7 1:41:31
Dragon's Fury Bonus 3.4 0 8 0 0 0 5 1:09:38
Enforcer 7.5 73 38% 22 58 1 293 13 5 1 3:59
Environment 2.7 0 4,888 0 0 0 2,972 891:07:23
Equalizer 2.2 7 38% 31 82 12 1,273 8 3 9 2:47:02
Escape Plan 0.8 3 1% 0 67 59 8,249 1,776 11 107 35:21:14
Eureka Effect 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 10 0 2 34:55
Eviction Notice 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 10 0 1 2:06
Family Business 0.0 11 75% 41 55 0 165 4 3 1 14:16
Fireball 1.0 0 1 0 0 0 1 30:57
Fists of Steel 0.2 3 0% 0 65 1 611 1,070 1 10 3:03:00
Flamethrower 2.1 17 27% 1 5 32 8,003 335 91 34 7:39:12
Flare Gun 5.2 66 101% 12 12 8,602 3,291,194 10,130 10,205 3,671 830:49:50
Flare Reflect 1.7 0 21 0 0 0 21 6:18:33
Flying Guillotine 0.9 25 167% 16 9 38 30,885 84 140 80 20:05:41
Force-a-Nature 2.7 32 47% 21 44 105 38,755 1,835 862 72 19:43:04
Frontier Justice 4.3 42 60% 32 54 33 9,594 20 12 61 3:48:07
Frying Pan 1.4 7 4% 2 68 116 18,132 1,112 40 164 40:51:45
Giger Counter 1.9 0 2 0 0 0 1 32:23
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 18 0 6 4:52
Grenade 0.5 16 28% 24 87 10 10,241 176 50 40 10:38:22
Grenade Reflect 2.1 0 628 0 0 0 538 152:34:49
Gunslinger 0.2 2 0% 0 1 377 1,824 0 14 2:56:57
Hadouken 0.0 21 0 2,250 0 0 5 1:45:18
Half-Zatoichi 16.9 192 12% 15 120 222 75,949 56 7 43 6:34:04
Home Run 0.0 32 0 450 0 0 1 13:50
Huntsman 0.0 55 0% 0 0 2,995 11 0 9 53:45
Huo Long Heatmaker 180.0 1140 1 190 0 0 1 0:10
Iron Bomber 4.7 70 29% 21 75 2,231 1,007,422 41,880 11,962 894 236:52:23
Jag 0.4 3 0% 0 3 715 3,088 0 33 3:36:00
Kamikaze 1.6 0 2 0 0 0 2 37:55
Killing Gloves of Boxing 0.0 440 0 176 1 0:24
Knife 6.4 100 23% 50 215 24 11,190 60 14 23 1:51:44
Kukri 3.4 16 6% 3 65 10 1,495 18 1 11 1:28:31
L'Etranger 3.0 12 34% 14 43 4 517 35 12 4 39:49
Level 1 Sentry 1.8 28 17 35 16,723 0 54 133 9:37:55
Level 2 Sentry 1.8 33 16 27 15,004 0 53 132 7:28:00
Level 3 Sentry 4.0 45 19 92 31,841 0 156 162 11:37:54
Liberty Launcher 5.2 58 59% 34 58 95 32,295 807 476 29 9:11:19
Loch-n-Load 4.2 57 19% 19 102 220 91,682 4,474 839 108 26:24:54
Loose Cannon 1.0 29 233% 22 52 81 72,663 583 1,361 138 41:04:40
Loose Cannon Impact 1.9 0 35 0 0 0 25 9:17:52
Loose Cannon Reflect 2.6 0 1 0 0 0 1 11:20
Lugermorph 6.9 11 19% 2 12 2 96 42 8 1 8:39
Machina 30.0 371 42% 72 172 26 9,665 133 56 11 26:00
Mad Milk 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 14 0 2 11:22
Manntreads 1.6 0 1 0 0 0 1 18:46
Mantreads 1.9 8 3 419 0 0 2 47:55
Market Gardener 4.2 36 14% 23 162 459 120,780 470 67 186 54:31:29
Maul 0.6 1 0% 0 2 98 44 0 6 1:35:48
Meteor Shower 1.6 0 2 0 0 0 2 36:32
Minigun 12.4 167 20% 2 11 93 37,728 2,229 451 87 3:45:33
Mini-Sentry 1.8 38 8 25 16,111 0 548 33 6:57:15
Natascha 10.3 69 19% 1 10 4 805 411 80 3 11:36
Original 0.9 29 56% 38 72 837 822,118 8,995 5,041 1,900 467:33:19
Pain Train 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 42 0 1 7:31
Panic Attack Shotgun 4.2 42 73% 24 32 123 37,157 1,461 1,068 79 14:36:38
Persian Persuader 8.1 59 9% 10 124 55 12,067 80 7 17 3:23:44
Phlogistinator 2.1 20 4% 0 7 209 59,906 7,651 288 159 49:44:26
Pistol 2.4 8 19% 3 17 2,330 255,473 73,749 14,291 1,824 488:20:57
Player 2.7 0 415 0 0 0 235 76:02:26
Postal Pummeler 0.0 3 0 44 0 0 1 13:38
Powerjack 0.8 5 0% 0 65 331 69,518 16,130 18 790 204:49:38
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 8.5 55 3 591 0 0 2 10:35
Quickiebomb Launcher 0.7 10 20% 12 65 6 2,711 198 39 15 4:15:21
Rescue Ranger 0.0 7 0% 0 0 776 12 0 6 1:42:25
Rescue Ranger Reflect 1.3 0 2 0 0 0 2 46:35
Reserve Shooter 2.3 18 57% 11 20 6 1,448 121 69 4 1:18:15
Revolver 7.5 64 31% 13 43 102 26,357 1,877 591 131 6:45:53
Righteous Bison 2.3 11 2 310 1 26:34
Rocket 11.9 187 49% 33 69 10,282 4,870,023 115,468 56,211 1,733 433:10:49
Rocket Reflect 2.6 0 96 2,039 22,499 0 122 1,449 385:16:12
Scattergun 23.1 240 59% 19 32 23,831 7,439,609 375,322 220,615 2,015 516:18:04
Scorch Shot 1.7 34 109% 8 7 249 152,816 812 884 255 74:51:23
Scotsman's Skullcutter 54.5 425 3 702 1 1:39
Shahanshah 2.2 9 0% 0 3 368 36 0 4 40:13
Shooting Star 0.0 53 38% 18 50 0 150 8 3 1 2:49
Short Circuit 0.0 41 15 0 225 0 1 3 5:22
Short Circuit Orb 2.7 0 50 0 0 0 39 9:25:45
Shortstop 7.5 62 17 4,273 0 0 5 1:07:53
Shotgun 8.3 60 60% 18 31 5,534 1,197,210 52,898 31,866 1,193 332:28:24
Shovel 0.0 4 0% 0 0 65 2 0 2 14:32
SMG 1.6 8 16% 1 9 30 4,864 2,843 462 109 9:06:18
Sniper Rifle 22.8 253 35% 45 130 893 297,665 6,331 2,209 380 19:32:45
Soda Popper 1.7 17 2 634 0 0 2 35:48
Solemn Vow 1.0 6 13% 8 65 15 2,782 78 10 21 7:10:07
Splendid Screen 0.5 13 85 4 3,160 0 2 26 3:56:58
Spy-cicle 11.1 160 15% 41 281 185 80,274 688 101 119 8:19:39
Stickybomb 12.5 237 27% 17 65 4,264 2,428,262 133,005 35,490 675 170:40:27
Stickybomb Reflect 1.5 0 5 0 0 0 5 1:39:54
Sydney Sleeper 11.1 134 48% 53 110 21 7,632 143 69 6 56:37
Syringe Gun 0.0 18 26% 2 8 0 517 228 59 2 28:33
Telefrag 1.6 0 7 0 0 0 7 2:12:29
Three-Rune Blade 0.7 3 1% 0 14 171 25,685 12,200 94 404 124:02:52
Tide Turner 0.2 4 50 2 1,414 0 1 23 5:20:23
Tomislav 20.8 249 20% 2 13 294 105,853 11,694 2,347 166 7:04:59
Ubersaw 4.6 41 20% 13 65 466 124,726 568 114 187 50:09:11
Ullapool Caber 0.7 9 1 444 0 0 3 45:33
Unknown 0.0 9 0 2,361 0 0 15 4:19:34
Warrior's Spirit 47.4 314 2 398 1 1:16
Widowmaker 7.0 67 54% 17 32 235 68,513 3,866 2,100 191 16:50:05
Winger 1.4 5 5% 0 9 39 5,045 19 1 49 14:12:39
Wrangled Sentry 0.8 24 8 11 9,488 0 211 27 6:29:16
Wrap Assassin 0.0 17 135% 7 5 4 65,473 465 630 256 63:37:18
Your Eternal Reward 1.7 24 50% 225 450 1 450 2 1 1 18:10
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played