
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
495-421-82 53.71% 1945-1778-148 52.16%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 0.7 8 33% 6 18 1 362 3 1 3 45:05
Arrow 16.2 214 39 15,531 21 1:12:16
Backburner 10.9 82 50 11,388 17 2:17:35
Ball 1.7 0 20 0 0 0 16 5:56:37
Bat Outta Hell 1.9 5 3 260 3 47:33
Beggar's Bazooka 16.5 135 3 740 1 5:28
Black Box 19.9 253 45% 25 57 445 169,829 1,244 564 36 11:10:56
Bleeding 1.8 0 58 0 0 0 45 16:16:48
Brass Beast 2.4 32 5 2,055 3 1:02:42
Chargin' Targe 0.0 1 0 24 1 15:34
Conniver's Kunai 11.1 153 11 4,576 1 29:43
Cow Mangler 5000 15.9 214 59% 34 58 186 75,166 115 68 14 5:50:41
Crusader's Crossbow 1.9 20 21 6,817 17 5:26:39
Degreaser 6.9 64 7 1,954 2 30:23
Detonator 3.9 99 400% 25 6 16 12,221 2 8 10 2:02:24
Direct Hit 4.3 52 15 5,447 6 1:44:19
Disciplinary Action 0.6 2 0% 0 49 6 784 1,066 2 16 4:57:16
Dragon's Fury 0.8 14 1 552 2 37:19
Environment 2.0 0 495 0 0 0 349 125:20:44
Escape Plan 0.4 1 0% 0 65 24 3,101 2,282 4 70 28:25:59
Family Business 2.9 28 4 1,192 2 41:14
Fists of Steel 0.9 7 1% 0 65 10 2,509 394 3 15 5:52:36
Flamethrower 10.9 90 32 7,996 6 1:28:19
Flare Gun 4.2 89 2 1,284 1 14:24
Flying Guillotine 0.6 35 5 8,406 13 3:56:52
Force-a-Nature 3.0 27 9 2,544 4 1:31:02
Frontier Justice 3.1 41 100% 28 28 16 6,347 3 3 24 2:33:59
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.3 1 0% 0 1 153 236 0 6 1:50:39
Grenade 1.9 12 1 200 1 15:36
Grenade Reflect 1.5 4 2 193 2 40:23
Gunslinger 0.9 7 3 715 5 1:35:03
Half-Zatoichi 2.8 19 8 1,690 5 1:27:04
Iron Bomber 10.5 130 24% 18 76 329 123,352 312 74 46 15:43:57
Jag 0.5 4 0% 0 2 441 168 0 6 1:50:07
Killing Gloves of Boxing 0.7 4 1 176 2 41:14
Knife 6.4 106 11 5,430 0 0 9 51:13
Level 1 Sentry 1.4 21 16 9 4,114 0 7 21 3:10:00
Level 2 Sentry 2.2 31 17 15 6,299 0 5 30 3:21:53
Level 3 Sentry 2.8 38 16 17 6,895 0 9 16 2:59:25
Loch-n-Load 7.8 102 28% 26 96 220 87,065 298 82 40 14:06:30
Loose Cannon 3.8 75 7 4,099 3 54:34
Loose Cannon Impact 1.4 0 2 0 2 42:13
Market Gardener 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 10 0 1 14:02
Minigun 5.4 56 41 13,015 13 3:48:47
Mini-Sentry 2.6 67 26 19,796 20 4:54:46
Natascha 13.8 146 7 2,227 1 15:15
Necro Smasher 1.3 4 50% 44 88 9 1,017 2 1 10 3:32:03
Original 21.2 291 31% 17 55 4,350 1,792,124 14,146 4,348 278 102:34:33
Pain Train 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 14 0 1 24:38
Panic Attack Shotgun 0.7 2 1 122 2 41:14
Phlogistinator 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 26 0 1 0:30
Pistol 4.5 20 22% 3 15 374 50,632 783 172 136 41:30:05
Player 2.8 0 56 0 30 10:02:58
Powerjack 1.1 4 0% 0 1 130 20 0 3 26:12
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 3.4 18 16% 2 15 268 43,406 2,923 482 124 39:47:52
Rescue Ranger 0.7 15 3 2,020 0 0 7 2:09:19
Revolver 6.3 55 19% 7 38 10 2,608 26 5 5 47:23
Righteous Bison 2.1 31 1 455 1 14:15
Rocket 17.0 210 25% 15 60 361 134,353 69 17 32 10:37:53
Rocket Reflect 1.9 8 4 553 7 1:04:42
Scattergun 20.8 221 57% 13 23 3,827 1,224,754 17,992 10,287 284 92:01:05
Scotsman's Skullcutter 1.2 5 16 2,445 19 6:54:09
Scottish Resistance 0.0 2 0 64 1 24:07
Shortstop 5.9 51 15 3,949 4 1:16:46
Shotgun 10.9 72 0% 0 124 24,663 4 0 18 5:39:48
SMG 5.1 21 11% 0 7 12 1,524 38 4 19 1:10:55
Sniper Rifle 18.1 185 29% 14 50 15 4,611 7 2 5 24:55
Soda Popper 2.0 14 2 418 1 29:19
Spy-cicle 5.0 87 5 2,610 1 29:43
Stickybomb 12.3 254 32% 18 58 592 367,289 1,475 470 69 24:00:37
Telefrag 2.5 38 2 900 2 23:39
Three-Rune Blade 0.1 1 0% 0 1 329 62 0 9 3:44:19
Tide Turner 0.0 2 0 50 1 17:09
Tomislav 26.1 309 28% 3 11 1,893 672,266 7,105 1,976 151 36:14:12
Ubersaw 0.8 8 4 1,365 7 2:35:12
Widowmaker 8.2 90 47% 8 18 91 29,980 15 7 26 5:31:46
Winger 2.5 15 16% 2 15 75 13,769 1,592 247 48 14:56:54
Wrangled Sentry 1.9 42 15 10,106 0 0 12 3:55:37
Wrap Assassin 0.0 19 169% 10 6 0 93,348 1,475 2,496 251 81:40:30
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played