
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1982-833-143 69.42% 6558-3752-199 63.35%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Arrow 27.5 337 70 25,746 7 1:16:23
Baby Face's Blaster 24.1 261 118 38,466 0 0 7 2:27:01
Ball 1.4 0 1 0 1 22:10
Ball O' Lightning 0.8 9 1 360 1 39:12
Bazaar Bargain 29.2 312 170 54,631 10 2:54:45
Bleeding 1.8 0 6 68 4 1:40:50
Bottle 2.7 13 6% 5 85 209 30,982 180 11 108 38:24:15
Brass Beast 14.3 152 29% 4 15 2,192 700,417 15,410 4,540 268 76:24:52
Chargin' Targe 0.0 3 0 143 0 0 2 43:06
Classic 12.2 77 10 1,895 2 24:35
Crusader's Crossbow 2.4 56 44% 7 16 9 6,384 409 181 6 1:52:30
Degreaser 7.8 54 5 1,053 1 19:12
Detonator 7.2 183 352% 20 5 104 79,390 232 816 23 7:13:21
Diamondback 9.9 172 1 522 1 3:02
Direct Hit 4.2 67 24% 28 118 5 2,403 29 7 2 35:34
Disciplinary Action 1.3 12 2 578 0 0 3 45:51
Dragon's Fury 3.0 72 1 731 0 0 1 10:04
Dragon's Fury Bonus 6.0 0 2 0 0 0 1 10:04
Environment 2.0 0 1,260 0 0 0 875 309:11:01
Family Business 4.5 39 13 3,440 5 1:26:06
Fan O'War 0.4 1 2 284 8 2:30:21
Fireball 2.3 39 3 1,536 1 39:12
Fists of Steel 0.7 5 0% 0 65 197 48,715 4,482 21 408 136:51:31
Flamethrower 7.0 58 9 2,242 0 0 4 38:32
Flare Gun 0.0 43 0 842 1 19:12
Flying Guillotine 1.3 37 3 2,592 4 1:08:46
Force-a-Nature 26.1 265 392 119,469 23 7:29:53
Frontier Justice 5.4 40 4 901 0 0 2 22:03
Frying Pan 34.9 260 21% 7 35 407 91,290 7,700 1,646 22 5:50:17
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.8 4 1% 0 65 114 20,917 6,610 36 218 72:32:26
Grappling Hook 0.0 11 0 59 1 5:12
Grenade 6.1 65 24% 17 73 260 84,915 634 151 59 21:27:26
Gunslinger 2.0 8 1 130 1 15:22
Half-Zatoichi 25.3 181 13% 13 108 8,758 1,887,166 6,638 848 474 173:07:07
Ham Shank 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 18 0 2 32:47
Homewrecker 0.7 2 2 245 4 1:27:54
Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker 22.8 163 26% 20 79 539 115,565 298 77 39 11:48:23
Huo Long Heatmaker 1.1 13 1 385 0 0 1 27:48
Iron Bomber 7.6 104 22% 14 65 1,651 685,322 7,080 1,592 288 109:17:03
Iron Curtain 14.2 135 47 13,497 0 0 4 1:39:22
Killing Gloves of Boxing 3.4 30 17% 17 102 5 1,335 78 13 2 43:47
Level 1 Sentry 1.6 10 1 183 0 0 2 18:15
Level 2 Sentry 0.0 186 0 224 1 1:12
Level 3 Sentry 4.4 50 1 343 2 6:50
Loch-n-Load 8.3 87 18% 18 101 679 213,936 1,204 213 102 40:57:43
Loose Cannon 2.5 36 35 14 6,120 0 46 8 2:48:34
Loose Cannon Impact 1.7 0 1 0 1 17:13
Mad Milk 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 232 0 11 2:29:11
Manmelter 2.2 31 1 418 0 0 1 13:27
Market Gardener 3.4 42 3 1,105 2 26:15
Meteor Shower 2.3 18 3 710 1 39:12
Minify 1.5 0 2 0 1 39:12
Minigun 23.5 241 27% 3 13 10,925 3,366,315 47,326 12,976 733 232:33:44
Mini-Sentry 1.7 70 4 4,935 0 0 4 1:09:38
Natascha 8.3 86 59 18,475 0 0 10 3:34:19
Necro Smasher 0.0 1 50% 32 65 0 65 2 1 1 33:48
Original 11.7 177 43% 28 65 31 14,122 481 209 5 1:19:36
Pain Train 26.5 166 21 3,969 0 0 2 23:48
Panic Attack Shotgun 0.0 0 25% 0 3 0 3 4 1 1 18:08
Persian Persuader 6.4 42 63 12,428 0 0 15 4:54:02
Phlogistinator 42.8 334 15% 1 12 582 136,691 2,977 446 21 6:48:16
Pistol 5.3 34 9% 1 12 96 18,624 89 8 29 9:02:35
Player 1.7 0 69 0 0 0 57 20:32:57
Powerjack 0.0 4 0 65 0 0 1 15:01
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 7.3 36 65 9,575 0 0 13 4:25:42
Pumpkin Bomb 2.2 8 90 4 485 0 3 2 55:18
Pumpkin MIRV 0.8 8 1 317 1 39:12
Quickiebomb Launcher 10.2 157 410 190,740 55 20:11:10
Rocket 14.1 297 60% 44 73 34 21,434 322 193 4 1:12:08
Rocket Reflect 0.0 3 0 61 1 19:12
Scattergun 28.1 249 59% 18 32 867 230,475 1,278 752 49 15:24:05
Scottish Resistance 0.5 4 8% 4 56 11 2,813 545 46 26 11:00:54
Shahanshah 1.8 10 8 1,367 7 2:12:09
Shortstop 11.1 124 43 14,520 0 0 5 1:56:11
Shotgun 7.4 64 63% 21 33 114 30,143 1,274 799 25 7:43:46
SMG 4.5 22 8 1,223 4 53:17
Soda Popper 10.2 80 8 1,900 1 23:28
Splendid Screen 1.2 27 88 373 248,843 0 126 425 151:10:51
Stickybomb 6.6 115 19% 11 57 1,721 900,558 22,426 4,336 332 130:00:29
Summon MONOCULUS 0.0 6 0 259 1 39:12
Swarm of Bats 0.0 4 0 178 1 39:12
Telefrag 1.9 29 450 1 450 0 1 1 15:31
Three-Rune Blade 0.2 2 1 431 6 2:50:01
Tide Turner 0.8 6 46 35 8,674 0 9 63 20:56:45
Tomislav 26.8 288 30% 4 13 18,841 6,074,226 93,502 28,197 1,100 351:18:01
Ubersaw 5.6 33 28% 18 65 21 3,770 18 5 6 1:52:30
Ullapool Caber 2.1 27 150% 254 169 5 1,937 2 3 6 1:11:06
Unknown 0.0 1 0 119 0 0 3 1:24:26
Widowmaker 21.8 184 58% 17 29 51 12,978 516 300 5 1:10:18
Winger 1.4 8 27 4,766 0 0 27 9:40:07
Wrangled Sentry 1.2 16 2 831 0 0 2 48:55
Wrap Assassin 0.5 27 2 3,356 0 0 8 2:00:21
Your Eternal Reward 39.6 595 4 1,806 1 3:02
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played