
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
496-752-123 40.66% 2289-3073-421 43.22%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 1.3 44 50 2 2,025 0 40 3 45:56
Ambassador 0.6 6 27% 12 44 2 624 51 14 10 1:36:02
Amputator 1.3 2 1 52 0 0 1 23:26
Arrow 4.8 0 3 0 0 0 1 18:38
AWPer Hand 16.9 206 39% 50 127 89 32,664 652 256 67 2:38:06
Baby Face's Blaster 1.3 4 1 92 0 0 1 22:42
Back Scatter 3.6 59 50% 30 60 1 487 16 8 2 8:14
Ball 1.4 0 2 0 0 0 2 42:27
Bazaar Bargain 0.0 12 0 50 0 0 1 3:54
Beggar's Bazooka 24.0 143 37% 23 64 5 896 38 14 1 6:15
Big Earner 7.6 111 31 13,700 0 0 18 2:02:59
Black Box 1.2 37 59% 33 57 1 973 29 17 1 25:43
Bleeding 1.6 0 7 0 0 0 7 2:12:43
Blutsauger 1.6 14 16% 1 9 4 1,133 748 120 6 1:16:35
Boston Basher 0.5 2 6 834 0 0 17 6:09:39
Bottle 0.0 6 0 65 0 0 1 9:47
Brass Beast 2.8 40 8 3,536 0 0 6 1:26:26
Bread Bite 0.0 2 0 117 0 0 2 47:57
C.A.P.P.E.R 2.3 9 20% 2 14 243 29,847 10,021 2,047 157 52:17:20
Claidheamohmor 0.0 2 0 65 0 0 1 22:00
Cleaner's Carbine 0.0 5 0 11 0 0 1 1:57
Conniver's Kunai 16.1 226 17 7,168 0 0 9 31:38
Conscientious Objector 1.2 4 5 570 0 0 7 2:07:59
Cow Mangler 5000 10.9 168 50% 30 61 17 7,936 259 129 2 46:58
Crocodile 6.5 0 1 0 0 0 1 4:38
Crusader's Crossbow 0.9 13 55% 3 5 419 194,687 61,885 34,288 686 241:19:26
Degreaser 7.6 62 13 3,214 0 0 14 51:03
Detonator 0.8 29 1 1,115 0 0 8 38:08
Direct Hit 0.0 43 40% 54 135 0 270 5 2 1 6:15
Disciplinary Action 4.9 18 11 1,242 0 0 8 1:07:24
Dragon's Fury 0.0 14 0 296 0 0 2 20:40
Dragon's Fury Bonus 22.2 0 1 0 0 0 1 1:21
Enforcer 3.4 15 24% 10 44 4 538 51 12 5 35:10
Environment 2.0 0 417 0 0 0 308 101:49:05
Escape Plan 1.1 4 3 348 0 0 5 1:24:00
Family Business 3.7 34 64% 18 28 6 1,680 92 59 2 48:20
Fists of Steel 0.6 4 7 1,469 0 0 16 5:25:29
Flamethrower 10.3 95 6 1,668 0 0 11 17:26
Flying Guillotine 1.1 26 4 3,012 0 0 6 1:52:12
Force-a-Nature 2.4 30 59% 23 39 20 7,698 331 194 13 4:09:10
Freedom Staff 1.2 8 2 455 0 0 4 51:30
Frontier Justice 1.5 14 1 301 0 0 5 20:34
Frying Pan 7.9 55 14 2,954 0 0 4 53:09
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.6 3 2 403 0 0 5 1:41:19
Grenade 6.9 105 24% 17 73 65 29,770 1,698 404 19 4:41:26
Grenade Reflect 4.6 0 2 0 0 0 1 13:04
Gunslinger 0.0 6 0 247 0 0 2 37:19
Half-Zatoichi 1.9 15 10 2,443 0 0 8 2:41:30
Huntsman 0.0 57 0 1,233 0 0 2 21:22
Iron Bomber 6.5 83 23% 16 71 60 22,950 1,394 320 22 4:35:05
Iron Curtain 17.5 174 164 49,163 0 0 15 4:41:34
Knife 10.8 156 81 35,238 0 0 18 3:44:48
L'Etranger 1.1 11 36% 11 31 4 1,282 114 41 12 1:47:38
Level 1 Sentry 2.3 59 1 761 0 0 11 12:47
Level 2 Sentry 4.1 53 2 786 0 0 7 14:38
Level 3 Sentry 1.5 62 1 1,243 0 0 10 19:52
Loch-n-Load 0.0 15 18% 20 113 0 455 22 4 2 29:18
Loose Cannon 7.4 145 47 6 3,548 0 75 2 24:22
Lugermorph 2.4 15 19% 2 12 157 30,938 13,407 2,565 100 32:32:35
Market Gardener 0.3 2 1 260 0 0 5 1:35:23
Minigun 15.0 177 793 282,266 0 0 107 26:25:48
Mini-Sentry 1.1 32 3 2,764 0 0 7 1:25:06
Natascha 1.3 26 1 610 0 0 1 23:00
Nessie's Nine Iron 18.4 93 1 153 0 0 1 1:38
Nostromo Napalmer 7.9 86 10 3,288 0 0 5 37:57
Original 15.2 213 47% 31 66 735 309,931 9,799 4,642 95 24:11:44
Overdose 0.0 6 21% 1 8 0 66 39 8 1 9:48
Panic Attack Shotgun 8.0 106 80% 14 18 3 1,192 83 66 9 11:14
Persian Persuader 5.4 40 4 914 0 0 2 22:18
Pistol 0.9 3 14% 2 15 11 1,233 558 80 19 6:04:32
Player 4.0 0 27 0 0 0 14 3:21:16
Quickiebomb Launcher 42.9 42 14% 4 30 1 30 7 1 1 0:42
Rescue Ranger 0.6 12 1 678 0 0 4 53:39
Revolver 2.6 22 34% 14 42 21 5,399 373 126 24 4:02:20
Rocket 20.3 254 48% 32 67 1,416 531,770 16,413 7,838 122 34:53:05
Rocket Reflect 2.9 0 2 0 0 0 2 20:30
Scattergun 18.1 190 66% 18 28 3,489 1,101,968 59,101 38,987 298 96:11:28
Scorch Shot 4.7 70 2 898 0 0 2 12:44
Scotsman's Skullcutter 13.6 105 10 2,325 0 0 1 22:00
Scottish Handshake 9.8 21 1 65 0 0 1 3:04
Shortstop 2.9 36 29 10,754 0 0 14 4:57:34
Shotgun 11.2 96 73% 24 33 146 37,916 1,562 1,139 47 6:31:29
Shovel 3.8 15 6 715 0 0 5 47:19
Showdown 0.0 22 0 1,350 0 0 3 59:58
SMG 3.7 19 24% 2 8 17 2,724 1,348 326 42 2:16:47
Sniper Rifle 14.3 136 35% 41 119 15 4,302 104 36 16 31:32
Solemn Vow 0.6 3 62 11,616 0 0 138 50:52:43
Splendid Screen 0.0 5 0 117 0 0 2 22:18
Spy-cicle 8.2 128 15 7,030 0 0 5 54:36
Stickybomb 7.4 116 16% 9 57 137 64,873 7,047 1,122 39 9:18:51
Syringe Gun 0.7 10 20% 2 10 1 501 240 47 3 45:46
Telefrag 1.5 0 3 0 0 0 3 59:58
Three-Rune Blade 0.4 2 3 560 0 0 9 3:24:47
Tide Turner 0.0 10 0 421 0 0 3 38:17
Tomislav 16.9 213 1,526 576,077 0 0 204 45:03:39
Ubersaw 1.0 7 44 9,523 0 0 75 21:28:22
Widowmaker 3.7 40 52% 12 24 9 2,966 233 122 13 1:12:45
Winger 0.6 4 4 891 0 0 10 3:10:13
Wrangled Sentry 0.4 10 1 678 0 0 4 1:07:04
Wrap Assassin 0.0 7 0 3,923 0 0 25 8:24:20
Your Eternal Reward 2.0 29 1 450 0 0 1 15:07
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played