
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
603-572-95 51.22% 2609-2600-250 50.08%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL fgp Sixes S6 to Sixes S9 Main Sixes
RGL ctap2work Sixes S7 to Sixes S8 Main Sixes
RGL Attack On Big Chungus Sixes Midseason Cup #1 Advanced Sixes
RGL Blockbuster Banshees Sixes S5 Intermediate Sixes
RGL The Capsules Sixes Cup #1 Intermediate Sixes
RGL The Wildcards Prolander Cup #6 RGL-Div 2 Prolander
RGL The Capsules Sixes S4 Intermediate Sixes
RGL tiny sticks, chubby dicks July 25th IM 2 Sixes
RGL The On God Team HL Season 4 Advanced Highlander
RGL Uncle John's Band Sixes S1 Amateur Prime Sixes
RGL People Eating Edible Noses HL Season 3 Amateur Highlander