봇이지 뭐

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1632-1138-292 58.07% 8113-6624-341 54.94%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 4.1 68 57 4 2,005 0 35 1 29:29
Ambassador 1.5 46 28% 11 41 1 922 78 22 5 19:51
Amputator 1.0 2 1 70 0 0 1 31:28
Arrow 8.5 71 10 2,523 0 0 7 35:09
Atomizer 1.6 4 0% 0 5 460 28 0 5 1:32:28
AWPer Hand 27.6 299 40% 57 144 604 196,672 3,312 1,322 214 10:57:16
Baby Face's Blaster 0.0 1 0 39 0 0 1 29:30
Backburner 3.5 34 2 594 0 0 3 17:13
Back Scatter 5.0 33 62% 29 46 3 610 21 13 1 18:03
Ball 1.2 0 3 0 0 0 3 1:12:35
Bat 3.4 72 3 1,925 0 0 2 26:39
Bat Outta Hell 1.5 6 3 390 0 0 2 58:43
Beggar's Bazooka 1.5 27 26% 15 60 3 1,624 105 27 2 58:53
Big Earner 6.7 95 21 9,066 0 0 7 1:34:43
Black Box 17.8 189 52% 36 69 266 85,366 2,339 1,212 22 7:29:20
Bleeding 1.7 0 40 0 0 0 33 11:29:38
Blutsauger 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 1 0 1 5:28
Boston Basher 0.6 3 31% 5 17 6 964 36 11 14 5:04:56
Bottle 1.9 7 0% 0 15 1,843 10 0 11 3:58:56
Brass Beast 12.4 158 36 13,846 0 0 7 1:27:17
Chargin' Targe 0.4 2 1 177 0 0 5 1:11:33
Claidheamohmor 3.3 22 14 2,828 0 0 6 2:05:42
Cleaner's Carbine 0.0 98 0 135 0 0 1 1:22
Conscientious Objector 1.4 6 33% 21 65 79 11,220 12 4 78 28:38:09
Cow Mangler 5000 15.7 198 46% 30 67 550 208,952 6,477 2,950 44 17:32:15
Crusader's Crossbow 1.3 17 55% 3 5 394 160,323 49,936 27,227 416 151:49:03
Crusader's Crossbow Bolt 0.0 40 68 0 68 0 1 1 1:41
Degreaser 7.7 92 45 16,288 0 0 17 2:56:26
Detonator 3.2 69 62 40,842 0 0 37 9:44:24
Direct Hit 4.3 53 21% 20 98 44 16,335 762 161 18 5:04:57
Disciplinary Action 1.1 4 0% 0 31 3,917 287 0 41 13:30:03
Dragon's Fury Fireball 0.0 2 0 37 0 0 1 17:04
Enforcer 3.3 21 27% 12 45 4 770 64 17 2 36:21
Environment 2.1 0 2,389 0 0 0 1,460 580:58:00
Escape Plan 0.7 3 1% 0 65 109 15,637 193 1 170 72:52:06
Eureka Effect 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 4 0 1 19:31
Family Business 5.1 13 53% 10 18 4 320 32 17 2 23:22
Fencing 0.0 16 0 450 0 0 1 27:31
Fists of Steel 0.4 4 0% 0 65 7 2,282 232 1 25 9:14:32
Flamethrower 12.2 98 389 94,066 0 0 117 15:57:00
Flare 0.0 1 0 139 0 0 4 1:26:44
Flare Gun 4.7 60 22 8,620 0 0 11 2:21:33
Flying Guillotine 1.1 26 150% 18 12 14 10,181 10 15 23 6:21:59
Force-a-Nature 9.8 121 67% 28 41 153 57,024 2,016 1,360 21 7:47:35
Freedom Staff 1.4 6 26 3,728 0 0 27 9:04:41
Frontier Justice 1.9 30 3 1,448 0 0 17 48:06
Frying Pan 1.2 5 1% 0 65 128 17,609 67 1 128 53:41:43
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.0 5 0 260 0 0 3 45:24
Gold Frying Pan 1.6 3 1 65 0 0 1 18:19
Grenade 3.1 41 23% 18 78 66 26,958 1,303 301 40 10:43:18
Grenade Reflect 1.2 0 4 0 0 0 4 1:39:01
Gunslinger 0.8 6 0% 0 3 676 216 0 5 1:47:28
Half-Zatoichi 0.0 5 0 65 0 0 1 12:57
Hitman's Heatmaker 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 5 0 1 1:18
Huntsman 0.0 51 0 120 0 0 1 2:20
Huo Long Heatmaker 5.4 39 4 871 0 0 1 22:02
Iron Bomber 12.3 134 26% 20 79 5,027 1,654,952 79,317 20,463 541 205:05:20
Iron Curtain 16.5 208 101 38,343 0 0 17 3:03:58
Jag 20.9 102 0% 0 1 147 44 0 2 1:26
Kamikaze 1.0 0 1 0 0 0 1 29:04
Killing Gloves of Boxing 2.7 28 2 620 0 0 1 22:02
Knife 14.7 213 266 116,132 0 0 67 9:03:15
L'Etranger 6.7 57 31% 10 34 97 24,765 2,257 709 52 7:11:38
Level 1 Sentry 1.1 30 16 6 4,916 0 17 55 2:39:39
Level 2 Sentry 3.9 60 20 9,283 0 0 71 2:32:31
Level 3 Sentry 4.7 51 25 8,378 0 0 39 2:41:15
Liberty Launcher 5.8 48 12 3,015 3 1:01:36
Loch-n-Load 9.5 97 20% 20 100 306 94,111 4,625 932 43 16:09:44
Loose Cannon 9.5 264 48 10 8,338 0 171 2 31:28
Loose Cannon Impact 1.6 0 1 0 0 0 1 18:33
Lugermorph 3.0 12 23% 3 14 1,086 136,869 40,514 9,175 408 178:04:26
Mantreads 0.0 17 0 87 0 0 1 5:07
Market Gardener 3.0 24 152 37,584 0 0 73 25:20:43
Minigun 53.0 461 17 4,441 0 0 17 9:37
Mini-Sentry 3.2 69 8 84 54,629 0 300 36 13:03:09
Natascha 20.9 240 156 53,923 0 0 12 3:43:57
Necro Smasher 0.0 24 0 65 0 0 1 2:40
Organ Grinder 0.0 150 0 450 0 0 1 3:00
Original 22.3 276 45% 30 68 11,387 4,241,668 137,969 61,859 683 255:18:39
Overdose 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 7 0 1 15:19
Pain Train 1.3 4 3 325 0 0 3 1:11:14
Panic Attack Shotgun 1.0 20 46% 16 35 1 597 37 17 1 29:38
Phlogistinator 0.0 516 37% 1 5 0 112 60 22 1 0:13
Pistol 3.2 13 23% 3 14 1,082 138,831 39,365 9,086 471 168:14:17
Player 1.4 0 39 0 0 0 38 14:24:58
Powerjack 0.5 5 0% 0 3 897 5 0 8 2:44:15
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 3.2 11 19 2,017 0 0 8 2:58:53
Quickiebomb Launcher 7.4 144 33% 19 58 280 163,138 8,373 2,778 50 18:50:13
Rescue Ranger 0.6 9 0% 0 2 865 3 0 6 1:32:46
Revolver 7.8 60 32% 14 47 53 12,496 815 264 23 3:25:01
Rocket 20.1 242 44% 29 67 4,552 1,651,247 49,928 21,818 329 113:17:41
Rocket Reflect 2.7 0 25 0 0 0 21 4:36:50
Scattergun 24.4 259 70% 20 29 18,661 5,966,330 290,096 203,333 959 382:50:02
Scorch Shot 3.3 73 11 7,325 0 0 18 1:40:02
Scotsman's Skullcutter 1.6 9 6 1,119 0 0 5 1:55:08
Scottish Handshake 1.4 10 3 650 0 0 3 1:03:34
Scottish Resistance 0.0 1 14% 1 12 0 60 36 5 2 50:24
Shahanshah 1.8 8 0% 0 9 1,309 10 0 18 2:29:39
Shortstop 7.4 91 22 8,158 0 0 4 1:28:59
Shotgun 8.8 56 66% 22 33 298 57,506 2,529 1,667 90 16:50:38
Shovel 3.8 31 4 975 0 0 2 31:15
Showdown 0.0 27 0 450 0 0 1 16:27
SMG 2.7 18 22% 2 9 51 10,304 4,991 1,074 150 9:28:26
Sniper Rifle 23.0 241 40% 51 127 333 104,776 2,045 824 180 7:14:45
Soda Popper 0.0 8 0 176 0 0 1 21:30
Solemn Vow 0.6 3 5 910 0 0 9 3:51:53
Spinal Tap 2.7 40 1 450 0 0 1 11:14
Spy-cicle 11.8 159 23 9,332 0 0 8 58:39
Stickybomb 11.7 203 23% 14 60 4,915 2,570,814 177,409 41,131 558 210:54:15
Sydney Sleeper 2.0 10 25% 37 150 1 150 4 1 1 14:45
Syringe Gun 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 39 0 2 48:54
Telefrag 1.9 0 3 0 0 0 3 46:58
Three-Rune Blade 0.5 3 0% 0 47 8,917 908 0 112 43:01:34
Tide Turner 0.5 6 2 678 0 0 5 1:51:30
Tomislav 25.2 294 6% 0 13 1,194 419,304 12,565 772 205 23:42:56
Tribalman's Shiv 3.9 4 1 33 0 0 1 7:37
Ubersaw 1.1 7 20% 13 65 164 31,884 20 4 191 71:24:09
Unknown 0.0 6 0 74 0 0 1 11:14
Widowmaker 12.8 133 53% 12 24 396 123,544 9,285 4,951 126 15:26:41
Winger 1.5 7 163 24,311 0 0 134 52:39:15
Wrangled Sentry 2.0 30 18 8,455 0 0 14 4:35:53
Wrap Assassin 0.1 12 51% 3 6 4 10,324 49 25 45 13:44:29
Wrap Assassin Ball 0.0 0 0 5 0 0 1 5:21
Wrench 1.1 6 2 325 0 0 3 53:32
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played