
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
78-70-4 52.63% 217-208-9 51.04%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 1.5 38 27% 13 50 1 763 55 15 1 19:45
AWPer Hand 21.9 245 29% 29 103 53 17,811 87 25 5 1:12:39
Big Earner 3.0 47 2 940 0 0 1 19:45
Bleeding 1.2 0 2 0 0 0 2 50:30
Boston Basher 0.0 2 0 47 0 0 1 21:06
Bottle 1.3 2 1 65 0 0 1 23:35
Crocodile 3.7 0 1 0 0 0 1 8:13
Crusader's Crossbow 1.3 31 14% 1 10 13 9,414 156 22 18 4:59:54
Disciplinary Action 1.7 14 1 245 0 0 2 17:19
Environment 1.9 0 45 0 0 0 36 11:36:28
Escape Plan 1.1 3 2 195 0 0 2 56:21
Frontier Justice 1.9 36 8 4,551 0 0 6 2:03:57
Gloves of Running Urgently 3.5 70 5 2,990 2 42:27
Grenade 7.7 59 9% 8 100 3 700 81 7 1 11:45
Gunslinger 1.2 3 3 260 0 0 3 1:12:17
Half-Zatoichi 78.6 768 57 16,717 2 21:45
Hitman's Heatmaker 17.7 131 14 3,130 1 23:45
Holy Mackerel 430.8 2871 28 5,600 1 1:57
Iron Bomber 10.2 110 18% 11 68 9 2,949 222 39 2 26:35
Jag 0.5 4 4 1,127 0 0 12 4:06:17
Killing Gloves of Boxing 3.9 43 3 1,001 1 22:57
Knife 6.1 99 4 1,960 0 0 1 19:45
Kukri 0.8 6 5 1,365 0 0 12 3:15:30
L'Etranger 0.0 3 22% 8 36 0 73 9 2 1 19:45
Level 1 Sentry 1.6 21 27 11,152 0 0 26 8:39:26
Level 2 Sentry 2.5 25 43 13,045 0 0 25 8:28:28
Level 3 Sentry 3.3 46 66 27,676 0 0 29 9:56:13
Machina 30.0 285 9 2,569 1 9:00
Minigun 11.5 175 65 29,765 0 0 9 2:49:26
Mini-Sentry 1.8 35 37 21,923 0 0 31 10:14:31
Necro Smasher 24.8 321 19 7,384 1 22:57
Original 16.4 283 44% 26 60 77 39,764 750 328 9 2:20:30
Panic Attack Shotgun 5.2 47 65% 23 36 31 8,595 77 50 9 2:59:58
Phlogistinator 475.9 2671 23 3,873 1 1:27
Pistol 1.2 9 21% 2 13 13 3,239 214 46 14 5:32:54
Player 3.1 0 2 0 0 0 2 19:08
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 1.6 11 3 639 3 55:58
Rescue Ranger 1.5 11 25 5,784 0 0 22 8:05:40
Rocket 5.4 127 12 8,485 6 1:06:40
Scattergun 17.2 217 64% 19 31 202 76,484 452 288 17 5:51:49
Shahanshah 1.4 4 1 98 1 20:48
Shotgun 8.6 110 62% 21 34 30 11,542 65 40 9 1:44:36
SMG 1.3 15 14% 1 9 21 7,319 145 21 26 8:01:35
Sniper Rifle 27.8 307 37% 70 192 488 161,868 19 7 30 8:46:24
Splendid Screen 0.0 12 0 87 2 6:46
Stickybomb 6.3 77 11% 7 66 8 2,960 360 40 3 38:20
Tomislav 18.1 184 150 46,017 0 0 16 4:08:57
Ubersaw 3.2 23 31% 20 65 30 6,523 16 5 16 4:42:20
Widowmaker 4.1 45 54% 14 26 85 27,942 723 387 30 10:18:28
Winger 2.7 10 15 1,765 0 0 8 2:48:41
Wrangled Sentry 0.8 13 15 7,425 0 0 26 9:02:36
Wrap Assassin 0.0 22 0 3,459 6 2:35:01
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played