
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1824-1000-268 63.32% 9454-6399-429 59.38%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL Like A G6 Sixes S7 to Sixes S15 Invite Sixes
RGL Boys' Night Sixes S14 Invite Sixes
RGL 20zc Sixes S10 Invite Sixes
RGL froyotech Sixes S8 to Sixes S9 Invite Sixes
RGL Cat Noises P7 Season 10 Invite Prolander
RGL GlobalClan Ice Sixes S6 Invite Sixes
RGL balls cup team Sixes Cup #1 Invite Sixes
RGL Dorsia Sixes S3 Invite Sixes
RGL Dorsia July 25th Invite Sixes
RGL Ascent Sixes S3 Invite Sixes
RGL Ford Gaming Sixes S2 Invite Sixes
RGL Ascent P7 Season 3 Invite Prolander
RGL Velocity Esports P7 Season 1 to P7 Season 3 Invite Prolander
RGL feat. intermediate Challenge Cup Challenge Cup Prolander