
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
414-442-90 48.52% 2118-2040-241 50.89%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 0.9 17 58 3 1,640 0 28 3 1:36:16
Ambassador 7.8 17 33% 7 22 1 66 9 3 1 3:51
Arrow 13.1 49 35 3,941 0 0 17 1:19:56
AWPer Hand 12.6 142 36% 63 177 11 3,732 59 21 5 26:11
Back Scatter 13.0 81 62% 29 47 7 1,324 45 28 1 16:09
Bat Outta Hell 1.0 2 1 65 0 0 1 29:39
Beggar's Bazooka 13.8 137 35% 26 74 21 6,287 238 84 3 45:36
Big Earner 11.6 127 7 2,310 0 0 2 18:04
Black Box 4.9 71 41% 28 70 37 16,038 554 229 13 3:45:17
Black Rose 10.7 183 1 515 0 0 2 2:48
Bleeding 2.2 0 10 0 0 0 6 2:19:05
Boston Basher 1.3 6 10 1,617 0 0 10 3:54:46
Bottle 1.1 4 3 325 0 0 3 1:18:26
Brass Beast 0.0 79 0 54 0 0 1 0:41
Bushwacka 0.0 33 0 65 0 0 1 1:57
Claidheamohmor 0.0 15 0 65 0 0 1 4:15
Cleaner's Carbine 2.4 7 2 193 0 0 5 25:06
Conniver's Kunai 13.3 180 8 3,260 0 0 2 18:04
Conscientious Objector 1.0 5 18 3,147 0 0 24 8:52:24
Cow Mangler 5000 18.4 200 46% 32 71 99 32,341 984 450 8 2:41:15
Crusader's Crossbow 1.2 17 55% 3 7 102 43,871 10,724 5,881 113 42:04:44
Decapitation 10.4 156 2 900 0 0 1 5:46
Degreaser 20.6 52 2 154 0 0 4 2:55
Detonator 13.7 100 1 219 0 0 2 2:11
Direct Hit 3.6 44 23% 21 94 54 20,394 933 215 24 7:34:30
Disciplinary Action 1.9 13 10 2,239 0 0 8 2:41:33
Environment 2.5 0 779 0 0 0 419 157:20:11
Escape Plan 0.7 3 31 5,070 0 0 53 21:16:04
Family Business 0.0 15 22% 7 34 0 137 18 4 2 8:56
Fencing 35.3 529 1 450 0 0 1 0:51
Flamethrower 1.3 28 2 1,334 0 0 9 47:17
Force-a-Nature 2.0 22 45% 20 45 3 993 49 22 2 45:02
Freedom Staff 2.1 13 13 2,400 0 0 9 3:02:37
Frontier Justice 8.3 66 8 1,927 0 0 10 28:48
Frying Pan 2.0 12 45 8,431 0 0 33 11:18:17
Gloves of Running Urgently 25.4 109 3 390 0 0 1 3:33
Grenade 6.5 74 25% 21 87 50 17,346 802 198 12 3:52:01
Gunslinger 0.0 52 0 65 0 0 1 1:15
Half-Zatoichi 2.1 18 0% 0 43 11,554 2 0 30 10:08:56
Ham Shank 7.2 31 1 130 0 0 1 4:11
Hitman's Heatmaker 4.2 63 48% 43 90 2 906 21 10 8 14:20
Huntsman 0.0 175 0 10,971 0 0 12 1:02:27
Iron Bomber 8.2 102 26% 16 71 1,614 606,608 32,060 8,453 258 98:13:41
Iron Curtain 21.0 180 13 3,350 0 0 14 18:32
Kamikaze 4.3 0 1 0 0 0 1 7:00
Killing Gloves of Boxing 27.9 90 2 195 0 0 1 2:09
Knife 0.0 75 0 40 0 0 1 0:32
L'Etranger 0.0 49 31% 12 40 0 162 13 4 2 3:18
Level 1 Sentry 2.5 22 5 1,312 0 0 13 59:33
Level 2 Sentry 2.1 34 3 1,528 0 0 11 43:47
Level 3 Sentry 4.1 49 7 2,513 0 0 15 50:48
Loch-n-Load 7.6 74 15% 15 101 26 7,696 509 76 4 1:42:45
Loose Cannon 1.0 26 5080% 24 50 16 12,750 5 254 22 7:55:54
Loose Cannon Impact 2.0 0 10 0 0 0 6 2:26:49
Lugermorph 2.0 6 19% 3 18 133 13,506 3,980 740 104 32:31:59
Mantreads 0.0 5 0 186 0 0 2 31:43
Market Gardener 8.3 68 254 62,335 0 0 62 15:12:42
Minigun 140.5 822 21 3,688 0 0 3 4:29
Mini-Sentry 7.0 80 18 6,185 0 0 8 1:17:11
Original 22.3 293 46% 28 68 6,645 2,623,800 84,160 38,475 440 149:10:56
Overdose 1.0 4 15% 0 6 2 250 256 38 3 58:33
Pain Train 1.4 4 2 195 0 0 2 43:28
Panic Attack Shotgun 2.2 12 269% 11 20 5 867 16 43 5 1:09:40
Pistol 3.0 6 40% 1 18 8 490 67 27 6 1:20:34
Player 9.9 0 379 0 0 0 74 19:12:31
Powerjack 3.2 13 2 260 0 0 1 18:39
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 3.8 5 3 142 0 0 1 23:54
Prinny Machete 0.5 3 1 210 0 0 3 1:00:54
Quickiebomb Launcher 6.1 81 29% 13 47 4 1,604 116 34 2 19:40
Revolver 2.2 34 33% 16 48 2 912 57 19 8 26:45
Rocket 13.1 159 53% 33 71 772 280,760 7,405 3,912 85 29:22:00
Sandman 0.0 3 0 75 0 0 1 20:05
Scattergun 18.1 196 62% 16 29 1,257 408,966 22,755 14,007 120 34:39:44
Scottish Resistance 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 14 0 1 27:48
Shortstop 2.5 17 3 619 0 0 2 36:14
Shotgun 6.0 32 58% 17 30 391 62,927 3,500 2,038 100 32:31:35
Shovel 0.0 2 0 65 0 0 1 25:19
Skewer 7.2 107 1 450 0 0 1 4:11
SMG 1.5 23 23% 2 12 8 3,752 1,354 312 49 2:37:26
Sniper Rifle 11.5 135 37% 44 138 106 37,412 727 271 110 4:35:56
Solemn Vow 0.6 4 1 195 0 0 2 47:09
Splendid Screen 0.0 9 0 114 0 0 2 11:44
Spy-cicle 15.6 117 2 454 0 0 1 3:51
Stickybomb 10.8 179 19% 11 60 2,146 1,068,651 91,070 17,737 262 99:08:06
Syringe Gun 2.3 22 17% 1 9 2 587 354 61 1 26:29
Tide Turner 0.6 2 1 122 0 0 4 54:28
Tomislav 17.7 205 13 4,540 0 0 10 22:04
Ubersaw 1.6 12 25 5,785 0 0 21 7:37:40
Widowmaker 9.1 104 48% 11 24 28 9,647 841 400 16 1:32:45
Winger 0.8 4 7 1,109 0 0 15 4:12:18
Wrangled Sentry 0.0 62 0 504 0 0 1 8:07
Wrap Assassin 0.0 3 0 257 0 0 5 1:06:49
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played