Kid Dynamite

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1986-2018-335 49.63% 8565-8640-763 49.79%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL Leche de Tigre HL Season 20 Main Highlander
RGL ASSENT Sixes S14 Main Sixes
RGL Cool Runnings Sixes Midseason Cup #2 Main Sixes
RGL People of Edmonton v. Scringus Sixes S11 Main Sixes
RGL Rizzlam Sixes S11 Main Sixes
RGL Pancakes4Breakfast Sixes S10 Main Sixes
RGL Powered by Oprah Sixes S5 to Sixes S8 Main Sixes
ETF2L Boyz-N-The-Hood 6v6 Season 40 Sponsored by Low Sixes
RGL People in Greece HL Season 10 Main Highlander
ETF2L Bratwurst Gang Highlander Season 25 Division 4B Highlander
RGL ctap2work Sixes S7 Main Sixes
ETF2L Killed In Motion 6v6 Season 39 to 6v6 Season 39: Open Playoffs Sixes
RGL Da Point Gods Sixes S6 Main Sixes
RGL The Capsules Sixes Midseason Cup #1 Advanced Sixes
RGL Clap_Crew Sixes Cup #1 Intermediate Sixes
RGL embrace monke Sixes S4 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Yeye HL Season 6 to HL Season 7 Main Highlander
RGL team Sixes S4 Main Sixes
RGL Band of Thieves Sixes S4 Main Sixes
RGL Sixes S3 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Yobsters July 25th IM 1 Sixes
RGL Sixes S2 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Sixes S1 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Uchiha Clan HL Season 3 Intermediate Highlander
RGL what dying feels like NR Sixes S1 Intermediate Sixes