
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1718-2154-262 44.73% 7269-8774-300 45.40%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL fgp Sixes Midseason Cup #2 Main Sixes
RGL fgp NA Chucklenuts Cup #1 - Hosted by RGL to Sixes S13 Invite Sixes
RGL fgp.black HL Season 8 to Sixes S8 Intermediate Sixes
RGL fgp P7 Season 10 Main Prolander
RGL call the team pauldogg Sixes S7 Invite Sixes
RGL My Team Spins The Wheel Sixes S6 Advanced Sixes
RGL Attack On Big Chungus Sixes Midseason Cup #1 Advanced Sixes
RGL Michael Botas Saves RGL HL Season 9 Invite Highlander
RGL SUPER GIRL JUICE P7 Season 9 Amateur-C Prolander
RGL Turbo Alcoholics 8% HL Exp #4 Advanced Highlander
RGL Eels and Escalators Sixes S5 Advanced Sixes
RGL family guy Sixes Cup #1 Intermediate Sixes
RGL family guy Prolander Cup #6 RGL-Div 2 Prolander
RGL Goobies Sixes S4 Main Sixes
RGL My Net Graph Is A War Crime HL Season 7 INVITE - Powered by Mannco.store Highlander
RGL deez nuts Prolander Cup #5 RGL-Div 1 Prolander
RGL Canada HL Region Wars #1 Div-2 (Group Blue) Highlander
RGL Big Money Gaming Sixes S3 Main Sixes
ETF2L Addicted to Oxygen Season 36 to Season 36: Open Playoffs Sixes
RGL Precious Pootis Patrol July 25th Div-2 Sixes
RGL rolling90halalcrips Sixes S3 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Purple Air Pods +1 P7 Season 8 Advanced Prolander
RGL Pastel Mirage HL Season 6 Main Highlander
RGL Randy & The Goons Sixes S3 Main Sixes
RGL Pastel Mirage HL Exp #3 Main-2 Highlander
RGL Fresh Install: no sega edition Sixes S3 Intermediate Sixes
RGL anime NR Sixes S2 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Disingenuous Assertions HL Season 5 Advanced Highlander
RGL Unemployment Benefits P7 Season 8 Main Prolander
RGL Purple Air Pods Sixes S2 Intermediate Sixes
RGL KegaTeam 1.5 NR Sixes S2 Main Sixes
RGL Dab on rgl Sixes S2 Main Sixes
RGL Purple Air Pods Sixes Exp #1 Div-3 of 6 Sixes
RGL Aureus HL Season 4 Main Highlander
RGL The Enemies Lack Lemons Sixes S1 Intermediate Sixes
RGL marechiaro collective. P7 Season 7 Main Prolander
RGL The On God Team HL Season 4 Advanced Highlander
RGL ANTHRAX HL Season 3 Main Highlander
RGL gape station reloaded HL Exp #2 Amateur - Powered by Engineer.tf Highlander
RGL bee's super ultra mega penguin NR Sixes S1 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Means of Sandvich Production P7 Season 6 Amateur Prolander