
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
2-4-0 33.33% 7-19-0 26.92%


Descending Ascending
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of
TF2Center Lobby #1065055 cp_process_final Soldier 1-6-0 sixes 21:10 8 20 4 185 340 199 2 2 10 381 0 0
TF2Center Lobby #1065049 cp_snakewater_final1 Soldier 0-5-0 sixes 9:17 4 12 0 156 281 160 1 1 2 80 0
serveme.tf #1008028 - BLU vs RED koth_coalplant_b8 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 11:07 2 12 0 130 261 19 1 0 6 152 0 1 0 2515620
TF2Center Lobby #1064881 koth_coalplant_b8 Sniper 0-3-0 highlander 11:07 2 12 0 130 261 19 1 0 6 152 0 1 0
serveme.tf #1007329 - boog vs der koth_ashville_rc1 Engineer 3-1-0 highlander 25:43 8 17 7 160 209 99 2 0 14 320 0 0 0 2513851
TF2Center Lobby #1064371 koth_ashville_rc1 Engineer 3-1-0 highlander 25:43 8 17 7 160 209 99 2 0 14 320 0 0 0
D M Title Map Classes W-L-T Format Duration K D A D/M DT/M HG/M HR/M Acc LKS K/1 AS MS MKHP BS HSK HS S C Date Duplicate of