Richard Succulus

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1632-1408-324 53.33% 7729-7154-736 51.84%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL Da Billage 6s Season 17 Main Sixes
RGL MEELO 6s Season 16 Main Sixes
RGL trevor and the barneys Sixes S14 Amateur Sixes
RGL hero's journey Sixes S9 Main Sixes
RGL Tr0ll Coalition HL Season 12 Main Highlander
RGL WIR SUCHEN DICH! Sixes S8 Intermediate Sixes
RGL TeamFortressCommunityCollege HL Season 10 Intermediate Highlander
RGL farmaceutical felons #crugpack Sixes S6 Amateur Sixes
RGL the bull pack (hard) Sixes S5 Amateur Sixes
RGL G.R.E.Y.G.O.D.S.I.I. HL Season 8 Intermediate Highlander
RGL Love Sosa. Sixes Cup #1 Amateur Sixes
RGL The Zoo Prolander Cup #6 RGL-Div 3 Prolander
RGL Big Time Rush Mid HL Season 7 Intermediate Highlander
RGL as criaturas da lagoa Sixes S4 Amateur Sixes
RGL Cloud. IX Prolander Cup #5 RGL-Div 2 Prolander
RGL Cactus Club July 25th Amateur Sixes
RGL shinyCIA HL Season 6 Intermediate Highlander
RGL Resuscitate Sixes S3 Amateur Sixes
RGL Underpaid Mercs P7 Season 8 Intermediate Prolander
RGL ShinyCIA+ HL Exp #3 Intermediate-2 Highlander
RGL shinyCIA HL Season 5 Amateur Highlander
RGL Mint Attack Sixes S2 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Mint Attack Sixes S1 Newcomer Sixes
RGL Slightly Questionable Boots HL Season 3 Amateur Highlander