
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1402-1507-242 48.33% 6326-6521-808 49.29%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 5.3 51 38% 19 51 414 120,950 6,272 2,369 229 39:03:07
Arrow 20.4 114 50 8,463 4 1:13:41
AWPer Hand 19.7 241 44% 55 124 2,425 891,137 16,084 7,147 797 61:29:25
Baby Face's Blaster 2.6 11 1 136 0 0 1 11:29
Backburner 3.2 29 8% 0 7 1 272 424 35 1 9:19
Ball 1.5 0 13 0 0 0 11 4:27:42
Bat 1.1 1 1 35 0 0 1 28:06
Bazaar Bargain 7.9 184 2 1,407 0 0 2 7:38
Beggar's Bazooka 4.3 55 21% 12 60 9 3,452 271 57 6 1:02:37
Big Earner 4.8 69 27% 65 241 113 49,778 70 19 43 11:53:03
Big Kill 8.3 65 27% 12 45 6 1,410 115 31 1 21:39
Black Box 0.0 17 0 740 0 0 3 42:31
Bleeding 1.6 0 60 0 0 0 54 18:39:41
Brass Beast 25.9 201 5 1,171 0 0 5 5:48
Classic 0.0 97 0 135 0 0 1 1:23
Conniver's Kunai 5.4 74 40 16,748 0 0 13 3:43:37
Crusader's Crossbow 1.1 23 45% 6 13 3 1,894 314 141 4 1:20:22
Degreaser 6.4 73 9% 0 5 53 18,316 9,794 894 57 4:10:23
Detonator 0.0 9 0 343 0 0 4 37:51
Direct Hit 0.4 9 17% 9 56 1 730 75 13 5 1:14:30
Disciplinary Action 0.6 1 0% 0 49 1 98 376 1 2 50:57
Enforcer 1.4 13 25% 10 40 94 26,977 2,680 673 113 33:07:00
Environment 2.4 0 1,988 0 0 0 1,333 406:24:49
Escape Plan 0.0 5 6% 4 65 0 520 16 1 7 1:43:37
Fencing 0.0 24 0 450 0 0 1 18:19
Fists of Steel 0.0 4 1% 0 65 0 130 340 2 1 29:23
Flamethrower 4.2 48 21 7,309 0 0 47 2:31:04
Flare Gun 3.4 41 81% 9 12 44 15,987 355 286 64 6:28:12
Flare Reflect 2.4 0 1 0 0 0 1 12:31
Force-a-Nature 4.8 58 76% 21 28 20 7,337 343 259 9 2:04:48
Freedom Staff 0.5 4 1 260 0 0 3 59:03
Frontier Justice 4.3 43 86 25,749 0 0 195 9:55:08
Frying Pan 6.0 23 0% 0 15 1,755 16 0 3 1:15:23
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.7 3 4% 1 26 1 130 116 5 5 41:21
Grenade 0.8 82 25% 13 52 1 2,986 202 51 9 36:09
Grenade Reflect 5.7 0 3 0 0 0 3 15:42
Gunslinger 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 2,326 0 8 2:32:25
Hitman's Heatmaker 48.6 275 60% 68 113 2 340 5 3 1 1:14
Huntsman 0.0 229 0 7,134 2 31:05
Iron Bomber 4.6 74 24% 17 69 6 2,932 131 32 5 39:32
Iron Curtain 26.1 243 30% 3 11 181 50,561 858 254 129 3:27:47
Jag 0.0 2 0% 0 0 98 634 0 12 41:59
Killing Gloves of Boxing 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 20 0 2 7:26
Knife 12.2 178 23% 66 285 3,240 1,428,489 7,332 1,698 651 133:02:55
Kukri 1.8 9 11 1,739 0 0 20 3:01:43
L'Etranger 0.6 5 27% 9 34 27 6,916 744 199 88 22:52:28
Level 1 Sentry 1.7 32 17 41 23,974 0 12 238 12:15:59
Level 2 Sentry 2.7 35 17 52 20,454 0 19 197 9:33:55
Level 3 Sentry 3.7 45 17 100 37,341 0 30 227 13:35:52
Loch-n-Load 0.0 30 13% 14 109 0 790 46 6 7 25:31
Lugermorph 4.1 27 24% 2 12 1,589 317,926 106,893 25,516 620 192:14:17
Market Gardener 2.5 25 18 5,460 0 0 17 3:38:18
Mini-Sentry 2.8 78 8 28 23,653 0 1,346 18 5:01:41
Nostromo Napalmer 6.9 72 6% 0 6 18 5,638 9,103 585 5 1:18:09
Original 14.1 204 43% 25 60 341 148,341 5,602 2,400 74 12:04:16
Phlogistinator 3.2 42 24% 1 4 1 395 329 80 1 9:19
Pistol 3.6 22 24% 2 12 2,746 510,008 172,321 40,506 1,377 377:53:09
Player 1.6 0 30 0 0 0 30 9:40:33
Powerjack 0.4 2 0% 0 2 325 1,094 0 11 2:20:33
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 3.7 22 25% 4 18 60 11,240 576 144 26 8:09:07
Revolver 7.8 64 38% 16 42 3,548 881,490 54,764 20,818 956 226:53:42
Rocket 17.3 230 40% 25 62 474 190,188 7,081 2,833 66 13:43:41
Rocket Reflect 2.3 0 114 9 114 0 1 10 1:59:06
Scattergun 20.6 229 76% 17 23 23,878 7,989,031 446,947 341,863 1,884 580:10:46
Scorch Shot 0.0 75 0 54 0 0 1 0:43
Scottish Handshake 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 6 0 1 12:07
Shahanshah 1.0 8 3% 1 57 7 1,716 348 12 25 3:22:33
Short Circuit Orb 1.8 0 1 0 0 0 1 16:55
Shortstop 4.4 67 12 5,568 0 0 5 1:22:30
Shotgun 6.3 52 67% 17 25 106 26,716 1,277 857 65 8:27:28
SMG 2.3 13 27% 2 8 367 66,716 28,094 7,569 856 80:17:05
Sniper Rifle 17.9 227 44% 53 122 1,600 609,550 11,342 4,995 621 44:41:56
Spy-cicle 12.4 180 30% 87 292 3,900 1,709,676 1,128 337 576 157:52:28
Stickybomb 5.4 88 15% 7 50 8 3,912 515 78 11 44:06
Telefrag 1.1 11 450 3 900 0 2 3 1:18:48
Three-Rune Blade 0.4 2 0% 0 36 5,801 1,382 0 142 44:59:31
Tomislav 33.3 331 25% 2 11 468 140,009 8,082 2,016 290 7:02:13
Ubersaw 4.0 24 9 1,648 0 0 3 1:06:43
Wanga Prick 3.3 45 2 834 0 0 1 18:27
Widowmaker 10.4 105 70% 14 21 242 73,663 4,924 3,467 210 11:37:05
Winger 2.4 15 22% 3 17 139 27,141 152 33 91 28:43:47
Wrap Assassin 0.0 16 28% 1 6 0 76,387 1,014 284 236 74:54:06
Your Eternal Reward 2.1 27 44% 86 195 50 20,122 18 8 40 12:01:36
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played