
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1111-1208-86 47.98% 3439-3622-104 48.72%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 4.1 42 30% 17 58 8 2,535 145 43 4 58:59
Amputator 0.4 3 1 260 0 0 4 1:24:07
AWPer Hand 19.6 213 39% 74 190 18 5,905 79 31 1 27:37
Axtinguisher 0.6 8 8 3,025 0 0 16 6:17:26
Backburner 0.5 6 5 1,900 0 0 17 4:55:09
Ball 1.7 0 1 0 0 0 1 17:24
Bat Outta Hell 0.3 4 1 455 0 0 4 1:38:21
Bazaar Bargain 1.1 10 1 300 0 0 1 27:37
Beggar's Bazooka 0.0 6 0 1,568 0 0 12 3:51:08
Big Earner 5.0 81 2 980 0 0 1 12:00
Black Box 2.9 46 49% 33 68 93 45,663 1,169 576 50 16:18:33
Bleeding 1.6 0 13 0 0 0 13 3:58:08
Bottle 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 200 0 2 30:42
Brass Beast 5.0 57 7% 1 14 23 7,947 242 18 7 2:18:51
Bread Bite 0.3 2 1% 0 65 3 715 1,562 11 19 5:38:18
C.A.P.P.E.R 1.9 7 17% 2 14 3 335 137 23 2 46:47
Chargin' Targe 0.0 14 0 116 0 0 2 8:02
Conscientious Objector 0.8 5 2 442 0 0 3 1:19:59
Cow Mangler 5000 8.7 148 56% 41 73 5 2,556 62 35 1 17:10
Crusader's Crossbow 0.6 7 56% 1 3 427 161,239 83,374 46,402 1,115 353:07:21
Decapitation 0.0 27 0 450 0 0 1 16:35
Degreaser 11.3 92 3,746 920,280 0 0 536 165:49:35
Detonator 2.3 62 687 555,183 0 0 485 148:52:21
Direct Hit 0.0 8 0 1,937 0 0 11 3:43:41
Disciplinary Action 0.4 3 2 470 0 0 7 2:22:28
Enforcer 3.5 30 23% 9 42 9 2,307 236 54 3 1:16:43
Environment 2.3 0 470 0 0 0 321 101:13:38
Escape Plan 0.4 4 1 345 0 0 3 1:12:46
Fists of Steel 0.3 1 0% 0 65 5 910 2,278 5 32 9:07:47
Flamethrower 7.0 58 85 21,577 0 0 19 6:06:32
Flare Gun 1.9 29 44 20,023 0 0 32 11:29:35
Flying Guillotine 0.2 16 4 8,434 0 0 28 8:26:49
Force-a-Nature 0.0 5 67% 10 15 0 127 12 8 1 25:10
Frontier Justice 7.3 88 54% 10 19 23 8,366 24 13 5 1:34:17
Frying Pan 0.7 5 1% 0 65 45 9,854 136 2 93 32:49:26
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 358 0 6 1:29:34
Grenade 5.1 79 27% 21 79 242 113,832 5,243 1,395 90 23:57:15
Grenade Reflect 1.6 0 62 0 0 0 56 19:58:29
Gunslinger 0.5 2 0% 0 2 325 482 0 5 1:55:29
Half-Zatoichi 3.9 19 10 1,476 0 0 7 1:16:25
Homewrecker 0.5 2 2 235 0 0 6 1:57:09
Iron Bomber 3.3 49 30% 22 75 251 113,624 4,696 1,395 123 38:07:48
Jag 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 638 0 2 22:00
Knife 7.1 98 28 11,598 0 0 8 1:58:01
L'Etranger 2.2 21 29% 9 33 8 2,295 242 69 6 1:47:21
Level 1 Sentry 0.3 7 16 1 878 0 4 8 1:57:09
Level 2 Sentry 1.5 30 17 4 2,398 0 48 5 1:19:34
Level 3 Sentry 2.3 23 8 2,485 0 0 6 1:45:06
Loch-n-Load 0.6 20 14% 15 111 5 4,830 207 28 13 3:59:25
Loose Cannon 2.1 113 51 2 3,204 0 62 2 28:11
Lugermorph 3.0 12 17% 2 14 60 7,561 2,969 514 34 9:54:51
Manmelter 1.4 37 28 22,943 0 0 31 10:05:52
Market Gardener 2.7 25 20 5,665 0 0 20 3:40:40
Minigun 15.9 193 23% 2 11 710 258,804 53,364 12,021 82 22:20:10
Mini-Sentry 3.1 66 8 44 27,884 0 46 23 7:00:35
Natascha 10.1 126 56 20,952 0 0 8 2:45:33
Original 2.2 32 55% 37 68 467 199,734 3,524 1,944 326 103:54:31
Phlogistinator 2.8 26 48 13,680 0 0 26 8:35:23
Pistol 1.4 8 16% 2 13 3 524 244 38 4 1:03:00
Player 2.0 0 27 0 0 0 22 6:45:33
Powerjack 0.6 4 22 4,771 0 0 57 18:46:11
Quickiebomb Launcher 0.0 8 50% 30 60 0 181 6 3 1 21:25
Rescue Ranger 0.0 2 0 47 0 0 1 16:18
Reserve Shooter 0.9 7 51% 8 16 9 2,221 271 137 13 4:53:31
Revolver 4.9 56 29% 11 38 30 10,295 908 265 11 3:03:02
Rocket 5.9 81 45% 29 65 472 197,235 5,944 2,696 142 40:13:05
Rocket Reflect 1.9 0 277 0 0 0 205 71:28:51
Scattergun 19.5 225 52% 14 27 738 255,552 17,688 9,251 69 18:54:25
Scottish Handshake 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 218 0 2 32:29
Sharp Dresser 0.0 3 0 40 0 0 1 12:00
Short Circuit Orb 1.3 0 1 0 0 0 1 23:05
Shortstop 10.1 169 3 1,518 0 0 1 8:56
Shotgun 4.2 40 57% 12 21 210 61,502 5,088 2,882 77 25:01:36
SMG 1.3 8 18% 1 9 4 821 505 89 6 1:31:36
Sniper Rifle 21.7 251 36% 51 144 104 36,209 698 251 9 2:23:44
Solemn Vow 0.6 4 10 2,080 0 0 23 8:09:50
Splendid Screen 0.0 19 0 97 0 0 1 4:52
Spy-cicle 9.0 128 44 18,848 0 0 7 2:26:25
Stickybomb 14.3 257 25% 17 67 812 437,918 25,320 6,398 115 28:22:54
Syringe Gun 1.4 24 31% 2 8 1 521 208 65 1 20:52
Telefrag 1.8 0 1 0 0 0 1 16:35
Tomislav 14.0 178 24% 2 11 824 316,235 16,930 4,021 106 29:30:23
Ubersaw 0.8 5 8% 4 65 198 39,235 274 21 359 122:59:53
Ullapool Caber 5.6 0 1 0 0 0 1 5:22
Unknown 0.0 3 0 83 0 0 1 26:32
Widowmaker 9.8 93 51% 12 24 139 39,794 3,202 1,621 24 7:04:31
Winger 1.7 4 5 402 0 0 5 1:30:54
Wrangled Sentry 0.9 16 11 6,002 0 0 18 5:55:03
Wrap Assassin 0.0 10 0 7,331 0 0 40 11:55:43
Wrench 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 310 0 1 18:54
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played