Code 12-12-12

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
432-434-37 49.89% 1781-1770-100 50.15%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 23.2 260 10 3,369 1 12:55
Ambassador 22.2 254 36% 24 68 1 343 14 5 1 1:21
Arrow 14.6 192 26 10,263 0 0 6 53:15
AWPer Hand 15.1 184 34% 44 130 128 46,920 529 181 38 4:14:47
Ball 2.5 0 2 0 0 0 1 23:38
Ball O' Lightning 1.4 0 1 0 0 0 1 21:05
Bat 0.4 0 0% 0 35 2 117 420 1 4 2:18:30
Bazaar Bargain 13.3 128 38% 41 109 43 12,435 69 26 12 1:36:42
Beggar's Bazooka 0.0 7 6% 3 63 0 126 34 2 1 16:46
Bleeding 1.8 0 12 0 0 0 9 3:16:23
Boston Basher 0.3 1 1% 0 15 8 1,137 2,924 35 46 14:03:33
Bottle 1.0 7 8% 5 65 8 1,690 12 1 9 3:48:59
Brass Beast 17.8 247 3 1,252 0 0 3 5:04
C.A.P.P.E.R 1.6 11 25% 3 14 5 1,132 302 76 5 1:35:14
Chargin' Targe 0.0 2 0 101 0 0 2 46:41
Cow Mangler 5000 45.7 345 46% 31 67 1,028 232,960 7,511 3,452 30 11:15:05
Crusader's Crossbow 4.7 106 43% 9 22 782 525,162 51,145 22,233 246 82:25:24
Degreaser 7.1 83 7% 0 4 12 4,202 12,619 845 3 50:28
Direct Hit 4.9 51 26% 25 98 28 8,934 293 76 7 2:52:44
Disciplinary Action 1.5 5 62 6,468 0 0 60 21:12:11
Enforcer 0.0 167 39% 14 37 0 447 31 12 1 2:40
Environment 3.9 0 1,304 0 0 0 443 168:03:18
Escape Plan 0.8 3 0% 0 52 6,700 160 0 70 31:18:39
Fireball 2.1 0 7 0 0 0 4 1:37:42
Flamethrower 5.3 66 18% 0 4 3 1,142 692 122 12 17:03
Flare Gun 5.5 57 79% 12 15 5 1,573 129 102 1 27:13
Flying Guillotine 0.3 19 1 1,652 0 0 4 1:25:46
Force-a-Nature 0.6 11 66% 16 25 1 586 35 23 2 48:59
Frontier Justice 7.2 62 4 1,050 0 0 3 16:41
Frying Pan 18.9 175 14% 9 63 141 39,161 3,550 510 21 3:43:44
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 42 0 5 4:40
Grenade 7.2 47 21% 20 100 4 800 39 8 1 16:46
Grenade Reflect 0.0 49 48 0 201 0 3 2 4:06
Gunslinger 1.2 7 0% 0 1 195 208 0 2 25:55
Half-Zatoichi 10.2 70 26 5,378 0 0 3 1:16:10
Ham Shank 5.6 12 2 130 0 0 2 10:40
Homewrecker 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 102 0 1 27:13
Iron Bomber 9.7 127 25% 17 70 492 192,876 9,987 2,480 75 25:18:16
Iron Curtain 1.7 15 1 275 0 0 1 17:42
Jag 0.5 4 0% 0 1 294 60 0 6 1:00:08
Jarate 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 45 0 5 50:09
Kamikaze 1.0 0 1 0 0 0 1 29:09
Knife 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 2 0 1 1:16
Kukri 1.9 8 0% 0 3 413 176 0 11 47:22
L'Etranger 12.3 19 33% 15 47 1 47 3 1 1 2:26
Level 1 Sentry 1.9 37 6 3,553 0 0 12 1:34:50
Level 2 Sentry 6.3 56 16 4,345 0 0 11 1:16:28
Level 3 Sentry 4.2 63 13 5,886 0 0 9 1:32:32
Liberty Launcher 0.0 6 62% 23 38 0 190 8 5 1 28:58
Loch-n-Load 11.0 98 20% 25 124 27 7,242 289 58 3 1:13:25
Lugermorph 2.1 15 2 443 1 28:57
Machina 0.0 6 9% 13 150 0 150 11 1 2 23:37
Mad Milk 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 47 0 5 36:41
Manmelter 0.0 61 0 38 0 0 1 0:37
Market Gardener 2.0 19 10% 19 195 5 1,495 10 1 6 1:16:21
Minify 2.7 0 7 0 0 0 3 1:16:37
Minigun 11.1 131 21% 1 8 45 15,959 412 88 23 2:01:46
Mini-Sentry 0.5 48 8 1 2,843 0 22 4 58:32
Necro Smasher 0.0 15 0 65 1 4:15
Original 31.4 428 52% 35 69 5,205 2,133,867 52,788 27,394 229 83:00:10
Pain Train 3.7 23 1 195 1 8:11
Pistol 6.4 25 23% 3 16 801 96,156 20,151 4,546 187 63:00:41
Player 4.1 0 764 0 0 0 255 93:02:40
Powerjack 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 1,126 0 7 55:07
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 2.4 28 2 717 3 25:07
Pumpkin Bomb 1.5 22 115 5 2,197 0 19 8 1:39:39
Pumpkin MIRV 1.6 0 1 0 0 0 1 18:11
Rescue Ranger 0.4 12 1 1,030 0 0 6 1:24:18
Rocket 23.5 452 58% 41 71 1,718 991,821 23,682 13,701 105 36:30:17
Rocket Reflect 0.6 2 122 1 122 0 1 2 48:00
Scattergun 20.1 232 66% 19 28 3,183 1,103,731 45,041 29,681 230 78:59:53
Shahanshah 0.6 3 0% 0 81 3 486 858 3 20 2:30:06
Sharp Dresser 5.6 99 25% 10 40 1 530 4 1 3 5:20
Shortstop 12.3 163 11 4,407 0 0 2 26:54
Shotgun 27.2 191 75% 28 38 2,337 493,896 16,143 12,172 135 43:00:33
Shovel 0.0 7 10% 6 65 0 65 10 1 1 8:41
SMG 3.6 15 25% 2 8 51 6,480 1,661 410 59 7:01:10
Sniper Rifle 15.9 158 31% 36 116 130 38,763 801 250 62 4:04:52
Soda Popper 35.2 325 105 29,090 0 0 6 1:29:30
Stickybomb 8.8 152 21% 12 61 465 241,796 18,305 3,786 82 26:20:28
Summon MONOCULUS 1.0 0 1 0 0 0 1 30:08
Swarm of Bats 1.1 0 1 0 0 0 1 28:18
Syringe Gun 3.4 22 21% 2 10 6 1,195 38 8 2 53:43
Three-Rune Blade 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 22 0 1 11:07
Tomislav 15.8 218 39% 7 18 102 42,103 92 36 47 3:13:05
Ubersaw 5.5 52 23% 14 65 891 256,272 48 11 239 80:54:36
Ullapool Caber 15.1 89 2 355 2 3:58
Unknown 0.0 50 0 4,921 0 0 4 1:37:42
Widowmaker 7.9 79 63% 20 32 25 7,590 193 121 12 1:35:14
Winger 2.1 9 23% 3 16 62 7,932 322 75 39 14:38:27
Wrangled Sentry 1.8 40 5 3,437 0 0 6 1:24:18
Wrap Assassin 0.0 18 0 3,300 0 0 9 2:57:46
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played