
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1023-1074-210 48.89% 5342-5505-679 49.29%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL Tripping Hazard 6s Season 16 Advanced Sixes
RGL mog34 Sixes S15 Main Sixes
RGL Paul Blart Found Dead Sixes S14 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Mog 70 Sixes S10 Intermediate Sixes
RGL We're on the Moon Sixes S9 Amateur Sixes
RGL The Sex Bombs HL Season 12 Intermediate Highlander
RGL 6 Seasons and a Movie Sixes S6 Main Sixes
RGL SUNNY Sixes S5 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Entropy - Heat Death Sixes Cup #1 Amateur Sixes
RGL CrunchTime Sixes S4 Newcomer Sixes
RGL freakin' vegetables Prolander Cup #5 RGL-Div 6 Prolander