ben jamin

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
730-520-108 57.73% 3073-2449-400 55.27%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL Tripping Hazard Sixes S14 to 6s Season 16 Advanced Sixes
RGL WANG gang Sixes Midseason Cup #2 Main Sixes
RGL WANG gang Sixes S10 to Sixes S12 Advanced Sixes
RGL BigBrainComp? HL Season 11 to HL Season 13 Main Highlander
RGL Watch This! Sixes S9 Amateur Sixes
RGL Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Sixes S8 Intermediate Sixes
RGL UncleRusty at Five Guys P7 Season 10 Main Prolander
RGL r/sinkpissers Sixes S7 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Apeology HL Season 10 Main Highlander
RGL Juggalos of the Isle of Man Sixes S6 Amateur Sixes
RGL Gorilla Mob HL Season 9 Intermediate Highlander