emporio armani

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1546-1264-208 54.67% 7639-6684-677 53.18%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 4.8 41 52 2 521 0 10 2 12:35
Ambassador 0.0 71 25% 16 65 0 130 8 2 2 1:49
Amputator 0.2 1 3% 1 52 3 416 234 7 16 6:50:24
Arrow 11.9 194 120 63 30,835 0 3 70 2:38:10
Arrow Reflect 105.9 0 1 0 0 0 1 0:17
AWPer Hand 10.3 171 35% 39 116 30 15,013 372 129 31 1:27:39
Back Scatter 1.7 34 57% 13 23 2 1,208 89 51 3 35:14
Ball 1.3 0 20 0 0 0 19 7:59:26
Beggar's Bazooka 5.6 75 33% 15 46 2 802 43 14 2 10:41
Big Earner 15.9 262 33% 104 313 10 4,940 36 12 13 18:51
Black Box 5.8 96 37% 21 57 16 8,036 378 140 3 1:23:24
Bleeding 1.5 0 113 0 0 0 89 37:16:09
Boston Basher 0.3 1 0% 0 19 60 7,921 10,416 41 252 107:52:06
Brass Beast 21.4 253 25% 3 14 98 34,882 3,328 837 90 2:17:41
Classic 0.0 59 0 285 0 0 1 4:47
Cleaner's Carbine 2.4 4 10% 0 9 3 186 90 9 5 37:16
Conscientious Objector 0.7 3 0% 0 1 130 76 0 5 41:15
Cow Mangler 5000 3.4 35 60% 62 103 1 311 5 3 1 8:48
Crusader's Crossbow 0.8 12 40% 3 7 880 429,419 138,679 55,666 1,386 573:43:32
Crusader's Crossbow Bolt 0.0 268 76 0 76 0 1 1 0:17
Decapitation 18.5 276 2 900 0 0 1 3:15
Degreaser 2.7 27 10% 0 4 27 8,338 9,641 964 49 5:01:41
Detonator 0.3 22 230% 13 5 1 2,678 80 184 6 1:58:31
Direct Hit 3.4 47 24% 22 93 34 14,362 643 153 14 5:01:41
Disciplinary Action 0.9 3 0% 0 49 15 1,617 3,886 3 26 8:39:56
Dragon's Fury 7.2 114 127% 21 17 15 7,143 324 410 6 1:02:36
Dragon's Fury Bonus 5.9 0 7 0 0 0 1 35:20
Environment 1.8 0 946 0 0 0 627 258:45:55
Escape Plan 0.0 0 0% 0 1 247 2,398 0 28 11:24:07
Eureka Effect 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 442 0 11 3:47:33
Family Business 0.8 12 34% 5 16 1 502 92 31 25 38:40
Fists of Steel 0.2 0 1% 0 65 3 390 908 5 22 8:38:00
Flamethrower 9.6 87 10% 0 6 113 30,955 6,119 599 52 5:53:42
Flare 0.0 2 0 41 0 0 1 16:57
Flare Gun 2.9 30 89% 10 11 22 6,993 386 345 28 3:48:48
Flying Guillotine 0.8 39 153% 15 9 59 87,884 339 517 111 36:38:35
Force-a-Nature 1.9 32 70% 23 33 21 10,581 452 317 16 5:23:20
Freedom Staff 0.6 2 4% 2 65 21 2,693 506 21 53 16:26:51
Frontier Justice 2.2 26 57% 25 45 17 6,302 100 57 48 3:54:49
Frying Pan 0.8 4 3% 1 65 40 7,706 1,740 49 70 26:35:06
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 52 0 5 28:08
Grenade 4.5 70 24% 17 74 87 40,517 2,263 542 25 9:38:05
Grenade Reflect 0.5 0 41 1 41 0 1 2 57:36
Gunslinger 0.2 0 0% 0 78 6 754 10,512 5 40 13:14:08
Half-Zatoichi 18.1 91 4 608 0 0 2 6:38
Hitman's Heatmaker 6.4 60 23% 21 93 2 561 26 6 7 9:19
Holiday Punch 0.0 22 0 65 0 0 1 2:55
Holy Mackerel 5.0 5 1 35 0 0 1 6:00
Huntsman 0.0 15 0% 0 0 145 15 0 4 9:15
Iron Bomber 8.7 149 26% 17 69 411 210,624 11,809 3,043 66 23:29:31
Jag 0.2 0 0% 0 49 3 245 11,004 3 72 8:30:24
Kamikaze 0.8 0 1 0 0 0 1 36:54
Knife 12.3 185 18% 73 401 80 36,230 120 22 51 3:14:48
L'Etranger 4.7 39 31% 11 37 34 8,476 646 203 71 3:36:05
Level 1 Sentry 1.1 30 18 21 17,614 0 319 99 9:40:54
Level 2 Sentry 1.8 28 17 37 17,932 0 351 119 10:33:21
Level 3 Sentry 3.6 60 22 92 46,600 0 927 141 12:48:06
Liberty Launcher 2.9 44 35% 19 57 1 457 23 8 1 10:22
Loch-n-Load 3.9 72 16% 16 105 59 32,405 1,914 307 19 7:29:29
Loose Cannon 4.9 24 38 1 153 0 4 1 6:11
Market Gardener 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 6 0 1 30:45
Minigun 11.9 147 24% 2 10 193 71,442 8,485 2,037 49 8:06:00
Mini-Sentry 3.7 83 9 176 119,904 0 6,315 68 24:04:06
Original 13.4 221 38% 23 63 950 468,980 19,127 7,218 117 35:20:49
Overdose 0.0 4 17% 1 7 0 101 77 13 1 25:09
Panic Attack Shotgun 4.4 32 66% 13 20 111 24,691 1,833 1,202 91 12:42:11
Persian Persuader 0.0 102 0 65 0 0 1 0:38
Pistol 3.2 15 20% 2 14 1,980 283,706 93,367 18,928 811 305:13:48
Player 1.6 0 30 0 0 0 25 9:20:05
Powerjack 0.5 3 0% 0 65 3 585 2,652 2 24 2:59:31
Pretty Boy's Pocket Pistol 3.6 22 21% 3 14 389 71,249 7,633 1,632 151 53:27:02
Quickiebomb Launcher 4.1 87 24% 12 52 16 10,358 804 196 5 1:58:26
Rescue Ranger 0.5 5 6% 3 50 6 2,111 373 23 20 6:06:46
Reserve Shooter 0.0 8 60% 18 30 0 91 5 3 1 10:22
Revolver 5.7 43 30% 12 42 32 7,443 580 176 25 2:49:13
Rocket 12.1 212 34% 21 63 499 262,978 11,962 4,060 66 20:37:08
Rocket Reflect 2.1 1 140 5 140 0 1 6 1:11:38
Scattergun 20.0 238 64% 15 25 14,607 5,222,768 321,185 204,040 939 364:48:18
Scorch Shot 2.7 52 9 5,281 0 0 4 1:39:41
Scotsman's Skullcutter 1.4 13 2 576 0 0 2 42:27
Scottish Handshake 0.7 5 6% 3 65 1 260 70 4 2 44:38
Scottish Resistance 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 14 0 1 51:24
Shortstop 4.6 18 2 241 0 0 1 12:57
Shotgun 7.1 61 60% 19 33 124 31,977 1,613 966 42 8:42:31
SMG 2.3 16 20% 1 8 17 3,764 2,162 429 78 3:43:19
Sniper Rifle 13.5 224 35% 41 118 72 35,808 786 274 80 2:39:44
Soda Popper 9.0 139 81% 12 14 2 925 77 62 1 6:38
Solemn Vow 0.3 1 2% 0 65 63 12,253 3,710 56 269 121:40:36
Splendid Screen 0.0 16 0 110 0 0 2 6:38
Spy-cicle 8.8 144 23% 85 374 37 18,228 110 25 14 2:05:53
Stickybomb 9.4 208 26% 14 56 568 378,700 25,730 6,661 84 30:19:09
Syringe Gun 1.6 15 12% 1 9 5 1,512 1,230 152 7 1:36:44
Tide Turner 0.6 2 41 2 307 0 2 6 1:46:21
Tomislav 19.9 231 30% 3 11 619 215,916 41,333 12,548 117 15:32:38
Ubersaw 0.5 3 4% 2 65 172 39,807 3,396 125 411 170:51:51
Unknown 0.0 3 0 153 0 0 3 45:51
Widowmaker 8.4 94 58% 13 23 438 148,193 10,974 6,335 133 26:09:20
Winger 1.1 7 20% 2 13 18 3,880 554 110 21 8:29:57
Wrangled Sentry 1.4 33 9 49 34,403 0 1,517 48 16:54:49
Wrap Assassin 0.0 12 34% 2 6 4 64,804 6,538 2,223 248 87:40:35
Wrench 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 22 0 1 1:47
Your Eternal Reward 0.0 17 0% 0 0 40 18 0 2 2:15
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played