
W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
157-140-24 52.65% 574-565-23 50.39%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Ambassador 2.6 15 29% 16 58 41 7,664 462 132 32 8:01:40
Arrow 3.6 30 3 744 0 0 2 24:43
AWPer Hand 22.6 239 35% 48 140 244 77,793 1,589 553 27 5:24:36
Axtinguisher 1.3 13 1 304 0 0 1 22:19
Bat 1.4 1 8 280 0 0 7 2:47:44
Big Earner 15.5 222 17% 6 40 420 181,028 6 1 42 13:32:15
Bleeding 1.7 0 1 0 0 0 1 17:19
Boston Basher 0.7 2 4 395 0 0 7 2:51:43
Bottle 1.8 19 1 325 0 0 2 16:21
Brass Beast 4.3 54 5 1,915 0 0 1 35:14
Conniver's Kunai 4.8 68 15 6,418 0 0 5 1:33:13
Crusader's Crossbow 1.4 15 56% 2 4 30 9,968 4,041 2,256 35 10:37:41
Degreaser 9.6 73 54 12,385 0 0 15 2:47:53
Direct Hit 2.1 33 22% 20 94 14 6,534 285 63 9 3:16:53
Environment 1.9 0 96 0 0 0 74 25:39:11
Escape Plan 0.4 2 1 195 0 0 3 1:19:40
Fists of Steel 1.8 3 1 65 0 0 1 16:36
Flare Gun 3.4 37 18 5,989 0 0 12 2:40:07
Force-a-Nature 0.0 31 54% 15 29 0 204 13 7 1 6:32
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.0 6 0 130 0 0 1 18:49
Gunslinger 1.5 7 4 611 0 0 5 1:19:28
Huntsman 0.0 22 0 459 0 0 1 20:32
Iron Bomber 12.6 167 25% 20 83 22 8,770 421 105 12 52:20
Knife 10.4 155 35% 104 300 236 106,450 46 16 38 11:23:28
Kukri 0.5 6 3 1,157 0 0 15 3:07:41
L'Etranger 2.5 12 29% 11 40 73 10,743 921 268 47 14:21:36
Level 1 Sentry 0.7 10 3 1,314 0 0 8 2:08:22
Level 2 Sentry 1.1 9 3 709 0 0 4 1:18:21
Level 3 Sentry 2.1 29 9 3,773 0 0 7 2:07:15
Market Gardener 1.1 11 9 2,730 0 0 13 4:02:28
Minigun 6.0 89 24 10,789 0 0 5 2:00:27
Mini-Sentry 1.1 24 11 7,454 0 0 18 5:05:40
Original 16.3 201 42% 30 73 245 91,060 2,918 1,226 26 7:30:58
Pistol 2.5 8 20% 3 16 146 15,181 4,602 912 94 29:06:07
Powerjack 1.5 7 4 585 0 0 4 1:22:30
Rescue Ranger 0.8 9 3 1,142 0 0 6 1:59:09
Revolver 0.9 4 26% 10 41 7 1,172 109 28 12 4:01:32
Rocket 19.0 208 42% 29 69 401 131,910 4,449 1,886 34 10:31:44
Rocket Reflect 2.7 0 10 0 0 0 5 1:51:26
Scattergun 23.2 220 58% 19 33 1,135 323,863 16,581 9,593 81 24:28:23
Shotgun 4.2 29 54% 15 28 29 5,955 386 207 13 3:24:46
SMG 1.4 6 16% 1 10 14 1,969 1,230 195 22 5:10:48
Sniper Rifle 21.9 245 36% 52 146 335 112,578 2,148 769 35 7:38:02
Spy-cicle 19.2 275 24 10,338 0 0 7 37:32
Stickybomb 12.6 122 18% 12 68 22 6,398 509 93 12 52:20
Tomislav 21.9 229 239 75,293 0 0 20 5:27:55
Ubersaw 1.2 8 21 4,563 0 0 26 8:43:48
Widowmaker 9.1 93 46% 14 30 106 32,759 2,327 1,068 24 5:49:26
Winger 1.4 5 4 432 0 0 3 1:24:45
Wrangled Sentry 2.0 18 10 2,772 0 0 8 2:29:40
Wrench 0.8 4 2 325 0 0 4 1:14:50
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played