gray fullbustnut

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
1482-1135-230 56.09% 6541-5501-810 54.05%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL Da Billage 6s Season 17 Main Sixes
RGL Dreamybull's Kitchen HL Season 17 to HL Season 18 Invite Highlander
RGL MEELO Sixes S13 to HL Season 19 Main Highlander
RGL Animan Studios BLACK HL Season 16 Main Highlander
RGL SQUID'S BATHTUB FISH FARM Sixes S12 Intermediate Sixes
RGL maxwell HL Season 15 Advanced Highlander
RGL Apple Zoo baited us Sixes S11 Amateur Sixes
RGL Train Station (JV) HL Season 14 Main Highlander
RGL Mr. Bones' Wild Ride Sixes S10 Intermediate Sixes
RGL AK Apes Sixes S9 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Bikini Bottom Brawlers Sixes S8 Main Sixes
RGL GOLIRAS Sixes S8 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Macca's Realm Sixes S7 Intermediate Sixes
RGL BING CHILLING Prolander Cup #7 Main Prolander
RGL Litterbox Prolander Cup #7 Intermediate - B Prolander
RGL balls HL Season 10 Main Highlander
RGL Man I Love Frogs HL Season 10 Main Highlander
RGL domado Sixes S7 Intermediate Sixes
RGL 6's Expedition Team HL Season 9 Amateur Highlander
RGL gumf gumf Sixes S6 Amateur Sixes
RGL HABOOBUS Sixes Exp #2 Div-6 Sixes
RGL Cleanup Crew Sixes S6 Newcomer Sixes
RGL pngwins Sixes S6 Amateur Sixes