karol mamo

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
810-1152-128 41.82% 4462-5680-194 44.11%


Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played
Air Strike 2.6 33 18% 10 56 155 58,536 1,525 269 79 29:19:48
Ambassador 2.4 19 28% 7 28 9 2,214 32 9 12 1:54:22
Arrow 8.7 121 177 106 44,568 0 47 66 6:05:46
AWPer Hand 10.0 125 43 16,184 23 2:08:33
Axtinguisher 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 2 0 1 0:26
Baby Face's Blaster 4.2 76 3 1,617 1 21:16
Backburner 9.3 74 0% 0 16 3,848 188 0 5 51:31
Bat Outta Hell 0.7 6 4% 2 65 2 585 24 1 4 1:28:57
Bazaar Bargain 11.6 112 22% 18 82 38 11,066 27 6 18 1:38:17
Beggar's Bazooka 0.5 4 5% 3 69 2 494 55 3 4 1:50:06
Big Earner 8.9 132 22% 54 245 26 11,600 54 12 16 1:27:41
Black Box 4.1 47 29% 15 53 61 21,102 24 7 19 7:21:12
Bleeding 1.7 0 5 0 0 0 5 1:28:06
Blutsauger 0.2 10 17% 1 10 1 1,722 289 50 7 2:39:04
Boston Basher 0.4 4 6% 0 9 8 2,513 618 37 33 9:52:16
Bottle 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 26 0 2 31:37
Brass Beast 0.0 57 0 387 2 6:46
Claidheamohmor 3.1 13 3 394 1 29:14
Conniver's Kunai 10.5 157 1 450 1 2:51
Conscientious Objector 1.6 6 25% 16 65 8 1,022 4 1 8 2:28:25
Cow Mangler 5000 10.2 110 80% 32 40 53 17,241 25 20 8 2:36:33
Crusader's Crossbow 0.8 12 27% 3 12 543 250,849 15,889 4,219 821 324:05:54
Degreaser 9.5 106 21% 1 5 123 41,480 3,596 766 85 6:29:48
Detonator 1.1 17 100% 6 6 3 1,416 51 51 11 1:22:50
Diamondback 6.2 36 2 348 3 9:39
Direct Hit 3.7 46 15% 15 102 320 120,701 1,758 259 120 43:22:36
Disciplinary Action 0.3 3 0% 0 49 4 1,161 1,738 2 19 6:23:30
Environment 2.1 0 537 0 0 0 378 129:10:26
Escape Plan 0.5 2 2% 1 65 55 8,775 1,208 23 129 50:02:57
Family Business 2.4 28 50% 18 37 7 2,520 14 7 9 1:27:50
Fists of Steel 1.5 9 0% 0 65 6 1,170 268 1 6 1:58:20
Flamethrower 7.2 95 14% 0 6 23 9,148 4,435 616 27 1:36:10
Flare Gun 3.4 28 0% 0 11 2,775 8 0 20 1:37:05
Flying Guillotine 0.0 20 0 292 1 14:24
Force-a-Nature 2.8 33 14% 8 59 31 11,389 21 3 20 5:37:05
Freedom Staff 0.0 1 0 35 1 27:27
Frontier Justice 2.3 26 11 3,866 7 2:26:06
Frying Pan 0.7 5 1% 0 41 15 3,778 760 5 38 11:20:13
Gloves of Running Urgently 0.8 5 1% 0 65 6 1,170 88 1 20 3:42:40
Grenade 2.3 27 29% 19 66 26 9,699 68 20 17 5:46:35
Grenade Reflect 2.6 7 47 3 261 0 3 6 34:09
Gunslinger 0.4 4 1 325 4 1:17:53
Half-Zatoichi 1.6 16 5 1,545 5 1:32:00
Holiday Punch 6.4 27 1 130 1 4:41
Holy Mackerel 3.7 26 3% 1 35 8 1,762 728 23 4 1:05:42
Hot Hand 0.0 0 0% 0 0 0 5 0 1 0:57
Huntsman 0.0 0 2% 0 4 0 20 244 5 24 1:19:14
Huo Long Heatmaker 4.1 58 12% 1 8 5 2,124 162 19 5 36:17
Iron Bomber 7.4 100 31% 22 72 860 349,305 2,760 856 181 57:53:29
Jag 0.5 4 0% 0 1 294 192 0 6 1:03:24
Kamikaze 8.7 0 1 0 0 0 1 3:28
Knife 9.6 139 43 18,748 20 2:14:50
L'Etranger 3.5 34 1 293 3 8:32
Level 1 Sentry 0.9 18 17 5 2,968 0 46 12 2:43:14
Level 2 Sentry 1.7 15 18 3 819 0 1 6 51:48
Level 3 Sentry 2.5 24 8 2,342 9 1:36:56
Liberty Launcher 2.5 30 7 2,531 4 1:23:41
Loch-n-Load 3.8 52 15% 14 97 84 35,185 249 37 29 11:11:45
Loose Cannon 0.8 27 47% 20 42 17 18,074 53 25 28 10:47:03
Loose Cannon Impact 2.6 0 13 0 6 2:28:12
Market Gardener 1.6 14 7% 8 130 30 8,320 30 2 24 9:38:03
Minigun 5.2 81 14% 1 12 62 28,930 131 18 31 5:56:51
Mini-Sentry 2.7 35 25 9,702 16 4:34:30
Original 12.4 169 26% 17 65 1,676 686,682 6,963 1,833 211 67:21:18
Overdose 1.3 12 13% 1 9 16 4,701 1,209 158 16 6:04:06
Pain Train 0.0 5 0 65 1 11:07
Panic Attack Shotgun 0.4 5 0% 0 1 397 1 0 3 1:17:13
Phlogistinator 3.3 14 4 535 3 36:49
Pistol 1.5 7 15% 2 14 69 9,884 1,228 182 81 22:53:24
Player 7.6 0 74 0 0 0 17 4:53:57
Pomson 6000 0.0 2 0 70 1 24:37
Powerjack 0.8 2 0% 0 65 2 195 296 1 15 1:13:38
Prinny Machete 1.0 8 3% 3 105 50 13,278 920 28 106 24:47:32
Quickiebomb Launcher 2.3 51 23% 13 58 49 32,690 282 64 31 10:39:50
Rescue Ranger 0.0 5 0 463 4 1:19:01
Revolver 3.6 21 29% 9 33 19 3,384 146 43 24 2:40:17
Righteous Bison 0.0 4 0 98 0 0 1 24:14
Rocket 12.6 168 27% 17 66 2,723 1,094,165 11,598 3,108 331 108:15:34
Rocket Reflect 1.5 17 94 10 3,493 0 16 24 3:19:17
Sandman 1.5 3 2 155 2 38:51
Scattergun 11.2 128 61% 15 26 623 215,105 4,322 2,615 112 27:49:08
Scorch Shot 2.4 40 75% 5 7 5 2,458 8 6 13 1:01:24
Shortstop 1.1 21 7 4,149 10 3:10:23
Shotgun 7.0 40 53% 17 32 290 49,833 503 268 98 20:42:18
Shovel 1.4 2 11% 7 65 3 195 18 2 3 1:06:37
Skewer 1.2 18 1 450 1 24:31
SMG 2.2 16 20% 1 9 37 8,252 870 174 96 8:17:24
Sniper Rifle 14.2 162 35% 41 118 274 93,935 536 187 109 9:39:01
Spinal Tap 1.1 11 3 900 0 0 3 1:18:27
Spy-cicle 11.1 153 10% 30 300 35 14,534 108 11 23 1:34:48
Stickybomb 6.3 93 14% 8 61 698 309,971 5,700 826 171 55:22:12
Syringe Gun 0.9 15 22% 2 10 3 1,501 423 93 5 1:35:11
Tide Turner 0.0 2 0 321 5 1:51:59
Tomislav 10.6 157 23% 2 10 212 94,994 2,507 567 67 10:01:40
Ubersaw 0.7 6 16% 10 65 273 73,138 1,252 198 474 190:12:58
Ullapool Caber 0.7 9 17% 10 60 16 6,510 178 31 30 11:11:31
Widowmaker 3.8 43 45% 18 40 38 13,138 29 13 27 4:58:54
Winger 0.8 4 12% 2 17 10 1,704 106 13 23 6:29:19
Wrangled Sentry 0.0 1 0 165 4 1:24:27
Wrap Assassin 0.2 11 14% 0 6 1 2,186 563 81 9 3:13:17
Your Eternal Reward 1.2 18 1 450 1 24:00
Weapon K/30 D/M Acc D/S D/H Kills Damage Shots Hits Logs Time played