gay dog

W-L-T Winrate Round W-L-T Round Winrate
279-366-32 43.57% 967-1236-8 43.92%


Descending Ascending
League Team Competitions Division Format Rostered From Rostered To
RGL Socialism is Twigs' Dream HL Season 5 Main Highlander
RGL Portland Burnsiders Sixes S2 Intermediate Sixes
RGL gamingdad's children Sixes S2 Intermediate Sixes
RGL i guess this is happening Sixes Exp #1 Div-4 of 6 Sixes
RGL Hi-Chew Crew Sixes S1 Main Sixes
RGL Vegetable Theory *dead* Sixes S1 Intermediate Sixes
RGL Bad Daddy's Burger Bar Sixes S1 Amateur Sixes
RGL Time Warp Trio Trio HL Season 3 Intermediate Highlander
RGL Ignore Comms, Go Deep HL Season 2 Amateur Highlander
RGL Envision Crew P7 Season 2 to P7 Season 4 Main Prolander